• A culture of prosperity: a culture of food. Healthy lifestyle and its components The concept of a culture of healthy eating

    20 Sep

    Food culture. How to learn to eat right.

    The concept of "food culture" in various scientific papers interpreted differently. In this article I will try to systematize this concept for modern man and give practical advice to normalize their own food culture.

    Let's take a moment to look at the pyramid of needs of the famous American psychologist Abraham Maslow. In it, you can see that the concept of "nutrition" is at the base of the pyramid. It follows from this that all major personal achievements cannot be fully realized without the qualitative satisfaction of basic physiological needs, which means that a person as a person will not be able to fully realize himself.

    So, we can safely say that food culture is one of the main components of the foundation of the personal development of each person.

    Do you want to be healthy, successful, look beautiful and young? To do this, you definitely need to bring the culture of your own food in order. If you decide to take this step, then I advise you to identify 4 basic requirements for yourself, which you should definitely adhere to:

    • Composition and quality of products.
    • Food Prem Mode
    • form of eating

    Composition and quality of products

    “We are what we eat” - this phrase perfectly describes this requirement. Before each meal, be sure to think about whether this food is worth it to end up in your stomach. Remember that any product you eat, one way or another, will be displayed on your well-being, mood or appearance. If you have an apple and french fries in front of you, which would you choose? A dry potato or a juicy shiny apple? Here, the inner intuition itself will tell you what you can eat and what it is better to refrain from. Remember, also, about the composition of the products. Each person for a full life needs to receive a certain amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Moreover, this amount is strictly individual for each organism, physique and lifestyle. Be careful with all kinds of diets. It's one thing if a professional doctor prescribes a diet for you to improve your well-being, it's completely different when, dreaming of losing a few kilograms, you starve yourself.

    Eating mode

    Most people who work from 9:00 to 18:00 are used to a certain "classic" eating pattern. Breakfast lunch dinner. Moreover, it does not matter at all what time it is. In the morning at 7:00 I ate a bun with coffee, in the afternoon, right at the workplace, I drank soup fast food from a cup, and in the evening, having come home, I decided to catch up: I fried the chicken, poured myself a giant portion of the side dish, ate and went to bed after dinner. There is also such a common misconception that if you skip one of the meals, then, of course, you will immediately begin to lose weight. If you decide to adopt a positive food culture, then you should radically change your attitude to the mode of eating. If you are looking for a slim figure, then the breakfast-lunch-dinner form is not for you. Also forget about skipping one meal - it won't help. Yes, of course, at first you will lose a couple of kilos, then later you will gain 2 times more.

    To normalize metabolism, there should be at least 5 meals. Train yourself to eat something every 2.5 - 3 hours. Moreover, it is not necessary to add more food. Just divide the usual portions of breakfast, lunch and dinner into 5 parts. Any nutritionist on the question of how best to eat will answer you - often and a little bit. To the usual form of breakfast-lunch-dinner, it is worth adding such a concept as second breakfast and afternoon snack. It is also recommended not to eat 1.5 - 2 hours before bedtime, so as not to strain the stomach too much during the rest and not interfere with the gain of energy the next day.

    form of eating

    Ask yourself - how often have you had to eat on the go: standing, lying down, on the run, or stuffing sandwiches without having extra time for a snack. And what is this - you might think. But after all, your stomach is not a warehouse where you can throw everything, and then it will sort itself out. The gastrointestinal tract is very sensitive to any kind of stress, upheaval and haste. Set aside a specific time for eating and stick to it. The stomach can also be "trained to eat right." Just set yourself a reminder for every hour of eating and be sure to give yourself 15 minutes for a snack or lunch. Do not rush, chew your food thoroughly, after a while of following the regimen, you will notice how your stomach will begin to “prompt” you that it is time to have a bite. Be sure to listen to these tips.

    emotional load

    As mentioned above, the gastrointestinal tract is very sensitive to any kind of stress. The mood with which you eat food can affect the quality of its assimilation. If you fight and have lunch at the same time, it is likely that after a while you will get serious stomach cramps. You need to take food in a calm state. Enjoy food, savor it, try to taste every bite or sip. Allow the taste to evenly distribute to your receptors. Note for yourself this or that flavor. Let an ordinary snack become a tasting for you. This will help turn the meal into a tradition that you want to keep.


    food culture is not a measure of restriction to achieve certain goals. It's a lifestyle. You must understand for yourself that your food culture is primarily a reflection of you and your own life. If you want there to be no chaos and confusion in your life, try first to normalize your food culture, and everything else, be sure, will be tied to this.

    Especially for you, on our website we have collected a whole range of organic and healthy products that will help you establish your food culture and learn how to eat right.

    "You are what you eat!" - remember this and be healthy!

    I personally don't know what to do with it. Here, the salvation of the drowning is the work of the drowning themselves. If you don’t want to know what and how you can feed yourself, and what and how you can’t, then go to the hospital, or immediately to the cemetery. Realistically, that's right. Rely on experience and common sense mankind has become impossible. The point of no return seems to have been passed.

    Since mankind switched to white flour, margarine and artificial yeast, common sense no longer works. Margarine, as a purely synthetic product, clouds the mind. And yeast, as an alien form of life (in fact, a monster), is built into the body and controls the mind so that you want to eat exactly what the monster needs.

    For reference: White flour is cooking taken to the point of absurdity. The most valuable thing in grains is in the germ and shell. White flour of the highest grade is obtained by cleaning wheat grains from the shell and germ.

    Thus, everything valuable is removed, and only the dead part, consisting mainly of starch, remains. The liver becomes clogged with oil-like mass, starch settles in the body in the form of mucus, the intestinal walls become clogged with plaque.

    Margarine and spread (trans fats) are made from refined vegetable oil the second extraction, which is produced using chemical solvents. The refined oil is then heated and hydrogenated by passing hydrogen through it.

    The result is a mixture of transisomers unknown to nature, which has the consistency of soft plasticine, a disgusting smell and color. In order to give this “product” commercial qualities, a bunch of all kinds of chemistry is added there.
    Trans fats are extremely toxic and tend to accumulate in the body, causing a number of dangerous ailments: stress, atherosclerosis, heart disease, cancer, obesity, sick children, weakened immunity, low potency, etc.

    What is the harm of artificial yeast:

    - These are entities alien to the body - mushrooms.
    “Imagine a mushroom lives in your body.
    - The yeast itself is killed during baking, but their spores are not.
    - Able to penetrate into the bloodstream, and therefore into any organs.
    - In the course of their life activity, mycotoxins are released.
    - Once in the body, they begin to rebuild the entire environment for themselves.
    – The symbiotic (healthy) microflora is inhibited, and the pathogenic one flourishes.
    – The body becomes easily accessible to foreign bacteria and viruses.
    – Created ideal conditions for the development of cancer cells.

    Why do I say that humanity in matters of nutrition (as in many other matters) can no longer be trusted? If the human herd en masse produces and consumes what kills it, then, clearly, it cannot be trusted. Well, how can you trust a drug addict, for example?

    A person who is in a problem does not see the problem, or does not want to see it. And a problematic society does not even want to see its own problems, or is even unable to see it, because it is in the illusion of herd security.

    So, we finally saw that “smoking kills”, after they began to add chemistry to tobacco, and as a result, it began to kill even more. But after all, the same inscription - “kills” - can be confidently glued to all supermarket synthetics. Illusion calms only because it kills slowly and imperceptibly.

    From the moment these three main components appeared in the diet - white flour, margarine, yeast - the culture ended, and the matrix began.

    These components are included in all the most common and everyday products - baking. This is, as it were, the basis of the matrix scheme (not culture) of nutrition.

    The main thing is to lay the foundation so that people lose their sanity, as in the fairy tale about Sinbad the Sailor. Then they will not understand why they get sick and die, and in general, for what purpose all this. On the farm, after all, the cattle does not understand what and why they are fed?

    Cells must be filled with obedient elements. And these elements must be, firstly, not quite healthy, so that they do not have free energy, and secondly, slightly fucked up, so that they do not understand where they are. Energy and conscious will should be enough just enough to properly perform their functional duties - no more, no less.

    The transition from traditional to living food does not at all mean some kind of breakthrough in the culture of food, if elementary principles are not followed. Consider what principles are violated there.

    1. The diet should be constant, unchanged.

    The kitchen (a set of products and ways of preparing them) should be a kind of well-established constant. The diet generally cannot be changed abruptly, such as, without special need, jumping from one national cuisine to another.

    This is mainly due to the intestinal microflora, which is adapted for the digestion of a particular food. It is rebuilt slowly, it can take months to adapt.

    Therefore, any transition should be smooth, gradual. If we are talking about the transition to live food, then it is all the more impossible to rush here, because one more factor is added - enhanced cleansing of the body.

    You can not bring yourself to a state of increased intoxication. So, in modern conditions, and especially young people, it is better to tune in not for months, but for years.

    2. The diet should be as varied as possible.

    At the same time, dishes should be as simple and monosyllabic as possible, consisting of similar ingredients. It is better to eat more, but one thing at a time.

    Variety is required in the general range.

    Vegetables and fruits alone are a very poor diet. If you want to eat something like that, it means that the body is missing something. For example, the brain consumes more than a quarter of all the energy of the body, it needs lecithin for its work. There is lecithin in chocolate, but it is not in vegetables and fruits - that's what you want. But why overeat with chocolate if the same lecithin is full of legumes?

    3. Food should be enjoyable.

    The human brain is so arranged - it should have fun. If there is no pleasure, serotonin is not produced, and then everything is bad. If there is no pleasure, the brain will look for it, including among artificial stimulants.

    Food is one of the main pleasures, it must be tasty cooked. If what you eat is healthy, but tasteless, you will constantly want something obscene, but tasty, and this ordeal will continue until the brain gets its portion of pleasure.

    Therefore, there is no need to engage in masochism, no need to chew green salad like a cow, you need to look for simple, but delicious recipes, and receive not only benefit, but also pleasure - this is the culture of live food. Live food can and should be delicious.

    4. Avoid artificial stimulants and relaxants.

    You still have to pay with interest. That is, from something artificial, the benefit is always less than the harm. Giving back doesn't pay off. First it gets better, and then it gets worse.

    Depression and panic attacks are a new generation of diseases. They are caused by nothing more than chemical components in products. Chemistry causes an altered state of consciousness, to varying degrees, but always. It also causes intoxication, despite the fact that the toxins are "packed in barrels." Not all of them are packaged.

    But if treat the effect of its cause, then the situation will only get worse. You can ask the question: what is artificial in coffee and chocolate? If they are environmentally friendly, natural, then probably nothing, if in moderation. Only natural coffee and chocolate are now hard to find.

    This is big business, all plantations are abundantly watered with chemicals, not to mention what is added to the final product. The harm is not even in the caffeine itself, but in the accompanying chemistry. The best and safest stimulant is wild raw cocoa beans. You can just chew them, make cocoa or chocolate, sweets. The effect is felt immediately, and without consequences.

    5. The main principle is that products must be natural.

    A product that is “enclosed and buried” for a long period of storage cannot be considered natural. Additives that mimic "identical to natural" are also synthetics, no matter how they dress up. Eating “long-playing” (long-lasting) vegetables and fruits from the supermarket is sheer madness.

    For the body, there is nothing worse than synthetic (artificially synthesized) toxins. Nature for billions of years of evolution has provided for everything except this.

    If the body could speak, it would say: you can starve me, torture me with exorbitant physical activity, throw me into heat or cold, you can bleed, you can beat, torture, and even cut, I will take everything ... but if you poison me, you fool, you and I will feel bad, very bad - everything is just very bad will end.

    culture healthy eating: new times - new rules

    The culture of our food, our eating habits are laid primarily by our parents. They certainly want the best for us, but the culture of healthy eating that existed when they were young may be drastically different from what we should eat in the twenty-first century.

    The culture of healthy eating, like good manners, should be brought up from childhood.

    The culture of healthy eating: what does it consist of?

    We live in an era in which changes are taking place at a tremendous speed, including in the field of healthy eating culture. When most of the older members of our family - aunts, uncles, grandfathers, grandmothers - grew up and were brought up, they did not have access to even a thousandth of the information that is available to us now. Yes, and the composition of the products used to be different - people did not know about preservatives, or about dyes, or about milk, which can be stored for a month, while being out of the refrigerator.

    Speaking about the culture of healthy eating, we by no means mean following any diets, and, moreover, we do not call for vegetarianism. These are all individual questions, and it is better not to get into dieting issues without a doctor's recommendation. The culture of healthy eating implies following certain rules.

    Of course, it should be based on certain knowledge: about the properties of certain products, about their effect on our body, about their combination with each other. With this knowledge, you will be able to choose products that will fit your lifestyle. You will be able to cook them correctly, making the most of all the ingredients contained in them. useful material.

    Some principles of healthy eating

    One of the foundations of a healthy eating culture is that the amount of energy that enters the body with food should correspond to the amount of energy that a person spends during the day.

    If the food we consume is low in calories, our performance is noticeably reduced. If we eat a lot of high-calorie food, while not loading our body with physical activity, the potential energy received will be spent on increasing our body weight.

    The next principle is to ensure that food is digested the best way, it is necessary that useful useful substances enter our body in a certain ratio. To create an individual diet, you do not need to use the services of nutritionists, it's easier than it seems.

    Finally, one of the most important principles that is not always possible to follow is dietary compliance. This is the number of meals per day and the intervals between them.

    For one person, three meals a day is suitable, and the other leads such a lifestyle that he needs to eat four times a day. It is important not to change once established routine, as our digestive system"gets used" to produce gastric juice at certain hours.

    The culture of healthy eating is, first of all, a personal discipline. Organize your diet wisely and you'll find more order in other areas of your life.

    Healthy eating rules

    According to statistics, the most harmful eating habits are Russians and Americans. Russians eat a lot, often uncontrollably, usually preferring three-course dinners.
    At the same time, high-calorie heavy foods often predominate in the daily diet. In addition, many people like to have a snack between meals, and along with evening tea, they don’t mind eating a cake, candy or some sweet dish.

    Americans are one of the earliest and foremost consumers of fast food and convenience foods. They often eat out, and the food is in places fast food rich in substances harmful to the body. In addition, most people have a bad habit - there is a lot at night and in the evening.
    Interestingly, with this approach to nutrition, both Russians and Americans dream of having slender figures and good health. To achieve this, people use the most incredible ways to lose weight, super-weight loss diets, fat burners, etc.

    Do we think about how well we eat? As you get older, you have to do this more and more often. Someone asks this question consciously, while someone is prompted to such thoughts by pain in the abdomen or upset digestion. Be that as it may, sooner or later almost everyone comes to a simple thought - if you want to live a long life, eat right. Then the question naturally arises: what is proper nutrition?

    We all know that digested food is well digested food. On the one hand, we seem to know it, but on the other hand, for some reason we don’t remember it. Somehow, it goes without saying that after eating you need to grab an apple, drink tea with a bun ...

    First of all, it should be said that one should not attach great importance to dietary guidelines intended "for everyone at once", since we are all different people, each of us has his own activity of metabolic processes (metabolism), different culinary traditions, habits and so on.
    Many have heard the saying: “what is good for a Russian is death for a German,” that is, what he loves, for example, Georgians, may not be liked and not at all suitable for an Englishman.
    It turns out that in itself the concept of "proper nutrition" is very abstract and approximate. However, it is possible to single out some fundamental principles, the observance of which allows us to talk about reasonable, or proper nutrition.

    There are many approaches to "proper" nutrition. Someone sticks to the principles separate power supply, someone likes it better vegetarian food, someone eats only raw fruits and vegetables. Fried food is considered very harmful, and boiled food is also not very welcome. Each person chooses the rules that he will follow. When the body begins to rebuild, it begins to dictate its own conditions.

    Many have read, or heard from others, that you should not eat in the morning, because the body cleanses itself at this time, and even after sleep it has enough energy for the morning. For some, this seems absolutely impossible, while others have breakfast at 11-13 o'clock quite calmly. And most often they have two meals a day.
    And some hold a different point of view: breakfast should be royal, because in the morning the body works in such a way that it is able to absorb everything valuable that you ate at breakfast. Remember the saying: "Eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, give dinner to the enemy"...

    Drink a glass of juice;

    The best and most useful (in my opinion) is when you want. You need to eat when you feel that now you will eat everything you see, when you feel a healthy hunger. And when you expect that the appetite will come with eating, nothing but heaviness in the stomach and a desire to sleep will work;

    You should eat cold or hot food. Comfortably warm is good. The fact is that the process of digestion begins at a certain temperature of food, but if it is cold or hot, then the body first brings it to a certain temperature, spending a certain amount of energy. And since we eat to live, and do not live to eat, then let's carefully spend our energy on food in order to spend more energy on life;

    Know the measure in food and get up from the table with a slight feeling of hunger;

    Of the two great desires - to sleep and eat - always choose the first. Get some rest and only then start eating. When the body is overtired and wants to sleep, not only the brain and muscles are tired, but also the stomach;

    Do not eat in an excited, anxious state. It is better to skip meals altogether;

    Food must be fresh. Of all the ways cooking Prefer, if possible, the simplest cooking. Eat less fried, smoked or baked foods. Fruits and vegetables are best eaten raw. Very healthy fresh juices;

    It is advisable to consume fruits 20-25 minutes before meals. Why? Because fruits linger in the stomach for this particular time, and they are digested mainly in the intestines. When we eat them after a hearty meal, they are not digested, but rot in the stomach. Instead of great benefit, we receive great harm;

    Drink plenty of fluids, but do it slowly; eat garlic - at least one to two cloves a day, on an empty stomach. Finely chopped garlic is easy to swallow without chewing, washed down with water. So you will avoid unpleasant garlic breath and get a wonderful harmless natural antibiotic that will "monitor" the microflora in your stomach and intestines. You can use salt, but only in small doses. Be aware that processed foods, sauces, condiments may contain hidden salt;

    It is better to drink 30 minutes before meals. The fact is that when we drink with or after a meal, the water "washes away" some of the enzymes produced by the stomach to digest food. We have to produce more of them, which means that the body has to spend more energy on processing. And given that we eat in order to supply ourselves with energy, it is ridiculous to spend all the energy produced only on the digestion of the next portion of food. By the way, the least energy is spent by the body when drinking fresh juices. After a meal, it is recommended to drink after a carbohydrate meal - after 3 hours, after a protein meal - after 4 hours. If you really want to, then not earlier than after 1 hour;

    You need to chew your food well. It’s good to chew each piece 30 times, well, and if you chew 60 times, it’s just wonderful;

    Enjoy food. And in order not to overload the body, you can skip the next meal;

    Learn to eat any product, respecting it, loving it and understanding that now it will give you all of itself so that you continue your existence more meaningfully, become more loving, more bright. This is his sacrifice to you;

    Remove salty foods, smoked, pickled, fried, fatty foods from the diet. Eat only one food at a time. For example, boiled potatoes. You don't need to add oil or anything. Just boiled potatoes. Without bread, salt and other additives in the form of spices and sauces;

    There is also the "rule of 4 ingredients". Eat only one dish at a time, prepared using no more than 4 ingredients. For example, take boiled potatoes with dill. The components of this dish will be potatoes (1), water (2), dill (or other seasoning), salt. That's it, we don't add anything else. Between meals we take breaks - 4 hours;

    Before eating, you need to drink a glass of liquid: tea or water, juice. Between meals there should be breaks of at least 4 hours. The night break in food should be about 12 hours;

    When you eat, don't rush. Chew slowly while enjoying your meal. When you drink - do not swallow quickly, enjoy drinking.

    A beautiful table setting is highly desirable. Approach the meal as if it were a holiday.

    In the event that you begin to adhere to the rules of reasonable nutrition, your long and healthy life can be the result.

    An organism can exist due to the absorption and assimilation of substances and energy coming from outside and replenishing its losses, i.e. nutrition.

    The biological significance of nutrition for the body is multifaceted - food serves as a source of energy for the functioning of all body systems. Part of the energy goes to the basic metabolism necessary to maintain life in a state of complete rest. Another part of the energy is consumed for processing food during digestion. A lot of energy is burned during the work of the muscular apparatus. Food supplies the body with "material for construction" - plastic substances from which new cells and intracellular components are built, since in a living organism its cells are constantly destroyed and they must be replaced with new ones. Food supplies the body with biologically active substances - vitamins, which are necessary to regulate vital processes. Food plays an informational role: it serves as chemical information for the body. The wider the range of nutrition of an organism (omnivorous), the more it is adapted to the environment.

    Let us consider in more detail the role of food for our body. First of all, food, consisting of carbohydrates, fats and proteins, is the fuel for the working cells of the body. Each gram of carbohydrates and proteins gives 17 kilojoules (kJ) when burned and in the body, and 1 g of fat - 39 kJ. The main suppliers of energy at work are carbohydrates and fats. Proteins perform the function of a building material, the role of an energy material is performed in extreme cases: when there is not enough energy in the breakdown of carbohydrates and fats.

    The energy demand of the body varies with physical activity. Excess calories cause obesity, deficiency leads to malnutrition. According to recent studies, the following approximate figures for energy expenditure (in kcal.) For adult men have been obtained (for women, these values ​​\u200b\u200bare approximately 20% lower):

      with complete rest, 1500 kcal per day is spent;

      with sedentary work - 2000-2500 kcal per day;

      with light physical work - 2500-3000 kcal per day;

      with heavy physical work - 3000 - 4000 kcal per day;

      with very severe - 4000 - 6000 kcal per day;

      for reference: 1kJ = 238 calories.

    The calorie content of foods varies greatly. Fatty foods (vegetable oils, melted fat, pork fat, etc.) are among the most high-calorie foods. One hundred grams of these foods can release energy from about 800 to 900 kcal. Sugar products take second place - from 400 to 540 kcal. The calorie content of bakery and cereal products ranges from 220 to 350 kcal; calorie content of meat products - from 115 to 470 kcal; fish products - from 45 to 70 kcal. Vegetables, fruits and berries are the most low-calorie foods. Their calorie content ranges from 20 to 60 kcal, excluding fresh potatoes, grapes, green peas, the calorie content of which ranges from 70 to 80 kcal. It should be noted that dried fruits are almost 5-8 times more nutritious than fresh ones.

    You should know what kind of food contains more or less carbohydrates, fats, proteins and groups of vitamins and minerals, and what is the energy effect of biological oxidation.

    Carbohydrates are an essential part of the diet. During digestion, carbohydrates are broken down and converted into glucose. Carbohydrates are stored in the liver and muscles as glycogen. Excess carbohydrates turn into fat. For the functioning of the central nervous system a certain level of glucose in the blood (1 g per liter of blood) is required. Prolonged, heavy muscular work or an insufficient supply of carbohydrates can reduce blood sugar below this level. Blood sugar deficiency leads to fatigue, apathy, etc. The only way to get rid of such fatigue is to deliver carbohydrates in any form to the body. When glucose is oxidized to carbon dioxide and water, 12 times more energy is released than when oxidized to lactic acid. In other words, the complete aerobic oxidation of glucose is much more efficient than anaerobic oxidation, and therefore more economical. To obtain the release of the same amount of energy through aerobic and anaerobic oxidation, in the first case, 12 times less glucose must be oxidized than in the second.

    The food of a person doing heavy muscular work requires a lot of energy. The high energy cost of fats during combustion - more than twice that of carbohydrates - provides them with an advantage as an energy source. Therefore, the food should be relatively rich in fats, but not too much. When energy demand is low, energy consumption should also be low. With low energy costs, it is important to get good nutrition, which includes all the necessary substances in sufficient quantities.

    Fat is an extremely concentrated source of energy. However, fat oxidation is much more difficult than carbohydrates, i.e., more oxygen is required for fat oxidation. Therefore, high-calorie nutrition in combination with insufficient motor activity leads to a violation of energy balance and fat metabolism, an increase in blood cholesterol, an increase in blood pressure, and an increase in body weight. Fat is also a source of water in the body: when it is oxidized, more than twice as much water is formed than when other nutrients are oxidized. This property of fat, called the camel phenomenon, is used in the treatment of obese patients: excess fat in a fat person is the same hump in a camel; and on the waist of a fat man, and in the hump of a camel the same fat. So, fluid restriction contributes to the breakdown of adipose tissue with the release of water and carbon dioxide.

    Fats are found in butter and vegetable oils, margarine, pork, beef, lamb, veal, etc. It is believed that vegetable fats (unsaturated) pose a lower risk for the development of atherosclerosis of blood vessels than animals (saturated). The body can store fat in significant amounts. A normally well-fed man weighing 70 kg has 7-10 kg of adipose tissue in reserve. This depot as a source of energy is enough for 2-3 weeks. The amount of fat depot is very individual. Nerves, muscles, internal organs must be protected by a sufficient amount of fat. Fats in the body are a source of heat and energy and provide protection for internal organs from cold and various damage. Fat provides the cells with unsaturated fatty acids, without which the skin would be rough and rough. The biological value of fats lies in the content of vitamins A, D, E and K. Therefore, even those people who want to lose weight due to the diet should not completely abandon the consumption of fats. Thus, in order for the body to be healthy, a certain amount of fat must be included in the food.

    If carbohydrates and fats mainly perform an energy role, then proteins are a building material. Proteins enter into all cells of the body as the main component. Therefore, the main purpose of food proteins is to create and restore cells and tissues. Proteins are complex amino acids. There are 20 amino acids, and 8 of them must be ingested with food. These are essential or essential amino acids. The quality of proteins is determined by their content essential amino acids. Animal proteins (meat, fish, milk, eggs) contain more of them than vegetable proteins, and therefore, in terms of nutritional value, they are more complete.

    Others vital necessary substances food contains vitamins and minerals. In cellular energy metabolism, vitamins act as catalysts. The need for them is negligible, but nevertheless they are vital. Vitamin deficiency leads to various diseases. group vitamins A affect growth, resistance to infections and other adverse effects of the body. group vitamins D have on the development of bone tissue, their lack leads children to the occurrence of rickets. Excessive introduction into the body is accompanied by the deposition of calcium salts in the internal organs, premature mineralization of the skeleton and growth retardation in children. One of the most valuable vitamins is vitamin E, which is contained in the grain of wheat germ. For athletes to achieve high results, for those who wish to be physically developed, sprouted wheat, wheat grain oil and vitamin capsules are recommended. E. It is recommended to include in the diet of each person. Lack of vitamin E in food causes a violation of the function of reproduction. Along with this comes muscular dystrophy. Vitamin IN 1 affects the functions of the central and peripheral nervous systems. In a mild form, its absence is manifested in muscle weakness, insomnia, and cardiac disorders. In the complete absence of the vitamin IN 1 disease develops take-take leading to paralysis and death. Vitamin AT 2 affects biological oxidation. With its deficiency, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and tongue, painful cracks in the skin at the corners of the mouth, and eye disease are observed. Ascorbic acid (vitamin WITH) takes part in redox processes occurring in tissues. Vitamin WITH affects performance. Lack of it in food causes a serious disease in humans - scurvy. Hypovitaminosis WITH often observed in the spring, when the content of the vitamin in food becomes insufficient. In addition, it is possible after the transfer of infectious diseases. Signs of hypovitaminosis WITH is easy fatigue, headaches, decreased resistance to infections, loosening and bleeding of the gums.

    The body constantly consumes vitamins and needs their continuous supply. The body's need for vitamins depends on many factors: age, diet, functional activity of the body, conditions environment. The need for vitamins increases significantly with intensive muscular work. Therefore, athletes should receive more vitamins from food than non-athletes. In order not to violate the optimal ratio between vitamins when eating food, it is necessary to take them in special balanced complexes.

    With proper nutrition, it is necessary to take into account the time factor, the mode of eating. Poor nutrition culture is manifested in neglect of the diet, incompetence in matters of nutrition, excessive consumption of drinks with narcotic properties (coffee, alcohol), a vague idea of ​​the importance of nutrition for health.

    An unhealthy lifestyle contributes to the occurrence of disorders of the digestive system, the appearance of diseases of the nervous, cardiovascular, endocrine, excretory and immune systems. All this together impairs performance and health. And you need to get rid of various "enemies" of human health. At the same time, to maintain good health, it is necessary to pay great attention to good nutrition.

    Good nutrition implies the presence of all the listed elements without exception.

    To achieve good nutrition, six basic conditions must be met.

    First: You need to get only the required amount of food. People usually eat much more than what is necessary for the body.

    Second: the food should be in balance between proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Their approximate ratio is 1:1:4. P. Bragg has a different point of view on the balance of nutrition: 1/5 - proteins; 1/5 - fats, starches, sugars; 3/5 - fruits and vegetables - raw and properly cooked. In most modern people, proteins and fats predominate in the diet.

    Third: you should drink the required amount of fluid, usually drink insufficient water and very little juice.

    Fourth: vegetables should be part of the food along with those parts that contain mineral salts, vitamins, as well as some other important elements (bran peel, seeds).

    Fifth: the diet should contain a maximum of vitamins and mineral salts.

    sixth: vegetable products should be obtained from fertile soils in which there are all natural elements, and not from soils depleted by increased exploitation.

    So, a full-fledged food should provide the body's need for various nutrients. The Institute of Public Health has developed a diet that includes foodstuffs grouped into seven different groups:

    Group 1. Vegetables. Contains vitamins and minerals.

    Group 2. Fruits and berries. First of all, the vitamin content WITH.

    Group 3. Root crops. carbohydrates, vitamins WITH And A.

    Group 4. Dairy products. High-value proteins rich in calcium.

    Group 5. Meat, fish, eggs. Proteins, iron (in meat and eggs).

    Group 6. Bread and other grain products. Carbohydrates, B vitamins IN, iron.

    Group 7. Dietary fat. Vitamin A And D, fat, including polyunsaturated fatty acids.

    The menu must include all seven of the above food groups, and daily you need to vary the products within the groups.

    Nutrition should be balanced and consist of vegetables, fruits, potatoes and root vegetables, low-fat dairy products, fish. Raw fruits and vegetables are the healthiest foods for humans. They not only provide vitamins and organic matter, but also add a large volume of distilled fluid required for the proper functioning of the body. They also help maintain the body's alkaline environment, and give food variety, flavor, and texture. Vegetables do not contain fat or cholesterol. Freshly made vegetable or fruit juice is an ideal source of vitamins and minerals in your daily diet. Food should include less meat, sausages, dietary (table) fats, sugar and sweets.

    To draw up a proper diet, you need to know the composition of basic foods and products - as a source of vitamins. In our study guide there is no need to provide tables that reflect the content of these products. But about food groups containing more or less proteins, fats, carbohydrates and vitamins, you need to have an idea about the energy intensity of these products.

    In terms of carbohydrate content, sweet foods occupy a leading position. sugar contains 99.9% carbohydrates, honey - 91.3%. With long-term work of high power, the body is depleted, the sugar content in the blood decreases, which leads to a decrease in efficiency. To maintain it, the use of sweet syrups with vitamin supplements is a way out of this situation. At marathons and ultra-long distances, athletes often use such nutrition. If there is no physical work, and the consumption of sweet foods is made in the same quantities, then the excess carbohydrates turn into fat. A large amount of carbohydrates contains bakery and cereal products - from 44 to 74%. There are no carbohydrates in meat and fish products. At the same time, in terms of fat content, some meat products occupy a leading position. If we exclude oil products, which contain from 82 to 99% fat, then in various sausages - from 20% and above, in the brisket - 47%, in pork fat - 87%. Some dairy products also contain a large amount of fat: cream, cheese, sour cream - from 18 to 30%. There are no fats in vegetables, fruits and berries. Squirrels like construction material are present both in meat and fish products, and in bakery and cereal products, as well as in dairy products - from 3.2 to 21%. Chum caviar contains 31.6% proteins. A very low percentage of proteins in vegetables, fruits and berries - 0.3 to 2.0%, with the exception of legumes - from 3.6 to 5.0%.

    Consider foods as sources of vitamins. Vitamin A A most of all in beef liver, from plant products - in carrots, spinach, turnips, cauliflower, apricots. One of the natural sources richest in vitamin D, is the liver of a whale. Cod liver oil, like other fish, contains a much smaller amount of it, but it is much more than in other products. Vitamin D eat in egg yolk, butter, sour cream and milk, which is obtained from animals grazing in the sun and eating plants growing under the sun. Vitamin IN 1 most of all found in brewer's yeast, in legumes in oatmeal and buckwheat, in pork. A lot of it in bakery products. Vitamin content AT 2 Yeast takes the first place. One hundred grams of brewer's yeast contains twice as much riboflavin as a person needs. The second place is occupied by the liver, followed by the kidneys, the heart. Vitamin A WITH most of all found in plant products during their flowering period. Potatoes, corn, wheat and other cereals contain a lot of vitamin at this time. WITH. An inexhaustible source of vitamin WITH are fruits and vegetables, especially raw ones.

    It is necessary to pay attention to lecithin, which has an important nutrient in the liver. Mixing with bile gallbladder, it enters the small intestine to digest fats as they leave the stomach. Lecithin- a powerful agent that breaks fats into small parts of a certain size and quality. The richest source of lecithin is soy, but it is also found in the germs of various grains. Lecithin, which is very rich in soy, is important not only for the digestion of fats. The normal functioning of the nervous system and endocrine glands largely depends on the presence in the body of a phospholipid, which is an essential component of lecithin. Nervous and intellectual people "burn" more lecithin than balanced and calm people, so they need it more. Nutritional science teaches that the nervous system needs lecithin and a complex vitamin every day. IN.

    Thus, good nutrition implies a healthy diet. With such nutrition, all the elements without exception must be present that make it complete and in proper quantities, but without excesses.

    Let's go back to cholesterol. Cholesterol itself is not harmful. It is very important for the course of many processes, and in extreme cases the body even produces it as an additional fuel. "Chole" means bile, "sterol" means fatty. Most fats, when consumed in food, are processed by the liver into cholesterol and excreted into bile to later enter the bloodstream, which will spread it throughout the body. But when food is overloaded with cholesterol containing animal fats, and when physical activity is not enough to burn a normal amount of cholesterol (not to mention its excess), the blood flow seems to “suffocate” in sticky cholesterol particles that settle on the walls of the arteries and clog them. When the level of cholesterol in the blood is above 250 units, the arteries become contaminated. This leads to heart disease, stroke, and even death.

    ABOUT salt. We all know from school, or at least heard that salt is white death, but we never attach it of great importance. Knowing about the harmfulness of salt for the body, we still use it widely, since salting food has become a habit that has taken root over the centuries. Salt consumption has quadrupled over the past 45 years. As a result, hypertension and atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction and cerebral strokes, kidney diseases and osteochondrosis began to spread actively. To maintain a constant osmotic pressure in blood plasma and tissue fluids, for the work of nerve cells to maintain acid-base balance, moderate consumption of table salt is necessary. But its excess is enhanced by water metabolism, since it is inseparable from salt metabolism. The heart has to work with overload to pump blood under constant pressure. The kidneys are forced to cleanse the body of sodium ions. The walls of blood capillaries contain an unreasonably large amount of sodium. The sensitivity of the nervous system increases to painful limits. Salt, like a drug, has taken possession of our addictions.

    Where is the exit? In the transition to moderate salt intake, it is better - in its natural form, which is found in vegetables. Having got used to a low-salt diet - from 2 to 5 grams of salt per day, a person eventually begins to eat low-salt food with pleasure.

    To have clean elastic vessels and good blood circulation, one must not only eat properly, but also drink right. Fluids entering the body must be clean and nutritious.

    The human body has an extensive circulatory system. For efficiency and rhythm of work, a healthy heart must communicate with clean arteries so that blood flows freely through them. When hard water is consumed, inorganic substances are deposited on the inner walls of the vessels, which are not absorbed by the body. Consequently, the amount of blood reaching the heart muscle is reduced. The consequences are expected to be the same as when cholesterol is deposited on the walls of blood vessels. Therefore, you should drink purified water. Many do not attach importance to what kind of water you can drink, tap or well, river or from a well. But hard water contains inorganic substances that cannot be absorbed by the body. Inorganic substances cause the formation of stones in the kidneys and gallbladder, acid crystals in the arteries, veins, joints and other parts of the body. Arteries impregnated with inorganic substances become stiff. And here age does not matter. Calendar years do not deposit inorganic substances in vessels.

    A striking example is the life of the legendary American physiotherapist Paul Bragg. He passed away in 1976. But at 95, P. Bragg did not die of old age. A tragic accident ended his life. Being engaged in an extreme sport of surfing (and this is at such an age !!), P. Bragg, in all likelihood, did not calculate his strength, and a giant Florida wave claimed his life. The pathologist stated that the heart, blood vessels and all internal organs were in excellent condition.

    “If you drink rain or snow water, fresh fruit or vegetable juice, remember that these liquids are purified by nature. Rain and snow water is 100% pure, i.e. It contains no minerals at all. Fresh fruit and vegetable juices contain naturally pure distilled water with some added nutrients such as natural sugars, organics and vitamins.” There is an opinion that distilled water is dead and does not contain certain mineral elements. To prove this, they give an example that living beings cannot live in it. It is not true. Distilled water helps to dissolve the poisons that accumulate in the human body. It helps to pass these poisons through the kidneys without leaving sand and stones in them. Distilled water is the purest you can get.

    So, distilled water is good for its status of purity, lack of salts and dirt. But in our conditions it is impossible to get it in large quantities. They learned how to produce silver water, electrolysis, magnetic, etc. The preparation of such water requires technical training and costs. Therefore, the most practical of all varieties of life-giving water is melted water. It is formed as a result of the melting of ice. Melt water is truly calibrated, deeply structured, which maximally favors the metabolism in the body. Melt water has a significant internal energy, and when it is taken, we get a significant energy supply.

    How to get melt water in our conditions? Water is frozen in the freezer of the refrigerator in some dish, as a result of which an active cleaning process takes place: all the dirt that was dissolved in it stood out and fell to the bottom. During the freezing process, it is necessary to intervene in it: heavy water is removed from the water, which is contained in an amount of approximately 150 milligrams per liter. All the dirt is concentrated in heavy water. Since heavy water freezes at a temperature of +3.8 degrees, when artificially frozen in a freezer, it freezes first. Its ice is deposited on the walls and bottom of the vessel. If freezing occurs slowly, then it is possible to trace the phase of ice formation without difficulty and pour the still unfrozen water into an intermediate container. The ice of heavy water remaining on the walls should be removed. Unfrozen water is re-frozen to the end. Thawed water is immediately used, as it is suitable for the highest measure during the first 5-6 hours, good - up to 12 hours. After this period, it satisfies only that an active purification process has taken place in it. Thus, you get the opportunity to drink water either raw, or to cook soups or brew tea.

    The exchange of water in the body is closely related to the exchange of minerals that are part of cellular structures. The biological role of minerals is diverse. So, sodium chloride is the most important component that determines the osmotic pressure of tissues and biological fluids. The bulk of the mineral substances of the bone tissue is calcium phosphate, in a smaller amount - calcium carbonate, and the body also contains magnesium, potassium, sodium, chlorine, and fluorine ions. Various ions are involved in the regulation of enzymatic activity. Excessive intake of ions belonging to the group of microelements, or their absence in food, can lead to a number of diseases.

    Of the minerals entering the body, let's pay attention to the property calcium. This substance is treated in two ways: on the one hand, the optimal content of calcium in the body is healthy bones, strong teeth, in old age - the absence of osteoporosis. On the other hand, many consider calcium to be a source of osteochondrosis, salt deposits, stones in the kidneys, liver, and bladder. A completely different point of view about the properties of calcium is given by the famous biochemist V.V. Karavaev. He developed his system of healing, the essence of which was to establish an acid-base, energy and psychological balance in the body through the use of calcium. V.V. Karavaev, like other scientists, proved and showed why the body needs calcium so much.

    It is well known that calcium keeps cells and bones young. At any age, it is able to prevent skeletal fragility and bone loss. Many studies by both Russian and foreign physicians have shown that calcium is an effective fighter against hypertension. Calcium, by blocking the absorption of saturated fats in the gastrointestinal tract, keeps "bad" type cholesterol in check, and even slows down the development of malignant tumors, as it inhibits the process of reproduction of cancer cells.

    But the main merit of calcium in the neutralization of all acids in the body. When the acid-base balance is normal, acids are useful. But if there is an excess of acid, then vessels, tissues, and intercellular spaces begin to corrode. People who constantly live in an acidic environment are chronically lacking in alkaline elements. But the body itself strives for biochemical balance, so it is often necessary to observe how pregnant women and children eat chalk with pleasure, since a young developing organism needs calcium like air. Currently in countries Western Europe and the US calcium boom: release hundreds of drugs containing calcium, which in the recent past was scarcely known.

    When using calcium, it must be remembered that it is especially well absorbed in the company of phosphorus, vitamins A, D, E. Calcium glycerophosphate is an optimal combination of calcium and phosphorus. The soft bones of fish and cartilage contain a lot of calcium and phosphorus, and fatty fish contain a lot of vitamin E needed for the absorption of calcium. In this case, there is a particularly powerful recovery of the body.

    Acidification of the body is the source of many diseases. Atherosclerosis, arthritis, arthrosis are diseases of an acidified organism. Normalization of acid-base balance with the help of calcium allows you to dissolve even stones in the kidneys and gallbladder.

    To maintain the acid-base balance, it is necessary to apply alkalizing actions, and almost all vegetables have them: carrots, turnips, radishes, cabbage, beets, radishes, salads. And the most alkaline fruits are watermelons, melons, sweet grapes, sweet varieties of apples, pears, apricots, persimmons.

    Control questions

      What is the biological significance of nutrition for the body?

      Sort foods according to their calorie content.

      What is the role of carbohydrates in the body?

      What is the role of fats in the body?

      What do you know about proteins?

      What are vitamins in the diet?

      What is meant by complete nutrition?

      What foods do not contain cholesterol?

      what foods should be taken during long-term work and why?

      What vitamins affect performance?

      What do you know about minerals?

      What are biological role calcium?

      How does drinking water on blood vessels?

      What do you know about drinking water?

      What is the role of lecithin in the body?

      How to deal with acidity in the body?

      How do salts work? cardiovascular systems?

      Tell us about the camel phenomenon.

    There are a number of definitions, which, as a rule, contain five criteria that determine human health:

    Ability to fully perform basic social functions.

    We will focus on the definition of health, which is given in the Charter World Organization Health (WHO). It states that health is "a state of physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity".

    In a generalized form, health can be defined as a person's ability to adapt to the environment and their own capabilities, to resist external and internal negative factors, diseases and injuries, to preserve themselves, expand their capabilities, increase the duration of a full life, i.e. ensure their well-being. The meaning of the word well-being in the Dictionary of the Russian Language (author S.I. Ozhegov) is defined as “a calm and happy state”, and happiness is defined as “a feeling and state of complete higher satisfaction”.

    Based on these concepts, we conclude that human health is inseparable from his life activity and is valuable because it is an indispensable condition for the effective activity of the individual, through which well-being and happiness are achieved.

    It is possible to achieve well-being only through work aimed at expanding one's spiritual, physical and social capabilities.

    Consider the statement on this subject from the treatise “On Duties” by the ancient Roman politician, orator and writer Marcus Thulius Cicero (106-43 BC): “The duties of the wise are to take care of their property, without doing anything contrary to customs, laws and regulations; after all, we want to be rich not only for ourselves, but also for the sake of children, relatives and friends, and especially for the sake of the state; for the means and property of individuals constitute the wealth of the civil community.

    Thus, health is an indispensable condition for effective human life.

    Factors affecting health

    Individual health mainly depends on four factors:

    Biological factors (heredity) - about 20%;
    - environment(natural, technogenic, social) - 20%;
    - health service-10%;
    - individual way of life - 50%.

    From this distribution it follows that the state of health of each person is 90% individual, since it depends on heredity, environmental factors and mainly on the individual lifestyle (each person's behavior, his habits, actions, aspirations, addictions).

    In the book of N.M. Amosov “Reflections on Health” states: “It is not nature, not society that is to blame for most diseases, but only the person himself. Most often he gets sick from laziness and greed, but sometimes from unreason.

    To be healthy, you need your own efforts, constant and significant. Nothing can replace them. A person is so perfect that it is possible to restore health from almost any point of its decline. Only the necessary efforts increase with old age and the deepening of diseases.

    We conclude: we ourselves are to blame for all health troubles. This is first. Secondly, we have no one to rely on, we need our own efforts, primarily in the knowledge of risk, the development of a program of behavior, and most importantly, in its constant implementation.

    healthy image life - this is that individual system of behavior and habits of each individual person, providing him with the necessary level of vital activity and healthy longevity.

    A healthy lifestyle largely contributes to the reasonable satisfaction of the physical and spiritual needs of a person, the formation of a socially active person who understands personal responsibility for his health as a criterion for socio-economic development.

    It should be emphasized that the formation of motivation for a healthy lifestyle among young people is of particular importance today.

    This idea is confirmed by official data on the state of spiritual and physical health of young people at the present time. Let's take a look at some facts.

    According to the results of a comprehensive sociological study conducted in 1999 by the All-Russian Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, among underage Muscovites aged 14-17 years, the proportion of permanent and occasional smokers was 20.8%, and 8% of permanent and occasional alcohol drinkers. The prevalence of early sexual intercourse among young people has led to the fact that 23 adolescents out of every 1000 are familiar with sexually transmitted diseases firsthand.

    The statistics of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of Moscow fixes a trend towards the rejuvenation of drug users. In 1998, there were 5.3 times more underage users of drugs and potent and toxic substances known to health and law enforcement authorities than in 1995.

    The leading place among adolescents known to the health authorities as drug users is occupied by students of schools, lyceums and gymnasiums - 35.3%. Surveys conducted among students in the capital found that among girls the proportion of drug users (10.2% on average) is slightly lower than among boys (14.9% on average).

    Only 35.5% of underage Muscovites aged 14-17 go in for sports in their free time.

    The main components of a healthy lifestyle

    In our opinion, the first step to creating your own individual system of a healthy lifestyle is to develop a solid motivation. A healthy lifestyle cannot be reached by someone else's instructions. It should be a personal, deep conviction and confidence that there is simply no other way to health, the realization of one's life plans, and ensuring well-being for oneself, one's family and society.

    Another component of a healthy lifestyle is the mode of life. All human life activity takes place in the mode of time distribution, partly forced, associated with socially necessary activities, partly according to an individual plan. So, for example, the mode of life of a schoolchild is determined by the curriculum at school, the mode of a serviceman is determined by the daily routine approved by the commander of the military unit, the mode of a working person is determined by the beginning and end of the working day.

    Thus, the regime is the established routine of a person's life, which includes work, food, rest and sleep.

    The main component of the mode of human life is his work, which represents the expedient human activity aimed at creating material and spiritual values.

    The mode of life of a person must be subordinated, first of all, to his effective labor activity.

    A working person lives in a certain rhythm: he must get up at a certain time, perform his duties, eat, rest and sleep. And this is not surprising, all processes in nature are subject to one degree or another to a strict rhythm: the seasons alternate, the night replaces the day, the day again comes to replace the night. Rhythmic activity is one of the basic laws of life and one of the foundations of any work.

    A rational combination of elements of the mode of life provides a more productive work of a person and a high level of his health.

    The whole organism as a whole participates in the labor activity of a person. The labor rhythm sets the physiological rhythm: at certain hours the body experiences a load, as a result of which metabolism increases, blood circulation and respiration increase, and then a feeling of fatigue appears; in other hours, days, when the load decreases, rest comes after fatigue, strength and energy are restored. Proper alternation of load and rest is the basis of high human performance.

    The famous Russian physiologist N.E. Vvedensky (1852-1922) said that they get tired not so much from the fact that they work hard, but from the fact that they work poorly, they do not know how to organize their work. He put forward a number of conditions for achieving high performance, and hence a high level of health:

    1. Gradual entry into work.
    2. Thought out and worked out sequence in work.
    3. Correct load distribution - daily, weekly, monthly and annual.

    Uneven load: haste in some periods and inactivity in others are equally harmful.

    In support of what has been said, one can cite the words of L.N. Tolstoy, which he wrote in his diary: “It is imperative to write every day, not so much for the success of the work, but in order not to get out of the rut.”

    Now it is necessary to dwell on the issue of rest, while emphasizing that rest is a state of rest or vigorous activity, leading to restoration of strength and working capacity.

    The most effective in the restoration of working capacity is leisure which allows rational use free time. The alternation of types of work, the harmonious combination of mental and physical labor, physical culture provide an effective restoration of strength and energy. A person needs to rest daily, once a week and once a year, using his free time to strengthen his physical and spiritual health.

    Opening questions about the need for alternating work and rest, it should be emphasized that the most important daily rest includes sleep. Without sufficient, normal sleep, human health is unthinkable.

    The need for sleep depends on age, lifestyle, type of human nervous system. Sleep primarily contributes to the normal functioning of the central nervous system. Lack of sleep, especially systematic, leads to overwork, exhaustion of the nervous system, disease of the body. Sleep cannot be replaced by anything, it is not compensated by anything. Sleep is the foundation of a healthy lifestyle.

    To be healthy and efficient, it is necessary to develop the habit of going to bed and getting up at the same time, learn to fall asleep quickly and sleep soundly.

    Proper nutrition is the most important condition for human health, its performance and longevity. What does it mean to eat right? This means getting with food in sufficient quantity and in the right ratio the substances necessary for the body: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, mineral salts, vitamins and water. There are several theories proper nutrition, but so far no one can give each of us firm instructions: eat this and that in such and such an amount. The diet depends on the views and lifestyle of each person.

    All elements of the mode of human life (work, rest, sleep and nutrition) are largely individual. A person who adheres to the requirements of a healthy lifestyle will have a high level of efficiency, health and longevity. It is appropriate to cite here the statement of a long-liver from the Azerbaijani village of Mahmud Eyvazov, who lived for 152 years (1808-1960). Eyvazov believed that the secret of longevity lies in five conditions of life: daily work (itself up to last days worked in the field, his work experience was 135 years), hardened body, hardened nerves and good character, proper nutrition and mountain climate.


    1. List the main components of the student's day regimen.

    2. Prepare a message on the topic "The value in the mode of the day of motor activity, litany and sleep."

    3. Make the regime of your day, which you consider the most effective; indicate the main reasons that negatively affect your health.

    healthy eating

    IN Lately among people who care about their health and want to keep it for many years, the passion for a healthy lifestyle and healthy eating is gaining more and more popularity. And such a person's attitude to his health is quite understandable and is only welcome, as it contributes to the stable functioning of the body, the correct metabolic process and the full assimilation of useful elements.

    Therefore, it will not be a secret for anyone that a healthy diet is one of the important components of a healthy lifestyle and the state of our body as a whole depends on it. We also know that a healthy diet depends on the foods we eat. Therefore, it is necessary to try to eat only healthy foods, because thanks to this choice of diet, you will not only be able to improve your health, but also strengthen the entire body, make it more resilient, and, naturally, thereby extend your life.

    But malnutrition and malnutrition, as well as eating harmful products can lead to dangerous diseases such as diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease, etc.

    And in order to avoid this, let's consider the necessary rules for proper nutrition and try to adhere to them.

    Healthy eating rules

    Firstly, since our body constantly needs vitamins, macronutrients and minerals, the food we eat should be complete and quite varied. That is, the more diverse our menu, which consists of healthy products, the more useful substances our body will receive.

    Secondly, you should definitely follow the regimen and try not to skip meals. Fruits and berries should be eaten between main meals. With such a diet, you can not only avoid diseases of the housing and communal services, but even reduce your weight.

    Thirdly, if possible, try not to skip the main meals, as this can lead to exhaustion of the body and rapid fatigue. In addition, skipping lunch, for example, your body will try to catch up at dinner, and this can lead to unpleasant consequences.

    Fourthly, you need to be careful about the amount of sugar and salt consumed, since their excess can lead to diseases of the kidneys, joints, high blood pressure, diabetes, and, well, to the appearance excess weight. Therefore, it should be borne in mind that salt and sugar, as a rule, are contained in some finished products.

    Fifth, if you decide to eat healthy foods, then you should categorically refuse carbonated drinks and use mineral water instead.

    Sixth, you need to eat more whole grains, as they contain a sufficient amount of various vitamins and fiber, and due to this they are low in calories.

    Since vegetables, fruits and berries contain important and essential vitamins and minerals, they must be eaten daily and in sufficient quantities.

    In addition, our body needs fatty acids such as Omega-3, which are found in fatty fish. Therefore, to prevent various heart diseases, try to eat fish at least once a week.

    It will not be superfluous to recall that every day a person should drink at least two liters of clean water. It should also be noted that this amount of water does not include tea, coffee and carbonated drinks.

    Well, of course, you should know that the food consumed in fast foods can adversely affect the functioning of the liver and pancreas, and also lead your body to obesity.

    If you accustom yourself to healthy and varied food, then your body will thank you with excellent health and well-coordinated work of the whole organism.

    Smirnov A. T., Mishin B. I., Vasnev V. A. Fundamentals of life safety Grade 10
    Submitted by readers from the website

    lesson presentation

    Text: Tatyana Maratova

    The culture of our food, our eating habits are laid primarily by our parents. They certainly want the best for us, but the culture of healthy eating that existed when they were young may be drastically different from what we should eat in the twenty-first century.

    The culture of healthy eating: what does it consist of?

    We live in an era in which changes are taking place at a tremendous speed, including in the field of healthy eating culture. When most of the older members of our family - aunts, uncles, grandfathers, grandmothers - grew up and were brought up, they did not have access to even a thousandth of the information that is available to us now. Yes, and the composition of the products used to be different - people did not know about preservatives, or about dyes, or about milk, which can be stored for a month, while being out of the refrigerator.

    Speaking about the culture of healthy eating, we by no means mean following any diets, and, moreover, we do not call for vegetarianism. These are all individual questions, and it is better not to get into dieting issues without a doctor's recommendation. The culture of healthy eating implies following certain rules. Of course, it should be based on certain knowledge: about the properties of certain products, about their effect on our body, about their combination with each other. With this knowledge, you will be able to choose products that will fit your lifestyle. You will be able to cook them correctly, making the most of all the useful substances contained in them.

    Some principles of healthy eating

    One of the foundations of a healthy eating culture is that the amount of energy that enters the body with food should correspond to the amount of energy that a person spends during the day. If the food we consume is low in calories, our performance is noticeably reduced. If we eat a lot of high-calorie food, while not loading our body with physical activity, the potential energy received will be spent on increasing our body weight.

    The next principle is that in order for food to be absorbed in the best possible way, it is necessary that useful nutrients enter our body in a certain ratio. To create an individual diet, you do not need to use the services of nutritionists, it's easier than it seems.

    Finally, one of the most important principles that is not always possible to follow is dietary compliance. This is the number of meals per day and the intervals between them. For one person, three meals a day is suitable, and the other leads such a lifestyle that he needs to eat four times a day. It is important not to change the once established routine, as our digestive system "gets used" to produce gastric juice at certain hours.

    The culture of healthy eating is, first of all, a personal discipline. Organize your diet wisely and you'll find more order in other areas of your life.