• Folk signs about January for children. January omens and superstitions. January. Epiphany Christmas Eve, Hungry Evening

    January is considered the coldest month of the year, in the old days it was called "prosinets", "chill", "winter". This month has interesting feature- if last year January was warm, then this year it will be harsh, and vice versa. These days, one can judge not only the weather, but also the upcoming harvest, and all thanks to folk signs that developed many years ago.

    weather notes

    The behavior of pets and the weather in January can be used as a kind of meteorological summary for the future:

    Short-term signs

    • The tit squeaks in the morning - to the night frost.
    • Jackdaws swirl in the air - it will snow.
    • Crows croak - to frost, sit on trees - the wind will rise, settled on the ground - there will be a thaw.
    • When sparrows hide under a roof in January, climb into brushwood and other shelters, there will soon be frost or a heavy snowstorm.
    • Magpie, flying near housing - to a blizzard.
    • A singing bullfinch under the window of a residential building is a sign of the coming thaw.
    • If the goose presses its paw, a cold snap is expected soon.
    • The chicken stands on one leg - there will be frosts. The higher you climb onto the perch, the colder it gets.
    • A domestic dog, spreading its paws, stretches and sleeps on the floor - to warm weather.
    • The horses fell asleep standing up - it will get colder, they lie down to rest - warming is coming.
    • The hare came to the garden - warm weather will not come soon.
    • If a squirrel leaves the nest after a snowfall, descends from a tree, runs through the snow, calm and clear weather will soon set in.
    • Before a blizzard, long branches of spruce bend, and by clear weather, they straighten.
    • Fluffy frost on bushes and trees - the next day promises to be sunny and warm.
    • If there is no wind, but the smoke from the chimney falls on the ground, then soon a snowfall is expected, a pillar goes - to frost, spreads on the ground - a thaw will begin.
    • In the furnace, a red fire burns - to frost, white - to warming. There will be a thaw if the heat in the stove goes out quickly.
    • If there is a light wind blowing or snowing on a January night or early morning, the day will be warm and clear.
    • A pale moon in a halo always portends snow, a bright moon - to clear weather.
    • The clouds are lining up in bands - the next few days the temperature will be above zero.
    • If the snowfall ends in the afternoon or in the evening, but the sky has not cleared up, the next day there will be precipitation again.
    • Frost on the street, and on the ice there is water - a thaw is approaching.
    • Evening or night fog that lasts a long time - morning frosts are not expected.
    • A northerly wind against a cloudless sky heralds frost for the next few days. If at the same time the ice cracks, then the cold weather will be established for a short time.
    • Strongly creaking snow underfoot - to a cold snap.
    • A red dawn or a red dawn portends a blizzard.
    • A steep and clear month is a sign of severe frost.
    • The stars are twinkling on a January night - to the cold. If at the same time the clouds go against the wind - to the snow.
    • Large snowflakes during a snowfall - to an early thaw.
    • The day in January is clear, but in the evening a layer of low clouds appears in the sky - the frost will be weak, snowfall is possible.
    • The sun sets in a large cloud - there will be a snowstorm.
    • Misted windows in frost indicate the onset of warming, but if at this time the draft in the furnace is strong, then prolonged cold is expected.
    • Hoarfrost, which appeared at night in January, portends a snowfall.

    Long term forecasts

    • The stronger the frosts in early January, the hotter the summer will be.
    • Warm month - to cold March and late spring.
    • Cold January - to late mushrooms.
    • Sunny days in the second half of the month - there will be a good harvest.
    • Gloomy, overcast sky all January - to a meager harvest.
    • Frequent snowfalls, blizzards - to heavy summer rains.
    • Many long icicles portend a big harvest in summer.
    • The mole leaves the hole - it will be a cold May.

    Read also the calendar of folk signs about the weather and customs for February

    By days

    • January 1 is the Day of Ilya Muromets, it has long been customary to bow to the native land and remember the exploits of folk heroes. On this day strong wind portends a harvest of nuts, warm weather - rye will be born, a starry night - there will be a lot of peas and berries.
    • January 2 - Ignatiev day dedicated to father's house. It is also considered Apple Day, when apple trees are supposed to be cleared of snow and hoarfrost for a better harvest. Snowdrifts, deeply frozen ground promise grain production.
    • January 3 - Prokopiev day or Polukorma. By this time, no more than half of the feed prepared for livestock for the winter period should be used up.
    • January 4 - Nastasya's day. Clouds against the wind herald snow, a clear sunset portends dry, clear weather the next day.
    • January 5 - Fedulov day. Windy weather is considered a good omen and promises a rich harvest.
    • January 6 - Christmas Eve, time for carols. If the day is clear, then both the vegetables in the garden and the wheat in the field will ripen. Bright stars at night portend a good offspring of livestock and poultry.
    • January 7 - Christmas. A strong blizzard and snowdrifts on this day are signs of a warm, rich year. A thaw at Christmas heralds an early and warm spring.

    • January 8 - Babi porridge. The day when women in labor and midwives are glorified, and girl fortune-telling begins. Clear weather promises a harvest of millet, soft sticky snow - for a thaw, a steady north wind - for cold weather, a red sunset - for increased frost.
    • January 9 - Stefan's day, a harbinger of severe frosts. Snowfall - to bad weather, a large reddish moon - to warming.
    • January 10 is family day. The time when the whole family gathers to do chores together, they sit down at the table together. If a cat, curled up in a ball, lies down on something soft or warm, the next day will be clear and frosty, frost on haystacks - to a rainy summer.
    • January 11 - A terrible day. good time for fortune-telling - according to popular beliefs, this evening the evil spirits are especially rampant. The north wind with a cloudless sky portends frosts, the appearance of a strip of clear sky in the west in the evening - to warming.
    • January 12 - Anisin day. By this time, frost usually intensifies. Crows sit on the lower branches of trees - it will be windy, with an unstable daytime wind that changes strength and direction, weather deterioration should be expected.
    • January 13 - Melania's Day, Vasiliev evening. According to signs, if the night wind comes from the south, then the summer will be hot and fruitful, the wind from the west is a sign of the future abundance of fish and milk, and from the east, fruits and berries will be born well.
    • January 14 - St. Basil's Day. Snow and frost on Vasily - the year will be fertile. A blizzard is circling - a good collection of nuts is expected in the fall, a clear starry sky - an abundance of peas and berries, morning fog - cereals will be born.
    • January 15 - Sylvester Day. Also called the Chicken Feast because of the custom to clean chicken coops and repair perches on this day. If the horns of the month are bright and sharp, the wind will rise, steep horns - to a cold snap, sloping - to bad weather. Dim stars promise a thaw, bright stars promise frost.
    • January 16 - Proud day when you can not brag. White fluffy clouds portend a blizzard. Good audibility on the street - to warming.
    • January 17 - Zosima the beekeeper, patron saint of bees. If the branches of trees on this day bend from the snow, then in summer the bees will swarm.
    • January 18 - Epiphany Christmas Eve. The snow collected on this day has medicinal properties. To preserve beauty for a long time, you need to wash yourself in water heated from Epiphany snow. Water drawn from the springs at midnight also has healing powers.
    • January 19 - Epiphany. Frost began to subside. Snowy weather with hoarfrost or fog on this day is considered the most favorable sign for the future harvest. A person who swims in an ice-hole will be healthy all year. If the water in the hole reaches the brim, then a large spill is expected in the spring.

    • January 20 - Ivan Brazhny Day. End of Christmas celebrations. Cold and clear weather on this day is a harbinger of drought, cloudy and snowy - to a good harvest.
    • January 21 - Winter Vasilisa or Emelyan-winter Day. It is necessary to treat the godfather with the godfather, it is good for children, brings them health. At this time, there is a turn to spring, the weather changes. Wind from the south means summer thunderstorms.
    • January 22 - Philip's day. Clear weather - to a good harvest. The cattle does not want to leave the stall - you need to wait for a cold snap.
    • January 23 - Grigory the flight indicator. Frost fell on the haystacks - the summer will be wet and cold, with cloudy but warm weather - dry.
    • January 24 - Fedosy the Vesnyak. If the weather is warm on this day - wait for early spring, if it is cold and frosty - there will be a long winter.
    • January 25 - Tatyana's day. Beliefs say that a girl born on this day will become a good housewife. Warm weather on Tatyana promises an early arrival of birds and a mild spring, if it snows, wait for a rainy summer.
    • January 26 - Ermilov day. The forest cracks - a sign of long frosts. The cat curls up into a ball and hides its muzzle - lingering cold is coming, rolling on the floor - to warmth, tearing up the wall - bad weather is coming.
    • January 27 is Nina's day. It is customary to clean the stalls, treat domestic animals with bread and vegetables: "Give the cattle a treat on St. Nina." The trees were covered with hoarfrost or it snowed on a frosty day - it is warming, white clouds in the sky - to a cold.
    • January 28 - Pavel. The day of sorcerers, when you should especially beware of the evil eye and damage. Starry night on Pavel - there will be a plentiful harvest of flax. If the day is clear - the summer promises to be dry and hot, the weather is windy - cold, with snowfall - rainy.
    • January 29 - Peter-half-feed. Calculate the amount of feed for livestock left before spring grazing. Frosts on Petra are the harbingers of a hot summer.
    • January 30 - Anton-winter, is considered the middle of winter. You should not rejoice at the heat on this day, it is quickly replaced by cold weather.
    • January 31 - Athanasius the Lomonos. On this day, severe frosts are not uncommon. At noon, the sun shines brightly - the spring will be early, the blizzard is circling - the winter will drag on.

    January wedding

    For weddings in January, the following signs are known:

    • Snowfall during marriage - to prosperity and a prosperous life.
    • Full moon 1-2 days before the ceremony - to a happy, long marriage.
    • If the weather on the wedding day is warm, then a girl will be born first, frosty - a boy will be the firstborn.

    Also, one should not forget that from the 1st to the 6th, the Nativity Fast lasts, and from January 7 to 19 - Christmas time. At this time, the church does not conduct a wedding ceremony and does not welcome a magnificent celebration.

    The modern name of this month was borrowed from the Roman calendar, in which it was dedicated to the two-faced god Janus. Among the ancient Romans, Janus was considered the god of doors, of every beginning, of entrances and exits. He was depicted with the keys with which he opened every day of the year. Janus has two gazers different sides faces symbolizing the inalienability of the beginning and the end, the future and the past. Janus is the god of order and peace, the organization of earthly and cosmic existence. In fact, the first month of the year was perceived in the same categories: it served as the beginning of the year, and with it nature, the sun, spiritual and labor activity of a person seemed to be reborn.

    Janus - in ancient Roman mythology - the most mysterious figure of God ancient rome. The Romans believed that he taught people calculus, because the numbers corresponding to the number of days in a year are inscribed on his hands.

    In January, special importance was attached to weather phenomena, the behavior of birds and animals, and the actions of people. All this was considered as signs of fate, a harbinger of something important. Almost all peoples at the beginning of the year performed many magical rites, ritual actions, all kinds of divination and predictions. People turned to their ancestors in the hope of knowing the future.

    Important Orthodox holidays January and are considered. According to the old style, they completed the outgoing and opened the new year. At this time they were celebrating.

    January included the concept of the beginning, associated with the increase in daylight hours and the rebirth of the sun after winter solstice. According to the early calendar, the year began in March and then January was the eleventh month in a row. Later, during the September New Year, it took fifth place, and only since 1700, after the calendar reform of Peter I, did it become the first month of the year.

    In the East Slavic tradition, the month was called "prosinets" and "cut". The first name comes from the blue sky (shine) beginning to appear at this time, associated with an increase in daylight hours. The name "cut" has received its distribution mainly in Ukraine. It is connected with the words "cut", "cut", and has two meanings:

    • January "cuts" the winter in half;
    • crackling frosts, which this month is famous for, “cut” the earth and all living things on it.

    January: signs, proverbs, sayings

    Most of the proverbs, sayings and signs of the month are centered around the beginning of the year, the increase in daylight hours and frost. According to the signs of January, a variety of forecasts were made. Moreover, their range was large: from the next day to the end of the year.

    January is the turning point of winter, the beginning of the year, the middle of winter.

    January begins the year, dignifies winter.

    January - I sang all year long.

    The month of January is the sovereign of winter.

    January on the threshold - the day has increased by sparrow lope(chicken step).

    January will add two hours (by the end of the month daylight hours increase by two hours).

    In January, the cold grows with the day.

    In January, even the pot on the stove freezes.

    January is rich in frosts.

    January is cracking - on the river the ice turns blue.

    January is the first, and therefore the oldest month of the new year. It begins the countdown of days, months and seasons.

    January is the grandfather of spring.

    January - frosts, February - snowstorms.

    In January, the frosts are worse, and the burbot is livelier.

    According to the signs of January, the nature of the year, the weather of spring, summer and autumn, the future harvest of crops, berries, mushrooms and nuts were determined:

    1. Frequent snowfalls and blizzards in January - by rainy July.
    2. If January is dry and frosty, and the water in the rivers has greatly decreased, then the summer will be dry and hot.
    3. Little snow in January - to crop failure.
    4. Cold January - by dry and hot July, there will be no mushrooms until autumn.
    5. Dry January - to a rich harvest.
    6. Many long icicles in January - for the harvest.

    It has long been noticed that the weather in January is different every year. Therefore, not from scratch appeared the idea of ​​alternating warm and cold January.

    If January was warm last year, it will be cold next year.

    Folk signs for January about the weather

    There are many signs about the weather in January and weather changes during the month, based on a comparison of different phenomena. Most signs are based on centuries-old observations and have been tested by life itself:

    1. The sun in a circle - to the snow, and in mittens - to frost.
    2. If the echo goes far, then the frosts grow stronger.
    3. Pillars for about a month - to a cold snap.
    4. If the young month's horns are steep - to bad weather, flat - to good weather.
    5. The stars shine brightly - to the cold.
    6. Firewood burns with a crack - to frost.
    7. There are few stars in the sky - to bad weather.
    8. The forest is cracking - to a prolonged frost.
    9. Weak draft in the furnace - to heat, strong - to frost; red fire - to frost, white - to thaw.
    10. If the stove is heated in the evening, and the ash goes out in the morning, then wait for frost, if the heat remains in the ash, there will be a thaw.
    11. The samovar is buzzing - to the cold.
    12. The wind in the pipe is buzzing - to the cold.
    13. If a cat climbs on the stove to warm up, it will be frosty.
    14. Sparrows actively collect feathers near the chicken coop and insulate their nests - frost will hit in a couple of days.
    15. Jackdaws and crows curl in the air - before a snowfall, sit on the snow - to a thaw, sit on the tops of trees - to frost, on the lower branches - to the wind.
    16. The crow cries to the south - to the heat, to the north - to the cold.
    17. Hares near human habitation keep - to a cold snap.

    January signs for every day

    Ilya Muromets, VonifatiyThe stars twinkle strongly - to the snow.

    A lot of bright stars - to a good harvest of peas.

    John of Kronstadt, Ignatiev DayOn this day, you can’t: buy shoes, eat milk mushrooms, borrow money, sing songs after sunset, pin yourself with pins.

    In the old days, this day was called "gostevik". It was customary to visit or receive guests.

    Peter-half-feed, Peter's dayOn the third day of January, you can’t: pick up from the ground what another person has dropped, swear and make promises, wish yourself or another person health, eavesdrop and peep. Also try to avoid long trips.
    Anastasia the PatternerDreams dreamed the day before or on this day warn of danger.

    On January 4, you can’t: wash the floor of a pregnant woman, pierce ears, beat animals, walk barefoot, knit mittens, gloves, muffs.

    Fedulov dayOn Fedula, three handfuls of rye flour were kneaded in holy water and baked a cake of happiness, and they also made a wish and believed that it would come true.

    On January 5, it is undesirable to repay debts and be operated on. On this day, you need to be careful with sharp objects, because if you cut yourself, the wound will heal for a very long time.

    Christmas EveA lot of snow and deeply frozen ground - for the harvest of bread.

    If the snow has melted or loosely covered the ground - to the harvest of buckwheat.

    Many stars in the sky - for the harvest of berries.

    NativityA lot of snow - for the harvest year.

    A snowstorm at Christmas - the bees will be born well.

    If there is a new moon on this day, then the year will be lean.

    Babi porridge, Babi holidayOn this day, it is undesirable to buy ropes so that there will never be hanged in the family.

    On this day, it is advised to throw away all the cracked dishes in the house so that all the problems and hardships of that year are in the past.

    Stepanov's day, Stepanov's worksHoarfrost on the trees - there will be plenty of bread.

    A clear day and severe frost - to a good harvest.

    On Stefan, horses are watered through silver so that they do not get sick.

    On this day, you can not spin and work with cutting objects.

    Household Day, Christmas CarnivoreOn this day, the whole family gathered and did homework together so that the family would be strong.

    If there is a snowstorm at night, then the bees will swarm well.

    Terrible day (evening)Strong draft in the oven - to frost.

    If on this day in the house enter first man, then in the coming days there will be a cold.

    Anisin day, Onisya-cut (stomach)On this day in the old days they prepared for Vasiliev's evening (December 31, old style): they slaughtered geese and pigs, from whose meat they cooked delicious dishes for the upcoming holiday.

    They believed that if it snows on this day, then the pig will give birth to many piglets.

    Melanin's day, Malanin's feesIf in the evening the wind blows from the south, then the year will be hot and prosperous.

    Clear starry night - people will be healthy all year round.

    It is believed that a person who falls ill on this day will be ill for a long time.

    Vasily's day (evening), Vasily the pigsty, Pig's holidayWarm weather - to the harvest of rye.

    A clear day - in the summer there will be a lot of bread.

    A lot of stars and frost - to a good harvest.

    Strong wind - to the harvest of nuts.

    If the night is starless and moonless, then peas and lentils will not be born.

    If you spend this day merrily, then throughout the year you will not know sadness.

    Sylvester Day, Chicken FeastOn this day, they spoke feverishness.

    If a woman stumbles over a cat on Sylvester, then soon her husband will have a mistress.

    Who hiccups on this day before dinner, the devil himself remembers.

    Gordey and Malachi, Gordeev dayThe moon in a circle or in a cross - to severe frost.

    Blizzard - the bees will swarm well.

    Hoarfrost on trees - to dry and clear weather.

    Zosima the beekeeper, Feokistov dayA lot of snow on Zosima - to the swarm of bees in summer.

    On this day, they went around the house with icons in order to drive out the evil spirits from the dwelling and from the yard, inciting people to scandals, adultery, drunkenness and gluttony.

    Epiphany Christmas Eve, Hungry Evening, Epiphany EveDreams seen on this day are prophetic.

    On Epiphany Christmas Eve you can’t cry, otherwise you will shed tears all the time.

    Clear skies on Epiphany night - to the harvest of peas.

    In the morning it snows - early buckwheat will be born, at noon - medium, in the evening - late.

    The stars in the sky are not visible - mushrooms will be born.

    A lot of frost on the trees - the year will be fruitful.

    If there is a blizzard on this day, then there will be a blizzard on Maslenitsa.

    Baptism of the Lord, EpiphanyThe one who woo at Baptism, family life will be happy.

    Whoever is the first to take water from a well or an ice-hole at Baptism will not get sick throughout the year.

    If a person who took baptismal water near the church falls or spills it, then he will not live long in this world.

    If the fog and the hole is full of water, there will be a big spill.

    Dogs often bark - there will be a lot of game and animals.

    John the Baptist (Forerunner)From that day until the very day, weddings were celebrated in the villages. It is believed that marriages made during this period are strong and happy.

    Whoever buys a cross on this day, the guardian angel will rejoice at that.

    If a child is baptized on this day, then at baptism, John the Baptist himself will stand next to him.

    Clear weather - for a dry summer, cloudy and snowy - for a rich harvest.

    Emelin day, Emelyan winterIf the wind blows from the south, then the summer will be stormy.

    According to the weather of the day, they predicted what August would be like: if it's sunny - hot, if it's snowing - rainy.

    Hoarfrost on haystacks - it will often rain in summer.

    phillips dayThe day is clear - the summer will be fruitful.

    Cattle from the yard to the barn tends - to frost and snowfall.

    Birds sit on the tops of trees - to the cold, on the snow - to warmth.

    Grigory the flight indicator, Grigoriev's dayA lot of frost on the trees - in the summer there will be a lot of dew.

    Dry snow falls - to a dry summer, wet - to a rainy one.

    Clear and cloudless sky - by early spring.

    Fedoseyev day, Fedosey-vesnyakThaw on Fedoseya - to an early and protracted spring.

    Rare clouds - to frost.

    If it is frosty on this day, then the sowing of spring crops will be late.

    Tatiana's day, Tatiana KreshchenskayaSnow on Tatyana - by a rainy summer.

    Early the sun appeared in the sky - to the early arrival of birds.

    Red sunset - to the wind.

    Ermilov (Eremin) dayThe forest is cracking - the frost will last for a long time.

    The cat lays down with its belly up and pulls itself up - to the heat, and if it climbs on the stove or curls up in a ball - to the frost.

    A tit near the window chirps - by early spring.

    Nina's DayWhite clouds - to the cold.

    Crow croaks in the morning - to a snowstorm.

    The trees were covered with frost - to the thaw.

    Fog near the moon - to the snow.

    pavlov dayThe wind on Paul promises a wet year.

    Starry night - to the flax harvest.

    Clouds from the north - to the cold.

    Peter-half-feed, Peter's dayIf it is cold that day, then the summer will be hot.

    A chicken stands on one leg - to the cold.

    The red sun at sunset - to a frosty and sunny day.

    January is the beginning of the year, the middle of winter. The days are getting longer, more daylight hours. The sun rises earlier and shines brighter, hurried towards spring. And the snowdrifts are getting higher, the snow is deeper, the ice is thicker...

    January is the month of bright stars, white trails. The snow crunches underfoot. January is the pinnacle of winter. Half the period of wintering of birds, sleepy dormancy of plants and many animals has passed. Our ancestors called January: SECHEN, going to the forest to cut down frozen trees, for the blue of the sky - PROSINETS.

    January signs for children

    January - frosts, February - snowstorms.

    January is a dead time in the forest.

    If January is cold, then July will be dry and hot, do not expect mushrooms until late autumn.

    Fear the January spring, tenacious frail spring: winter warmth, summer cold.

    There are no cold Januarys in a row.

    In January, many frequent icicles hang, very long - the harvest will be good.

    If January is dry, frosty and the water in the rivers decreases greatly, then the summer will be dry and hot.

    Proverbs and sayings about January for children

    January - I sang all year long.

    January is the beginning of the year, winter is the peak.

    January - fierce, cracker, snowman.

    January is the turning point of winter, the dark dawn of the year.

    January - clematis: take care of your nose.

    Take care of your nose in a big frost.

    January is on the threshold - the day has arrived for sparrow lope.

    The frost is not great, but it does not order to stand.

    Snow will inflate - bread will arrive.

    Frost is not terrible when the nose is warmly covered.

    There will be no snow, there will be no trace.

    Do not be brave on the stove, but do not be afraid in the field.

    In January, the pot freezes in the oven.

    In January, the frosts are worse, and the burbot is livelier.

    As the day grows in January, so does the cold.

    Snow to the earth-nurse - what a warm casing.

    Riddles about January for children

    Pinches ears, pinches nose, frost climbs into felt boots.

    If you splash water - not water will fall, but ice.

    Even the bird does not fly, the bird freezes from the frost.

    Turned the sun to the summer, what, say, in a month is this? (January.)

    A young guy stood on the first step,

    An old gray-haired man came to the twelfth step. (Year and 12 months.)

    Snow on the fields, ice on the rivers, a blizzard walks, when does it happen? (In winter.)

    No arms, no legs, but he can draw. (Freezing.)

    In white velvet, the village is both fences and trees.

    And as the wind attacks, this velvet will fall. (Frost.)

    I have a lot to do, I'm a white blanket

    I cover all the land, whiten fields, houses.

    My name is ... (winter).

    The white blanket is not made by hand.

    It didn’t weave, it didn’t cut, it fell from the sky to the ground. (Snow.)

    He was a black cloud at first,

    He lay down in white fluff on the forest,

    Covered the whole earth with a blanket,

    And in the spring it completely disappeared. (Snow.)

    Roll on the snow -

    I will grow up

    And warm on the fire -

    I'll be lost. (Snowball.)

    I was raised, made of snow,

    Instead of a nose, they deftly inserted a carrot.

    Eyes - coals, lips - knots.

    Cold, big. Who am I? (Snow woman.)

    Transparent as glass, but you can't put it in the window. (Ice.)

    It does not burn in fire, nor does it sink in water. (Ice.)

    So that autumn does not get wet, does not become sour from the water,

    He turned the puddles into glass, made the gardens snowy. (Freezing.)

    The frost on the street is cracking and the spouts are freezing.

    And Santa Claus hurries to the Christmas tree

    And he brings the letter "M" with toys.

    What does Santa Claus bring? (Bag of toys.)

    Runs through the snow, but there is no trace. (Drift.)

    Look through the window, there is an accordion stretched out.

    But the harmonica does not play, but warms the apartment. (Battery.)

    In our house all year round

    Santa Claus lives in the closet. (Fridge.)

    Next to the janitor I walk, I rake the snow all around

    And I help the guys make a hill, build a house. (Shovel.)

    We stood all summer, waiting for winter.

    We waited for the time, rushed down the mountain. (Sled.)

    Boards and legs run along the path. (Skis.)

    Who rushes quickly through the snow, is not afraid to fail? (Skier.)

    Invisible, carefully he comes to me,

    And he draws like an artist, he designs on the window.

    This is a maple, and this is a willow, here is a palm tree in front of me.

    How beautifully he draws with white paint alone. (Freezing.)

    I fly in the field, I walk in the wild,

    I twist, I grumble, I don’t want to know anyone.

    I run along the village, sweeping snowdrifts. (Blizzard.)

    He spent the winter, then ran away to the ground. (Snow.)

    White as chalk, flew from the sky. (Snow.)

    A star circled in the air a little,

    Sat and melted on my palm. (Snowflake.)

    Powdered the paths, decorated the windows,

    She gave joy to the children and gave a ride on a sled. (Winter.)

    Who whitens the glades with white and writes with chalk on the walls,

    He sews downy featherbeds, decorated all the shop windows? (Winter.)

    Who hums in the pipe in winter? (Wind.)

    The old man at the gate warmly dragged away,

    He doesn't stand and doesn't tell us to. (Freezing.)

    Draws without hands, bites without teeth. (Freezing.)

    We saw him dressed in spring and summer,

    And in the fall, all the shirts were torn off the poor thing,

    But winter blizzards dressed him in furs. (Tree in winter.)

    Who changes clothes four times a year? (Earth.)

    What kind of table among the birches in the open air?

    He treats birds with grain and bread in frost. (Feeder.)

    Poems about January for children


    Hello, well done January,

    Hello, sir!

    Ride us on a sled

    Give me frost

    Let heaven bloom on the windows:

    Dahlias, roses.

    Rides like a squirrel at dawn

    New Year in January

    Through the tall firs

    For the kids to eat

    Chocolates in kindergarten -

    Well, at least once a year.

    M. Sukhorukova


    We tear off the calendar, January begins.

    In January, in January there is a lot of snow in the yard.

    Snow on the roof, on the porch,

    The sun is in the blue sky.

    Stoves are heated in our house -

    Smoke rises into the sky.

    S. Marshak

    It was in January

    It was in January

    There was a tree on the mountain

    And next to this tree

    The bad wolves roamed.

    Once upon a time, at night,

    When it's so quiet in the forest

    Meet the wolf under the mountain

    Bunnies and bunnies.

    Who wants to New Year

    Fall into the clutches of a wolf!

    The rabbits rushed forward

    And they jumped on the tree.

    They pricked their ears

    They hung like toys.

    Sparrows flew past

    Sat at the top.

    ten little bunnies

    They hang on the tree and are silent -

    The wolf was deceived.

    It was in January,

    He thought that on the mountain

    Decorated Christmas tree.

    A. Barto

    Our friends

    Every day,

    When we get up

    Together with my brother,

    Taking cereal

    And bread crumbs

    Let's run to the porch.

    Many affectionate, good

    Flies to us friends.

    Sitting on the feeder, birds

    They clean their wings.

    There are carduelis, siskins, tits

    And sly sparrows

    Waiting for us also patiently

    And handsome bullfinches...

    Everyone is used to - not shy,

    Take them with your hands!

    G. Ladonshchikov

    Here is my village

    Here is my village;

    Here is my home;

    Here I am on a sled

    Uphill steep;

    Here the sled turned

    And I'm on my side - clap!

    head over heels

    Downhill, into a snowdrift.

    I. Surikov

    Santa Claus walks the street

    Frost scatters on the branches of birches.

    Walks, shakes his white beard,

    He stomps his foot, only crackling comes.

    S. Drozhzhin

    Frosty frost on the glass

    Frosty frost on the glass

    How many dashes and lines!

    I only know,

    Who is standing there at the window.

    Snow Maiden breathes on the glass

    And diligently writes letters,

    Leads with her finger:

    "C" - snowflakes, "3" - winter.

    N. Frenkel

    snow fairy tale

    Danced through the snow


    Bullfinches for snowmen

    The song was whistled.

    By the snowy river

    In the snow lane

    Skates run loudly

    Snowmen cut ice.

    S. Pogorelovskiy



    Outside by the door.

    I poured over the threshold

    Buckwheat, seeds, cottage cheese.

    And when I went out into the garden

    I heard from them:

    You are better than all the guys

    Well done, Grisha!

    P. Voronko

    Fly under the window

    Snow-snow, snow-snow

    All covered in bird footprints

    Sparrows jumped around

    Apparently, they were looking for food.

    The difficult time has come:

    The grains were covered with snow.

    bobtail family,

    Our guests and friends

    Fly under the window -

    There is grain in your feeders.

    G. Boyko

    Both summer and winter

    Like a white blizzard

    The birch was swept up;

    Both summer and winter

    She is white,

    Only black spots

    Like thawed patches in the snow.

    folk calendar January - agrarian folk holidays, rituals, customs, signs. They marked all labor cycles - plowing, sowing, reaping, harvesting, haymaking, threshing, hunting, Putin, etc. natural conditions where he lived. This is how folk holidays and signs appeared, generation after generation, which made up the folk calendar. The folk calendar for January may well serve as a kind of encyclopedia of peasant life with its folk holidays and weekdays.

    Russian folk calendar for January: Folk omens in January, proverbs and sayings of January.

    January - the first winter month folk calendar - was called in Rus' "prosinets", because for the first time after the low gloomy firmament of December, "thawed patches" appeared - islands of blue sky. But January was also famous for snowstorms and frosts. That is why in the Russian people he was called his "section", there are other popular names.
    The popular name of January, Sechen, indicates the turning point of winter, which, according to popular beliefs, occurs precisely in January, the dissection of winter into two halves, and the crackling, severe frosts. The popular sign of January is simple and practical: “The beginning of the year is the middle of winter.”

    January (prosinets). "The beginning of the New Year, the middle of winter," people have long said about this month. And conventionally they depict him as two-faced: with an old face he is turned to the past, young - to the future.
    Lots of snow, lots of bread. The red sun sets in a cloud - the day will be clear and frosty. The more vigorous the frost, the hotter summer. The samovar hums strongly - to frost. Snow in the fields - bread in the bins. If January is dry and frosty, then summer is dry and hot. If in January there are frequent snowfalls and snowstorms, then in July there will be frequent rains. New Year - to spring turn.

    We really hope that these folk holidays and signs of January will be useful and informative - after all, this is the life of our ancestors. These are the folk signs in January, according to which our grandfathers and great-grandfathers lived.

    Signs of January

    Signs, proverbs and sayings of January

    In January, many frequent and long icicles hang - the harvest will be good.
    In January, even the pot on the stove freezes.
    In January, the snow will inflate - the bread will arrive.
    The wind is buzzing in the pipe - to frost.
    Sparrows gather fluff and feathers near chicken coops together, insulate their shelters - severe frosts will come in a few days.
    Sparrows sit quietly on the trees - it will snow without wind.
    The beginning of the year is the middle of winter.
    Firewood burns with a bang - to frost.
    If Epiphany frosts are stronger than Christmas and Sretensky ones, then there will be a fruitful year.
    If in January there are frequent snowfalls and snowstorms, then in July there are frequent rains.
    If in January the echo goes far, the frosts get stronger.
    If the stars shine brightly in winter - to the cold.
    If a cat climbs into the stove to warm up - to the cold.
    If January last year was warm, then January this year will be colder.
    If January is dry, frosty and the water in the rivers decreases greatly, then the summer will be dry and hot.
    If January is cold - July will be dry and hot, do not wait for mushrooms until autumn.
    Hares keep near housing - to frost.
    In winter the snow is deep - in summer the bread is high.
    If in January March, fear in March January. If in January there are frequent snowfalls and snowstorms, then in July there are frequent rains.
    Epiphany frosts, known for their cruelty, portend fertility.
    The forest is cracking - the frost will stand for a long time (Ural).
    The moon shines brightly at night or the sky without a moon is strewn with bright stars - tomorrow there will be a clear frosty day.
    The moon is blue - the grains are stronger.
    Few stars in the sky - to bad weather.
    Month "on the hooves" - to the cold, on the back - to the heat, rain or snow. Lots of snow, lots of bread.
    The month of January is the sovereign of winter.
    Frosty January is a fruitful year.
    Early in January, the woodpecker begins to knock - by early spring.
    Cold Januarys are almost never repeated in a row.
    January is the grandfather of spring.
    January is the beginning of the year, the middle of winter.
    January is on the threshold, the day has arrived at the sparrow's lope.
    January puts wood in the stove.
    January is cracking - the ice on the river is full of color.
    January puts on a sheepskin coat to the toe, paints cunning patterns on the windows, amuses the eye with snow and tears the ear with frost.
    January is the grandfather of spring.
    January is the beginning of the year, the middle of winter.
    January-priest begins the year, dignifies winter.
    January-father - frosts, February - blizzards.

    Signs have been an integral part of people's lives since ancient times. Beliefs were passed down from generation to generation, thanks to which they have survived to this day. Gardeners carefully monitor nature's signals to predict spring, summer and crop prospects. Folk signs of January will help you find out what awaits them in the coming year.

    “Look, in the yard
    All trees are in silver.
    Dancing white blizzard
    New Year's first day.
    Holidays gone,
    Pranksters say:
    “The old year is a bit of a pity,
    And it’s January outside!”

    Tatyana Agibalova

    Calendar of public holidays and signs of January

    1st of January- If the night of the first of January is starry, then there will be a large harvest of berries in the summer. What is the first day of January, such is the first day of summer.

    January 6 - Christmas Eve. Frosts are coming. Winter frolic not in the forest, but on our nose. Clear day - to a good harvest. If the paths are black - harvest for buckwheat. The firmament is starry - the berry year is waiting and the offspring is great for cattle. The day arrived at the chicken foot.

    January 7 - Christmas. Snowdrifts piled high - for a good year. If there is a thaw, spring will be early and warm.

    January 7 - 14 - Christmas time. Logs for log cabins were prepared ahead of time in the forests in order to bring them to the estates through the snow.

    January 8 - Babi holiday, the feast of porridge. On the feast of porridge, everyone walks with a spoon - a full scoop will not disperse the family. Carpentry, play musical instruments.

    Second decade

    January 12 - Anisya winter. Guest, guest, go to the threshold. Before the guest on the table - and mushrooms, and pickles, and a brew from the oven on the table swords.

    January 13 - Vasiliev evening. Generosity. Gardeners at midnight shake off snow from apple trees - for the harvest. If at night the wind blows from the south - the year will be hot and prosperous, from the west - to an abundance of milk and fish, from the east - wait for the fruit harvest.

    January 14 - New Year (according to the old style). Vasiliev Day. Winter in the middle. If there is fog - to the harvest.

    January 15 - Sylvester. Chicken feast. The children are given roosters made of clay. January drives a blizzard seven miles away.

    January 18 - Epiphany Christmas Eve - hungry evening. A full month - to a big spill. They collect snow for whitening canvases, for a bath.

    January 19 - Epiphany. Epiphany frosts. At night, the sky opens (clears). If there is a snowstorm, then revenge on her in three months. People call this day Epiphany. If the day is warm, the bread will be dark, that is, thick; cold, clear - summer will be dry summer; cloudy and snowy - expect a bountiful harvest. Baptism under a full month - to be big water. Dogs bark a lot - there will be a lot of game and animals.

    third decade of the month

    January 21 - Emelyan Zimny."Emelyan - wind up a snowstorm." Blizzard winter for custom. They judge the nature of winter finally. If it blows from the south, it will promise a thunderous summer.

    January 23 - Grigory Letoukazatel. If frost on trees, haystacks and stacks - to a wet and cold summer.

    January 25 - Tatyana's day. The sun will peep through - to the early arrival of birds, snow - rainy summer.

    January 30 - Anton winter. Perezimnik - will reassure, warm, and then deceive - it will pull off all the frosts. Don't trust the warm weather in winter.

    January 31 - Athanasius Lomonos. Afanasiev frosts. Clematis freezes the nose. Crows fly and circle in flocks - to frost. Frost does not like to joke. “It’s not surprising that Athanasius-Lomonos freezes his nose, but wait for Timofey the half-winter (February 4) - Timofeevsky frosts.”

    Folk signs of January about the weather

    • If January is cold. July will be dry and hot.
    • If in January there are frequent snowfalls and snowstorms, then in July there are frequent rains.
    • Dry January - the peasant is rich.
    • If it is very cold in January, then the mushrooms will appear later.
    • January is March, then March will be January.
    • If January is cold, July will be dry and hot.
    • Frosty January is a fruitful year.
    • In winter the snow is deep - in summer the bread is high.