• Lovage in Russian. Lovage officinalis from tops to roots. Help with respiratory diseases

    Hello curious readers! Probably every gardener has heard of lovage. And not only a gardener ... But, for sure, not everyone knows about many useful properties ah plants and, accordingly, about its application. Do you know what lovage looks like and how to grow it? And what is its use for the garden?

    So that you have no doubts about the need to grow this beautiful plant, today I decided to talk about it. Lovage grass is used both in cooking and for medicinal purposes, but it also has some contraindications. All this later in the article.

    What does lovage grass look like and where does it grow?

    Lovage is a plant that belongs to perennials. This herb is similar to celery, which is not surprising, because they are members of the same family - celery. Lovage also has a specific aroma and taste, like celery, only it is much bitterer. Some consider the smell too specific, but, as they say, the taste and color ...

    And here is the description of the plant itself:

    • The stem is tubular and round. Branching begins only at the top. It can reach a height of approximately two meters.
    • root system very powerful. Lovage root is massive and spindle-shaped. They have a specific smell.
    • Leaves shiny plants. They have a serrated wedge shape.
    • The flowers are small and bloom in all shades. yellow color from the beginning of June to the end of August.

    The plant propagates by seeds or division of the bush. If you want to propagate the plant in the second way, then this is best done in spring or autumn. At this time of the year, lovage takes root better.

    Interesting facts about the growth of lovage grass
    The exact homeland of this plant is not known, as it can be found everywhere. But it is generally accepted that lovage originated from Iran and Afghanistan. There are mountain and cultivated plant species. Mountain prefers moist soils located in the lowlands, tolerates shade well. A cultivated species can grow on any soil, the main thing is that the chosen place is sunny.

    Lovage harvesting

    The whole plant can be used as food.
    If you want to prepare the roots, then it is best to do this in the fall. They should be dug up, washed, crushed, then dried and sent for storage in a tightly packed container.

    To harvest leaves and stems, cut the leaves and stems, wash and dry them slightly from moisture. The leaves can then be frozen or dried completely. Dried lovage is stored in a glass container.

    Medical and culinary significance

    The beneficial properties of lovage have been known for a long time. Even in the old days, it was believed that lovage juice or decoction returns lost strength to men, and to women - attractiveness lost over the years.

    How useful is lovage from a medical point of view?

    In medicine, lovage is an excellent anti-inflammatory and prophylactic agent. The juice contained in the plant can not only heal minor cuts, but also heal deep festering wounds. Lovage is used for the manufacture of various pharmacological and cosmetic products.

    A decoction of the roots is a good prophylactic of infectious diseases. It is used for constipation and urinary problems. Lovage treats brittle hair and hair loss.

    If you suffer from heart disease, insomnia, experienced stress, then a decoction of lovage will help you recover and support your body.

    Lovage in cooking

    Lovage, the use of which is extensive, is also used in cooking. This is a wonderful condiment. Leaves and shoots give dishes a wonderful aroma and a slightly mustard-island flavor. The aerial part can be added to soups, broths. If in fresh decide to use it, then you can still season meat with it or add it to salads. Lovage roots can be used in the preparation of sauces and dressings for meat or vegetable dishes. Lovage is also good because it stimulates digestion.

    If you're rolling tomatoes or cucumbers, add a couple of sprigs to each jar to make your pickles more flavorful and flavorful.

    Contraindications in the use of lovage

    Despite the fact that the plant is used both in medicine and in cooking, lovage still has contraindications.

    Lovage is forbidden to be consumed during pregnancy, both as food and as a medicine. It causes a large blood flow to the pelvic area, which is very dangerous for the baby.

    How to grow lovage and what is its use for the garden?

    This plant can be grown in any soil. It does not interfere with other plants, as it is, in fact, a spicy vegetable crop. Moreover, growing next to cultivated plants, lovage improves their health and taste.

    Blooming lovage brings great benefits to the garden. The nectar and scent of its flowers attracts beneficial insects that will help protect your garden and yard from pests. It also attracts bees, which is also good for the garden.

    If you grow lovage from seeds, then you can sow them both in spring (mid-April) and under snow (late October - early November). The distance between rows should be at least 50 centimeters, as the plant needs space to grow.

    Caring for a bed with lovage consists in weeding from weeds and top dressing with slurry (dosage: 1 kilogram of manure per 10 liters of water).

    Well, that's all I wanted to say about it. interesting plant. Where lovage grows and how to care for it - you already know. Knowing about the beneficial properties of lovage for you and your garden, it’s a sin not to plant it on the site.

    Grow lovage grass, eat soups and salads with it and be healthy!

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    doctor of agricultural sciences, professor vegetable growing RGAU-MSHA named after K.A. Timiryazev

    Latin name lovage officinalis (Levisticum officinale Koch.) comes from the word ligusticum- "Ligurian", named after Liguria, one of the regions of Italy where this plant is abundantly found. The homeland of the plant is Southern Europe.

    It has been known as a medicinal plant since ancient times. The Greeks and Romans used crushed seeds or their decoction to improve digestion. In Europe, lovage has been mentioned in herbalists since the 9th century. It was used for almost all diseases - from heart disease to impotence. In England, tonic drinks were prepared from it, and from the roots something in between candied fruit and jam, but mainly for medicinal purposes. Rhizomes and roots of lovage are included in the European Pharmacopoeia, where it is recommended as a carminative, appetizing and diuretic. Content essential oil should be at least 4 ml/kg of raw materials in fresh roots.

    In the past, lovage was known as a strong aphrodisiac. It is believed that if you put a lovage leaf in food for a man, then he is forever yours. There is a certain reason for this - pharmacological scientists have proven that its leaves contain a substance similar to the male hormone testosterone with the corresponding action. In an experiment on guppies, an androgenic effect of lovage was noted.

    So M.V. Rytov wrote about this plant: “It is most preferred by the common people, as a root for a love drink, from which guys love girls. Other uses of the dawn root by the people are completely unfounded. Popular names: garden dawn, piper, perennial celery.

    Lovage is a perennial herbaceous plant from the Umbelliferae family, up to 2 m tall, with a branched and fleshy root. The leaves are shiny pinnate and double-pinnate, the upper ones are trifoliate. The inflorescence is a complex umbrella with 9-20 rays, the flowers are small, yellow. From flowering to fruit ripening takes about 40 days. The fruit is a two-seed. Weight of 1000 seeds is 2.5-4.0 g. Germination lasts 5-6 years if stored at +10-16°C and 2-3 years at room temperature. The whole plant has a strong smell, vaguely reminiscent of the aroma of celery.

    Growing:- a cold-resistant plant that is not afraid of frost and winters well in the Non-chernozem zone. Seeds germinate at a temperature of + 3-4 o C. But in order for seedlings to appear quickly and amicably, a temperature of + 20-22 o C and a sufficient amount of moisture in the soil are necessary. Seedlings withstand frosts of -5-7 o C, and plants of the second and subsequent years of life begin to grow very early, in late April - early May. For planting lovage, it is preferable to choose a sunny place with a deep soil horizon, groundwater of at least 1 m and loose and nutritious soil. When planted in the shade, the plants grow well, but they are less fragrant. With close standing groundwater and high acidity of the soil, they are affected by root rot. In dense soil, the roots grow slowly and are clumsy. For all its dislike of waterlogging, this plant is demanding on the presence of a sufficient amount of water during a period of intensive growth. In this case, a large crop of above-ground mass is obtained, while the leaves are tender, juicy and fragrant. During the period of drought without watering, the leaves become smaller, become stiff, quickly turn yellow and the plant goes dormant until the next spring. Although with a long autumn, re-growth of leaves may occur. Especially if the drought happened in the first half of the summer and the plants bloomed and fruited at an accelerated pace.

    In one place, lovage can grow for more than 10 years, but it is still better to replace plants with younger ones once every 5-7 years.

    Seeding can be done as in early spring, and before winter, seeds pre-soaked and dried to a free-flowing state. It should be remembered that lovage is a powerful plant, and therefore the distance between rows should be at least 70 cm, and it is better to thin out seedlings, leaving 1 plant every 15 cm to start. Leave them next year after one, and leave them after another year 60 cm apart. Such a peculiar scheme will make it possible to obtain small roots in the first year, and quite significant roots for medicinal purposes in the second year.

    After germination, care is the most common - loosening, weeding and watering is desirable. With sufficient moisture, the lovage develops much faster, and it will be possible to cut the greens in the first year after a couple of months. With gratitude, the lovage will accept fertilizing with diluted mullein or complex fertilizers.

    If there is space in the greenhouse or on the windowsill, you can sow seedlings. To do this, soak the seeds in the Epina-Extra solution, as indicated on the package for dill or parsley, for about 6 hours. Then rinse with water and sow 3-4 things in a peat pot. After the emergence of seedlings, leave one of the strongest plants and put them on a light and not very warm window sill. Seedling care is the most common - watering and fertilizing with complex fertilizers.

    Seedlings are planted in the ground in mid-May after preliminary hardening and, in case of severe frosts, they are covered with Agril or Spunbond. The preferred age of seedlings is 45-50 days.

    Lovage is little affected by diseases and pests. On this culture, you can find septoria, which manifests itself in the form of yellow or light brown spots with a reddish-brown border, up to 10 mm in diameter.

    Of the pests, perhaps only the carrot fly and aphids, which settle on the testes, are dangerous. A sign of the appearance of a carrot fly is the appearance of a purple hue on the leaves and their further yellowing. Naturally, damaged roots rot and become unsuitable as medicinal raw materials. The main method of struggle is planting plants each time in a new place and placing them in close proximity to onion plants. Pesticides should not be used on lovage.

    Varieties: Cupid, Hercules, Don Juan, Leader, Preobrazhensky Semko.

    Raw material: For gastronomic purposes, leaves can be collected from plants of any age and all season. But the roots are preferably used up to 5 years of age. Old roots become clumsy, rot and are difficult to wash off.

    The underground part is cut into pieces of 3-4 cm, washed and dried at a temperature not exceeding +35 ° C, otherwise most of the essential oil will evaporate, and the aroma will greatly weaken. Dry roots are ground into powder and stored in well-sealed jars, adding as needed to their culinary delights. The leaves are simply dried in the shade with not too much high temperature otherwise they will lose their sweetness.

    This is a favorite spice of Ukrainian and German cuisines. Lovage is added to meat dishes from beef and lamb, to meat broths, to vegetable dishes, to marinades, fresh leaves are added to spring salads. In Czechoslovakia, fragrant green oil is prepared with leaves. Dry, powdered leaves are rubbed with butter and salt.

    A sandwich with brown bread, butter, salt and fresh lovage leaves on top will be just wonderful.

    For the winter, I recommend preparing a seasoning for fish from equal parts of dried herbs of savory, yarrow and lovage. Or you can take 2 parts of lovage and cilantro leaves, 1 part of basil, mint and parsley. Grind everything, mix thoroughly and put in well-closing jars. And in winter you can enjoy the aromas of summer.

    Salt flavored with lovage is very tasty. To prepare it, take the seeds, grind them into powder in a coffee grinder and immediately mix with fine salt in a 1: 1 ratio. Salt retains the essential oil well and in this form, in a closed jar, the aroma remains for quite a long time. This salt is added to meat and vegetable dishes.

    When adding lovage to radish, cucumber, tomato, sweet pepper salads, only a few leaves are needed - after all, the plants are very fragrant and too intense taste can only spoil the dish.

    Chemical composition: The roots contain furocoumarins (psoralen, bergapten), which have a photosensitizing effect, lecithin (0.9%), falcarindiol (0.06%), resin, gum, starch, organic acids, 0.6-2% essential oil (up to 98 components , including butylphthalide, ligustilide, which is the main carrier of a characteristic odor, terpenes - α-terpineol, carvacrol, sesquiterpenes, isovaleric acid).

    Greens contain up to 119 mg ascorbic acid and 5 mg% carotene, bitterness. Like almost all green vegetables, lovage contains rutin, which has P-vitamin activity and strengthens the walls of blood vessels. The leaves contain a whole list of trace elements. In addition, they contain up to 1.3% essential oil, and in seeds its content can reach 2.5%.

    Application: The essential oil contained in the plant causes increased diuresis. In addition, a decoction of the roots has a weak antispasmodic effect. It is used for chronic inflammatory processes in the kidneys and urinary tract. Its use in the treatment of urinary tract infections and in the presence of sand in the urine is approved by the German Commission E. A tincture of the roots in alcohol or vodka works most effectively as a strong diuretic and tonic.

    A decoction of the roots is recommended for sexual weakness resulting from the abuse of smoking, alcohol, medicines. In addition, lovage is used for damage to the testicles as a result of infectious diseases - mumps, taxoplasmosis, brucellosis, tularemia.

    root decoction: 15 g of crushed raw materials pour 0.6 liters of boiling water, boil for 30 minutes under a lid in enamelware, insist until cool, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times daily before meals.

    raw root tincture: Take 1 part fresh roots and 3 parts 60-95% alcohol. Insist 2 weeks. Take 1 tablespoon, diluted with a small amount of water 3 times a day before meals. It is better not to swallow the tincture immediately, but so that a part is absorbed through the mucous membrane in the mouth.

    A tincture of the roots in alcohol or vodka acts most effectively as a strong diuretic and tonic.

    raw root keeps well in the refrigerator. Therefore, as a general tonic, 3-5 g of raw measles can be chewed and eaten in the morning on an empty stomach. By the way, this remedy eliminates bad smell from mouth.

    Rhizomes with roots are used to treat alcoholism. In folk medicine, it is used in combination with bay leaf to develop a persistent emetic reaction to alcohol.

    The recipe for its use is given in a serious monograph by V.P. Nuzhny, V.V. Rozhants, A.P. Efremov. " medicinal plants and phytocompositions in narcology”: 100 g of fresh roots are finely cut, pour 1 liter of vodka, add 10 g of bay leaf, leave for 3 days. Drink 1 glass 1 time per day. An hour later, vomiting begins, and the patient is offered to sniff or drink a small amount of alcohol. Lovage is contraindicated in acute glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis and pregnancy.

    The cosmetic effect of lovage is similar to that of parsley. It is used for whitening and to combat pustular skin problems.

    With freckles: Take a teaspoon of powdered roots and leaves of lovage, pour 0.25 liters of cold water, soak for 1 hour, then boil for 10 minutes, cool, strain. With the resulting decoction, wipe freckles and age spots 2 times a day for 2 weeks before the onset of sunny days.

    Everyone knows, but many hear about lovage for the first time. Indeed, what kind of animal is this - lovage? And what is that name? What kind of stock offer us to love? But it was from him in the old days that naive girls prepared a love broth for young men, it was his dried flowers that stupid wives sewed into their husbands' clothes, "so as not to be taken away." Meet lovage - a herb from the Umbelliferae family, which is famous not only for its love properties.

    About the composition

    This perennial herbaceous plant in the genus has only one form, which is called medicinal lovage. But the names of this one form of grass are innumerable: we love, love potion, lyubchik, libistik, dawn. It is obvious that most word forms have one common root and it is invariably associated with love.

    Now science has determined that lovage is an excellent aphrodisiac, but such words were not known in the old days. But well studied in practice the effect of the use of the plant. Not only potency and powerful libido became a reward for those who ate the root or leaves of the grass. Excellent health distinguished lovage eaters.

    Science has studied the composition of the herb and found that all parts of the plant contain essential oil, which can reach as much as 3% in its individual organs. The roots contain a large amount of resins, organic acids, sugar, tannins and minerals. The leaves are enriched.

    The specific composition determines the therapeutic effect of the use of herbs. It is not necessary for everyone to know what sesquiterpene is, but such a characteristic as “fragrantness” is already clearer. So it is with the healing properties of lovage. Let's discuss them first, not what causes them.

    Useful properties of lovage

    Lovage has multiple useful properties - both culinary, and medicinal, and aromatic. Its influence on the human body is multifactorial. Grass is able to replace more than a dozen highly specialized doctors. But doctors (that is, official medicine) do not support its unique healing qualities. But traditional medicine traditionally sings laudatory odes. The truth is probably somewhere in between, but it is impossible to take away from the grass what has been confirmed by centuries of experience.

    Lovage, the benefits and harms of which are not so often discussed due to the low popularity of the plant, has the following effect on the body (complex):

    • diuretic and laxative,
    • painkiller,
    • sedative,
    • expectorant,
    • anti-inflammatory,
    • anthelmintic.

    Accordingly, the range of indications for use is wide and immense.

    Lovage - use in diseases

    Bad appetite? The plant has exciting qualities and whets the appetite, at the same time contributing to the good absorption of nutrients and the evacuation of all that is superfluous.

    A natural healer will also cope with sexual dysfunctions. Actually, for this reason he gained fame. You can safely add raw leaves to the salad. The taste of the grass is reminiscent - it first envelops with its sweetish aftertaste, which is gradually enriched with sharp and spicy notes. A rush of blood to the genitals will be provided. The use of lovage will favorably affect the functioning of the reproductive system (male and female), and also facilitate the flow menstrual cycle.

    Urination delays, swelling of various etiologies - taking the herb will improve the condition and remove excess water. Inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system and other infections are also indications for use.

    Pulmonary diseases are a separate area of ​​\u200b\u200bwork for the plant. Its expectorant and anti-inflammatory properties will come in handy.

    It's one thing to know what the cure is for. Another is to be informed about how to use it and what contraindications there are.

    How do we use lovage and when is it not necessary to do this?

    lovage, medicinal properties which - a fact - is fully exploited. Its roots, leaves and even seeds are used by herbalists for therapeutic purposes. Anthelmintic properties, for example, are more possessed by the stem part, steaming in a bathhouse means leaves, and it is best to calm stomach colic with a decoction of the rhizome.

    To prepare the infusion, a teaspoon of crushed dry roots is taken inside and poured with a glass of boiling water. It insists for half an hour. Taken in a tablespoon three times a day. Herbalists do not recommend boiling the roots - a significant part of useful essential oils is lost.

    leaf decoction prepared according to the same scheme: for a tablespoon of dry mixture - a glass of boiling water. Use three times a day for 1 tbsp. l.

    Recipe for insomnia: for 10 g of rhizome - 250 ml of cool boiled water. Infuse for at least 4 hours, then strain. Take half a glass twice a day.

    Do not want to be puzzled by the preparation of decoctions and infusions? Lovage can be consumed in any form - raw, fried, boiled, stewed. It is an excellent seasoning for any dish due to its spicy and spicy taste. It goes well with meat, vegetables, while canning it will add a mushroom flavor. Of course, during heat treatment, a significant part of the useful components will depreciate.

    The culinary abilities of the herb are a different story. On its basis, not only salads are prepared, but full-fledged soups and even cutlets. And yet, first of all, it is a spice. So we use it as an accompaniment.

    Lovage - useful properties and contraindications

    It is worth noting that one of its useful properties causes some contraindications. Blood flow to the reproductive organs is highly undesirable during pregnancy, heavy menstruation, hemorrhoids.

    You should also know that just before flowering, the lovage root becomes poisonous. If you prefer to harvest the plant yourself, dig up the root late autumn. There are no other contraindications and warnings when using and for harvesting grass.

    Lovage in cosmetology

    Lovage also has cosmetic properties. It takes excellent care of the skin and hair. Acne, seborrhea, hair loss - a folk healer will cope with many cosmetic defects.

    Lotions from the infusion of grass (made from rhizomes according to the above scheme) in the future will help get rid of freckles. Rubbing fresh juice solves the problem of baldness and excessive hair loss.

    The essential oil of the herb is used by perfumers to create fragrant compositions. It is worth rubbing a leaf of grass in your hands a little - and a steady gentle smell will remain on your palms.

    Summing up, I would like to note not only a wide range of medicinal, culinary and cosmetic properties. Diseases of the body are a reflection of the state of the soul. Strengthen self-confidence, protect from bad thoughts, the negative influence of the outside world - and the grass will help to cope with this with the proper approach. That is why when preparing any infusion, a decoction of lovage, the main thing is to charge the medicine with good thoughts and good aspirations. This will increase the utility factor by at least 100%, especially since no one has canceled the placebo effect.

    The plant is quite easily cultivated in a garden or vegetable garden, and therefore is often found in areas unusual for its natural distribution.

    Where does it grow

    Lovage is a native of Iran and Afghanistan. Widely distributed in the south of the European continent. It is grown in America, Russia, on other continents, as a spice. In some countries, the plant is included in the state pharmacopoeias, and therefore is cultivated on plantations as a medicinal plant material. Also cultural cultivation on a large scale is carried out to obtain valuable lovage essential oil.

    Lovage is not very demanding on the composition and quality of the soil, unlike weather conditions. The plant loves warmth, sufficient soil moisture. Grows well in pots open ground. Rarely goes wild.

    What does it look like

    Lovage has a salty taste of leaves and roots. All parts of the plant exude a perceptible odor similar to that of celery. The grass is frost-resistant, therefore the people often call it winter celery.

    • root system. It is represented by a thick rhizome, from which long cord-like roots extend. The surface of the roots is brownish. Smell is spicy.
    • Stem. In lovage, it is upright, thick, hollow inside. The upper part is branched. There may be a bluish wax coating on the surface. The structure is furrowed. Reaches 2 m long.
    • Leaves. Painted in rich dark green color, the surface is smooth and shiny. They are arranged in sequence. Morphology differs depending on the location on the plant. The lower leaves have a long petiole, they are pinnately dissected into several obovate or broadly triangular lobes. The middle leaves are smaller, sitting on petioles of medium length. The upper leaves have an expanded sheath, are attached to the stem without a petiole.
    • flowers. Small, have a whitish-green, or yellow-green color. Double perianths have many stipules. Lovage flowers form umbellate inflorescences located at the top of stems or branches. The plant blooms from June to August.
    • Fruit. Vistoloplodniki, ripening, break up into two semi-fruits. The shape is oval, flattening is observed along the back, the ribs are winged. Fruit ripening time - September.

    Lovage seeds have long been used for medicinal purposes, namely to improve the functioning of the digestive tract. Now they are used to obtain essential oils.

    Procurement rules

    The roots of the lovage are poisonous until the first flowering of the plant, so they are slow to collect them until the second year of the development of the culture. In the first year, you can use the leaves as a seasoning. Raw materials require compliance with several rules when harvesting.

    • When. Harvesting begins in the second year of development, at the end of September.
    • The plant itself. It is dug up, the aerial part is cut off for harvesting leaves and seeds. The rhizomes are washed under running cold water, too thick roots are cut into pieces. Pieces of the rhizome are strung on a thick strong thread, hung to dry in a shaded place or laid out on a dryer tray for drying at 35 ° C.
    • Other parts of it. Leaves and seeds are also dried in the shade, spreading them in a thin layer on a paper or fabric pallet.

    Harvesting lovage is only half the battle - it is equally important to preserve the raw material until the moment of use. All parts must be stored separately from other raw materials due to the strong specific odor. Rhizomes are very fond of barn pests, so they are stored in hermetically sealed glass containers. Before packing the rhizomes, it is necessary to make sure that they are completely dry, otherwise the medicinal plant material will rot.


    The chemical composition of grass is striking in its breadth. The main substance contained in the roots and leaves is an essential oil, consisting of 98 volatile components. The specific smell that distinguishes lovage from celery is due to high concentrations of ligustilide. Rooted rhizomes contain:

    • resins;
    • gums;
    • starchy substances;
    • Sahara;
    • terpenes (antiseptics and anti-inflammatory);
    • tannins;
    • furocoumarins (bergapten and psoralen are photosensitizers);
    • angelic and malic organic acids;
    • mineral salts.

    Lovage leaves are also considered a storehouse useful substances. In addition to the essential oil, they contain a huge amount of ascorbic acid, the flavonoid rutin, bitterness, and most known to the world vitamins and minerals. Lovage also contains androgen-like substances, which have become the basis for beliefs about the bewitching properties of grass.

    Useful properties of lovage

    Historical evidence indicates that lovage was used by healers to improve the excretion of bile and urine. Modern studies of the essential oil of this plant have shown that the raw material has a wide range of effects on the body:

    • improves the secretion of digestive juices;
    • helps to reduce gas formation in the intestines;
    • eliminates internal inflammation;
    • fights dysbacteriosis;
    • stimulates appetite;
    • relieves intestinal spasms;
    • improves blood circulation in the pelvis;
    • eliminates stagnation of lymph and edema;
    • relieves inflammation of the urinary tract;
    • has sedative properties;
    • regulates the process of hematopoiesis;
    • promotes liquefaction of bronchopulmonary secretion;
    • eliminates shortness of breath;
    • builds potency.

    Indications for the use of lovage are also surprising in their diversity.

    • For the kidneys. The benefits of lovage are anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, diuretic properties. The herb is used for urolithiasis, sand in the kidneys, with cystitis, urethritis, renal failure.
    • For the gastrointestinal tract. Lovage preparations are effective for anorexia, hypoacid gastritis, slowing down of intestinal motility, dysbacteriosis, flatulence, dyspepsia.
    • For heart. The plant is useful in diseases such as: angina pectoris, atherosclerosis, heart pain of unknown origin.
    • For lungs. Lovage essential oil has a positive effect on the condition of the lungs with bronchitis, pneumonia, and shortness of breath. It is used for hoarseness, tracheitis, barking cough.
    • For joints. The use of lovage herb, due to its cleansing properties, is appropriate for gout and rheumatism.
    • For men . The plant eliminates potency disorders caused by alcohol abuse, smoking. Prevents complications of infectious diseases affecting the male genital area.
    • For women . The ability of lovage to remove excess fluid from the body is actively used for weight loss. The plant will be useful for women suffering from regular delays in menstruation or with painful periods.
    • In cosmetology. Lovage or preparations from it has a disinfecting effect on the skin. Eliminates acne, pustular, allergic rash. Whitens age spots, freckles. The plant is used for healing baths for dermatoses accompanied by itching. At home, a lovage decoction is used for hair (to accelerate their growth, stop hair loss).

    How to use the power of a plant: healing recipes ...

    Recipes from pure lovage are used in folk medicine. And in the creation of dietary supplements and teas, grass is used together with other plants.

    When using lovage preparations inside, you should be prepared for frequent trips to the toilet, since the diuretic effect is manifested when the plant is used in any form and dose. Such by-effect speaks of the potential harm of lovage in the presence of large stones in the kidneys. Lovage contraindications - the period of pregnancy, as the plant can provoke an increase in the tone of the uterus.

    Infusion for external use

    Peculiarities. Used for eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis. A small amount of lovage infusion is added along with chamomile and string to a child's bath. To eliminate age spots and freckles, as well as various rashes, wipe the skin with a clean infusion. They can also clean wounds.

    Preparation and application

    1. Four tablespoons of crushed root pour 2 liters of boiling water.
    2. The container is wrapped and left to infuse for half an hour.
    3. The prepared product is filtered, applied externally or added to the bath.


    Peculiarities. Used as an expectorant, diuretic anti-inflammatory agent. Used to treat disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, for potency, regulation of the menstrual cycle, elimination of dysmenorrhea.

    Preparation and application

    1. Two tablespoons of crushed lovage root are poured into four glasses of cold water.
    2. It is important to brew lovage correctly: bring the mixture to a boil over low heat, reduce the heat to a minimum and simmer for ten minutes.
    3. Infuse the decoction for an hour, after which it is filtered.
    4. Take a tablespoon four times a day, half an hour before meals.

    Remedy for alcohol addiction

    Peculiarities. It is required to prepare a tincture of lovage on vodka, and then give the alcoholic one glass to drink. The desire to drink alcohol after this procedure, according to beliefs, should disappear.

    Preparation and application

    1. 50 g of crushed lovage root and two bay leaves are placed in a bottle.
    2. Pour a mixture of 250 ml of pure vodka.
    3. Insist in a dark place for two weeks, after which the tincture is carefully removed from the sediment.

    According to reviews, lovage treatment for alcoholism is most effective if the alcoholic has a desire to get rid of addiction.

    … and role in cooking

    Lovage is known in cooking as a spicy seasoning with a characteristic spicy aroma. To enrich the taste of dishes, fresh and dried leaves, seeds, as well as powder prepared from the root are used. The best thing taste qualities lovage reveals rosemary, thyme and parsley.

    • Leaves. Fresh and dried lovage leaves improve the quality of marinades and pickles, give interesting notes to preservation. An ordinary vegetable salad with them becomes a spicy dish.
    • Roots. Root powder is sprinkled on meat and fish dishes, added to sauces and gravies. Small quantities are also used in soups.

    The medicinal properties of lovage are very wide. Enrichment of the diet with a small amount fresh leaves will help prevent congestion in the body, improve digestion and increase appetite. But like any other spicy herb, lovage should be used with caution if you are prone to allergic reactions.

    The world knows many. Not all of them can boast of being used not only for ailments, but also for aesthetic and culinary purposes. But there is such a plant - it is a lovage. In addition, since ancient times it has been known as a love herb. How to use lovage, its potential benefits and possible harm I would like to tell you today.

    What does lovage look like and where does it grow

    Lovage belongs to perennial herbaceous plants of the Umbelliferae family. The hollow stem can reach a height of 1-2 m. Almost along its entire length it is bare, it begins to branch only towards the top, and has a bluish tint. The leaves of the lovage are pinnately shaped, resembling.

    Five-petalled yellow flowers are collected in complex umbellate inflorescences. Flowering occurs from June to August, in September small, yellowish-brown dicotyledonous fruits appear. The root system is represented by a thick vertical rhizome.

    The plant has a specific smell, vaguely reminiscent of the smell. It tastes bitter and salty. Lovage is native to Iran and Southern Europe. But it is grown everywhere because of its healing properties.

    Chemical composition

    All parts of the plant contain essential oil, which consists of:

    • D-α-terpineol;
    • cineole;
    • lactone compounds;
    • isovaleric, acetic and benzoic acids.
    In seeds, its concentration reaches 2%, in roots - 0.5%, in leaves - 0.25%. In addition, the roots contain organic acids (angelic, malic and valeric), carbohydrates, resins, tannins, gum, lecithin, carvacrol, furocoumarins psoralen and bergapten, macro- and microelements. Lovage shoots are rich.

    Medicinal properties

    First of all, lovage is known for its anti-inflammatory properties: the substances contained in it are able to heal wounds and cuts. In addition, it has sedative, analgesic, antispasmodic and choleretic effects.

    Important!The annual plant does not have any medicinal properties, so the young plant is used only for culinary purposes.

    It is also famous for its anti-cold properties, promotes sputum discharge. The beneficial properties of lovage tincture should also be noted for: it has a beneficial effect on potency and the prostate gland.


    Thanks to a wide range useful properties of lovage are used in and. And because of the specific taste, it is quite widely used for culinary purposes.

    In medicine

    In cosmetology

    In cosmetology, lovage infusion is used to improve growth, rinsing them after washing. Due to the systematic use of such an infusion as a rinse, they acquire shine and silkiness. For washing, a decoction of the roots is used - it helps to lighten age spots, and also tones.

    In cooking

    Lovage also finds its application in. Its green shoots are used as a seasoning for first courses and. It is often found in spice mixes.

    Fresh lovage leaves are added to. Also put it in marinades and preservation. Lovage oil is used in the food industry as a flavoring agent.
    It is added to confectionery and alcoholic beverages. Candied fruits are boiled from the roots of this plant.

    Procurement of medicinal raw materials

    The roots acquire pronounced medicinal properties for 3-4 years, therefore, for harvesting, they are harvested from plants of exactly this age and older. Roots are dug in early spring or autumn. They should be cleaned from the ground, and the ground part should be cut off.

    Next, the rhizomes are put on ropes and hung out to dry under a canopy. Before drying large lovage roots, they should be cut lengthwise into two parts. To speed up the process, the roots are cut and dried in special dryers at a temperature of 35°C.

    Important!According to healers, before the flowering of the lovage, its roots contain poison.

    To save space, the dried roots can be ground into a powder using a coffee grinder. Store tightly closed glass jars. Leaves should be collected in the flowering phase. Dry under a canopy, spread out on paper, or in a dryer at 35°C.
    The fruits are harvested in late autumn, after the final ripening. They also need to be dried, and then the seeds should be removed from them, since they have medicinal properties. Seeds are stored in a tightly closed container.

    Folk recipes

    We offer several recipes from this healing herb.

    Infusion of roots

    Infusion at: two tablespoons of dried roots should be poured with a liter of boiling water, boil for about 8 minutes over low heat. After 20 minutes, strain the infusion through cheesecloth. A liter of such a decoction must be drunk during the day, dividing it into 4 doses.

    Every day you need to prepare a fresh broth. The diuretic is prepared in this way: a glass is needed for one teaspoon of dry roots. Put the ingredients in, bring to a boil, reduce the heat and cook for half an hour, covered with a lid.

    Then the broth is cooled for 10 minutes and filtered. Next, you need to add boiled water to the original volume. This decoction is taken in 2 tbsp. l. three times a day in between.

    leaf decoction

    A decoction of the leaves is prepared as follows: 2 tsp. dry grass is poured into a glass of cold, brought to a boil, then cooled and filtered. This decoction is used to remove

    Essential oil

    Essential oils should not be used internally. They do it with gout, rheumatism: in 10 ml of the base (solid or liquid vegetable oils) add a couple of drops of essential oil.

    To heal wounds make a compress: for this, as in the previous version, lovage essential oil is added to the base. Also, 3-4 drops of essential oil can be added to cosmetical tools: , shampoos, lotions.

    Contraindications and side effects

    The use of drugs based on lovage is contraindicatedbecause it provokes a rush of blood to the small pelvis, as well as during lactation. Also, you can not use lovage for kidney disease and before reaching the age of 16.
    Side effects from drugs based on lovage do not occur if there is no individual sensitivity to it. Thus, the use of lovage in is quite wide. After studying the above recipes, you can choose the right option for yourself and use it in the complex treatment of your ailment.