• Chicken in kefir, baked in the oven. Chicken marinated in kefir and baked in the oven until golden brown Is it possible to marinate chicken in kefir

    The chicken will always turn out juicy and tender if it is pre-marinated. You can do this in mayonnaise with garlic or onions, soy sauce with honey and mustard, sour cream with garlic, ordinary vinegar, adjika or ketchup. But there is another simple marinade - kefir.

    If you keep the chicken in it for several hours, then its fibers become soft, the meat is covered with a brown crust during baking, it turns out tender and just melts in your mouth. And the best part is that 100 g of such a dish contains only 174 kcal.

    Chicken in kefir in the oven

    Photo recipe with step by step description will clearly show how to marinate half a chicken and bake it in the oven.

    You can also cook a whole chicken this way. The amount of sour milk is increased to 1 liter and kept in the marinade for 3-4 hours. The baking time increases to 1 hour 30 minutes.

    Your mark:

    Cooking time: 2 hours 30 minutes

    Quantity: 3 servings


    • Chicken (half): 850 g
    • Kefir (fat content 2.5%): 500 ml
    • Garlic: 3 large cloves
    • Ground black pepper, salt: taste

    Cooking instructions

      First, cut off an even half from a whole chicken. A carcass weighing 1.7 kg is thoroughly washed under thermal water, dried inside and out with paper towels. Place breast down.

      Cut off the tail (tail). Starting from the neck in the middle of the central bone, we make an incision with a sharp knife, dividing the carcass in half.

      Without turning over, open the meat on the bones and make another cut on the breast. We get a neatly cut half.

      Sprinkle generously with ground black pepper and salt on both sides.

      So that the chicken is completely covered with marinade and well soaked, we shift it into a large plastic bag. So after marinating, you do not have to wash the dishes.

      Pour kefir into a bowl, supplement it with ground pepper, garlic cloves crushed through a press and salt (3 pinches). Mix well and the marinade is ready.

      Carefully pour it into the bag with half the chicken. For strength, lay in another one, tie and turn over into different sides lightly massaging the meat. We send for 2 hours in the refrigerator.

      Line a baking sheet with a piece of foil. We open the package with chicken, take it out, holding it over the sink, and remove the chopped garlic from the skin. It will burn when baked and add bitterness to chicken meat. We shift the marinated half to the middle of the baking sheet. We put in the oven at 200 degrees for 45-55 minutes (depending on the oven).

      As soon as the half is slightly reduced in volume and covered with a beautiful crust, the dish is ready. We take out the chicken, put it on a flat plate, lay it around the sprigs of your favorite greens and immediately serve it on the table with a side dish, a crispy baguette and a light vegetable salad.

    Chicken marinated in kefir in a pan

    Chicken meat aged in a fermented milk drink with spices can be quickly fried in a pan. The chicken will be amazing. But first, let's define a list of seasonings that go perfectly with chicken meat:

    1. Garlic.
    2. Bay leaf.
    3. Pepper.
    4. Greenery.
    5. Coriander.
    6. Kari.
    7. Ginger.
    8. Khmeli-suneli.
    9. Basil.
    10. Rosemary.

    On a note! Due to the marinade and chicken juice, the meat pieces will be cooked in a delicate thick sauce. Any cereals, potatoes and vegetables are suitable for garnish.

    • Chicken - 1 kg.
    • Sour milk drink - 250 g.
    • Any spices.
    • Salt, pepper to taste.
    • Garlic, herbs optional.

    What to do:

    1. Wash the chicken, remove the skin and bones, and cut into pieces.
    2. To prepare the marinade in kefir, add any spices to taste. You can exclude some seasonings from the list and make kefir filling only with the addition of pepper, garlic, salt and herbs.
    3. Immerse the prepared pieces in the marinade and leave for 15-20 minutes.
    4. After that, heat a frying pan with oil, put the marinated chicken and fry over low heat, stirring occasionally.

    In a slow cooker

    Cooking in a slow cooker is popular in almost every family, because this equipment saves as much as possible useful material in all ingredients, including chicken meat.

    • Chicken - 700 g.
    • Kefir - 1 tbsp.
    • Lemon juice - 1 tsp
    • Salt, spices, herbs - to taste.

    How to cook:

    1. Separate the meat from the skin and bones, cut into small pieces and rub with spices.
    2. Chop the onion, garlic and add to the meat. Put all the ingredients into the multicooker.
    3. Pour the resulting mass with sour, add lemon juice and herbs.
    4. Do not fill equipment to the very top.
    5. Cook at 160 degrees for 50 minutes.

    Important! If you have a multi-cooker-pressure cooker, then you should set the chicken mode.

    Chicken skewers on kefir

    If you live in a private house and have constant access to a barbecue, then chicken skewers in kefir marinade are a great solution. It takes a little time and simple ingredients. The chicken is marinated whole, without removing the skin and bones. It is better to take not very fatty chicken. Consider the pickling algorithm:

    1. Rinse the carcass and cut into medium-sized pieces.
    2. Add spices to the meat according to your taste. For barbecue, it is better to use salt, a mixture of peppers, paprika, basil and dry garlic.
    3. Pour the resulting mass with kefir so that it covers all the pieces, but they do not float.
    4. Add chopped tomatoes. They provide a unique flavor.
    5. Finally, pour a little vinegar or lemon juice into the marinade.
    6. The chicken should marinate for at least an hour. After that, put the pieces on the grill and fry on the coals on both sides.

    Recipe for chicken in kefir with potatoes

    Chicken with kefir and potatoes can be cooked in a pan, in a slow cooker or oven. Consider the features of all cooking options.

    In a frying pan:

    1. Cut chicken meat, potatoes and add spices.
    2. Put the ingredients in a preheated pan and pour kefir.
    3. In the process of stewing, if necessary, add a little sour-milk drink.
    4. Cooking time 40 minutes.

    In the oven:

    In the oven, this dish is best baked in layers in a special form.

    • First layer: chopped potatoes with spices.
    • Second: onion rings and herbs.
    • Third: pieces of chicken with spices.

    Top with sour milk and place in a preheated oven at 150 degrees for 1 hour.

    In the multicooker:

    In a slow cooker, the dish is also baked in layers, but first of all put the chicken rubbed with spices. Followed by onions, and then potatoes, cut into circles. Pour all the ingredients with kefir and simmer at a temperature of 160 degrees for 1 hour.

    Poultry meat on kefir with garlic

    This method does not differ from the previous ones, but there are several nuances that every hostess should remember:

    1. Give preference fresh garlic. With dried, the taste sensations are not the same.
    2. It is better to cut the garlic with a knife by hand into small pieces, rather than using a garlic press.
    3. If you have problems with the heart and pressure, then you should limit the use of garlic.

    With cheese

    Cheese adds piquancy and a mild creamy taste to any dish. Most often, this ingredient is placed top layer, after the other components are already filled with kefir.

    Rub hard cheese you need only on a coarse grater, this will provide a golden crust. However, cheese chips can be added directly to the dish at any time during cooking.

    Important! Buy cheese durum varieties. It is not only tastier, but also healthier. Soft cheese contains more calories, and it is better not to eat a cheese product at all.

    Chicken in kefir is a simple and easy dish to prepare. And to get a varied menu, chicken can be fried, stewed and baked with other ingredients:

    1. Vegetables.
    2. beans.
    3. Celery, spinach and lettuce.
    4. Mushrooms.
    5. Groats.

    To make a chicken dish tasty and less high-calorie, you need to know a few rules:

    • Choose only white meat. Its calorie content per 100 g is 110 kcal.
    • Avoid eating chicken skins.
    • Buy not frozen, but chilled product.
    • Use kefir no higher than 1.5% fat, but completely fat-free is also not suitable, there is no benefit in it.
    • Do not fry the meat, but stew it.
    • Do not add a lot of salt to the dish. The best taste sensations can be achieved with the help of spices.
    • To provide a mind-blowing flavor, toss a handful of dried herbs into the kefir marinade.
    • Fresh ones are also good, but be sure to remove them before baking or frying, otherwise they will burn.

    Remember that the longer the meat has lain in the marinade, the juicier the finished dish will be. However, the heat treatment time should not exceed one hour, otherwise the chicken will become tasteless.

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    But before you enjoy your delicious deed, you should show a modicum of patience. After all, chicken fillet should acquire the above qualities after spending several hours in the refrigerator, immersed in kefir marinade. This circumstance awakens the appetite even more, as it suggests thoughts of a triumphant finale.

    Imagine how a chicken baked in the oven along with kefir is placed on a dish in the center of the table. The juiciness and aroma of spices overwhelm it, making its way through. Streams of sweetish haze emanating from stewed fillet, convey to contemplators a colorful palette of upcoming taste discoveries.

    Stop - it's all emotions! Euphoria, so to speak, from the eaten chicken drumstick. I pull myself together, descend from culinary heaven at the computer, and now I’m only telling about the case how to cook chicken in kefir.

    Chicken - kefir - oven - that's all cooking


    • 1 kg. Chicken;
    • 700 grams of kefir (any fat content);
    • parsley and dill (cilantro is also suitable);
    • 1 st. a spoonful of barberry berries;
    • 3 cloves of garlic;
    • pepper and salt.

    There is nothing supernatural in the recipe. True, my kefir marinade has one distinguishing feature. Namely, for its preparation I using live foods: bio-kefir, fresh herbs and dried barberry berries. This combination of ingredients is perfect for poultry and game dishes. They emphasize the aristocratic taste of oven-baked fillet, successfully complementing it with subtle, refined notes.

    Any part of the chicken is suitable for cooking. Including the chest. But I would advise you to make your choice and hips. They are the ones that taste the best.

    Preparation of chicken meat and kefir marinade recipe

    Separate the parts that you will marinate and then bake in the oven from your chicken carcass. Don't grind too hard. If it is a shin, then let it cook whole. Rinse them with cold water and remove excess fat. Pat dry with paper towels or paper towels. Since I already have ready-made pieces, I seem to skip this moment of the recipe and immediately proceed to pickling. Well, if cutting a chicken is difficult, then I have it on my blog to help you.

    Roasting chicken in the oven

    And so it happened that, plunging into the routine of everyday problems, I completely forgot about the chicken in kefir marinade. And only a day later I remembered about it, when I was racking my brains about what would be so delicious to cook for Sunday dinner. And he was struck by his forgetfulness. Looks like I'm getting old, I thought. I remember what happened a long time ago, but I forget what happened just yesterday. Have you guys faced the same problem?

    But I want to tell you such a long marination chicken meat only benefited him. It had a positive effect both on the structure, making the fillet impeccably tender, and on the taste parameters of the dish.

    In short, I take out a find from the refrigerator, turn on the oven to warm up to 190 degrees. I bake the bird for a little over an hour without leaving the kitchen. God forbid I forget again! That's when I'll ruin everything.

    The chicken is cooked, as usual, until it appears on the skin. If you removed the skin even before marinating, in order to avoid excessive fat content of the dish, then a golden blush should form on the surface of the meat.

    But what about kefir?

    Kefir curdles during heat treatment. But don't worry - that's how it should be. The bio-drink has already given the chicken fillet everything it wanted. And for a zealous owner, the transparent liquid that formed after baking is a real find. It makes an excellent accompaniment to a side dish. Portioned pieces of chicken can be served both with boiled rice and potatoes, watering them with this delicious divine nectar.

    How many delicious words have been written about the chicken, how many times it has been baked in the oven! I knew all the time nearby somewhere the truth, until I stuffed it into kefir. Suddenly, the culinary chakras opened up, the habitual taste blossomed like a lotus, luxurious smells were driven into a trance, the floor shook underfoot. And sitting on a chair all alarmed, the mobile phone turned off. So that this frostbitten despot does not interrupt his appetite with a call.

    There are also options for cooking such a chicken, not only in the oven. You can stew it in a pan on the stove or put it together with the marinade in a slow cooker, but baked in the oven it always turns out much tastier!

    Marinade for kefir chicken skewers is the most win-win option for getting an amazing kebab in taste. Poultry meat is already the most tender product among all meat products, but processed in kefir marinade, it becomes not only more tender, but also acquires special characteristics. taste qualities. However, this does not mean that it is quite enough to simply fill the chicken with kefir and leave it corny soaked in a fermented milk product. It should be remembered that kefir marinade has its own secrets that every barbecue lover needs to know.

    General principles

    Consider the main subtleties of preparing kefir-based marinade for chicken:

    • Chicken skewers do not require the mandatory use of softening ingredients in the marinade. Poultry meat is already quite a delicate product. Therefore, many recipes are devoid of the usual “sourness” components that serve to soften the meat fibers of animal products.
    • The time factor when marinating chicken is usually kept to a minimum. Full pickling successfully occurs within three to four hours, but this does not mean that marinade treatment for a longer period will be contraindicated.
    • Kefir marinade for chicken should not contain acetic additives. This will inevitably make the chicken meat tough and tasteless. It is permissible to use only wine vinegar, which has a milder effect on products.
    • The addition of industrial mayonnaise should also be avoided. Many of its types contain various chemical flavor enhancers, and they, in the process of heating on coals, will inevitably spoil the taste of the dish. You can and even need to use mayonnaise, but only home cooking. Its composition is elementary - olive oil, yolks and mustard. How to cook it yourself, every housewife knows.
    • Never ignore the delicious chicken offal. Hearts and livers are excellent starting materials for the most amazing barbecue. Marinate them for no more than an hour, as this time is enough for the marinade to fully soak the chicken offal.
    • It must be remembered that for sour-milk-based marinades, aluminum utensils are absolutely unacceptable, which will inevitably begin to oxidize in such an environment.
    • Kefir marinade has one specific feature that must always be considered. Such a marinade does not tolerate the presence of salt in its composition, since in this case the meat will certainly become tough. Salted chicken skewers just before the process of frying it.

    In addition to the above, you should avoid other possible mistakes that can spoil the taste of the future dish and nullify all culinary efforts.

    For one batch of kebabs, only certain sorted parts of chicken carcasses should be marinated, that is, the wings separately, and the legs in a completely different dish. This is the only way to achieve the required uniformity of pickling.

    It is highly desirable to use fresh and not frozen poultry meat.

    If fresh chicken could not be purchased, but only a frozen product was obtained, then it must be thawed only in the refrigerator and at a temperature of about 5 ° C. Rapid defrosting in the microwave or under running water warm water- absolutely contraindicated, since these intensive procedures will definitely make the chicken tough or "rubber".

    It will protect the chicken pieces from the juice flowing out of them, which will ensure maximum juiciness of the finished kebab.

    Since chicken meat is a fairly lean product, then for pickling it you need to use the fattest varieties of kefir, that is, from 3% or more. Lean meat the fattest marinade is needed.

    For chicken skewers

    Kefir-based marinades always compare favorably with other marinades. They contain a minimum of ingredients, do not require long marinating and are extremely effective in affecting chicken meat.

    The simplest (classic) fermented milk marinade

    This marinade will require the minimum of its components, but the effectiveness of the pickling process will pleasantly surprise many.

    • Approximately 2 kg of chicken thigh.
    • Onion - a couple of medium heads (for extracting onion juice).
    • Garlic - four small cloves.
    • Parsley or cilantro (aka coriander) - one small bunch.
    • Salt, spices and pepper - according to taste preferences.

    You need to salt the pickled chicken pieces just before the process of frying kebabs


    1. Garlic cloves are peeled and ground on a fine grater into a liquid gruel.
    2. Chicken thighs are rubbed with garlic gruel, which must be placed in a ceramic or glass bowl in advance.
    3. Thighs should be peppered and pour onion juice. Onion juice is always preferable to regular onion rings. Only in this form can it more deeply saturate any meat with its aroma. Getting onion juice is easy, you just need to grate the onion and squeeze out its juice.
    4. Then kefir is gradually poured in. It should only slightly cover the chicken thighs, so it’s absolutely not worth it to arrange a kefir bath.
    5. All you need to finally mix and achieve homogeneity of the marinade.
    6. The marinade is completely ready and everything can be cleaned in a cool place for a couple of hours.

    For chicken by-products

    The marinade recipe for them is practically the same as classic recipe, but supplemented with some components.

    Marinade Ingredients:

    • Offal - 2 kg.
    • Packing of kefir (recommended fat content of at least 3%) - 1 liter.
    • Onion juice extracted from four large onions.
    • Sweet pepper - two large pieces.
    • 3-4 bay leaves.
    • Natural tomato paste - one tablespoon.

    Surprising in its unusual taste, a shish kebab is obtained from chicken hearts and liver


    1. Offal is thoroughly washed and placed in a glass container.
    2. Sweet pepper must be grated and its gruel is mixed with chicken offal. Tomato paste, spices, bay leaf and onion juice are also added here.
    3. Everything is mixed again, the mixture is poured with kefir.
    4. Then you need to mix everything completely and pickled hearts or chicken liver - they are sent to marinate in a cool place.
    5. The entire marinating process does not exceed one hour.
    6. And this marinade is salted just before the process of frying kebabs.

    This kebab goes great with any baked vegetables or just with fresh salads.

    For chicken wings

    Marinade Ingredients:

    • Chicken wings - about two kilograms.
    • Packing of kefir (recommended fat content of at least 3%) - 1 liter.
    • Garlic - three to four cloves.
    • Honey - one teaspoon.
    • Mustard - one tablespoon.
    • Salt, black pepper and other spices - according to taste preferences.

    There are multiple recipes for kefir-based marinades for chicken wings. But kefir is guaranteed to make chicken skewers the subject of an exquisite culinary masterpiece with a special spicy taste.


    1. The third joint is removed from the wings, they are thoroughly washed, dried and put into a suitable container.
    2. Kefir is poured into a separate bowl, mustard, honey, grated garlic and pepper are added. Everything is thoroughly mixed and infused for ten minutes.
    3. Then the wings themselves are poured with the infused kefir mixture.
    4. Everything is mixed again and sent to marinate.
    5. Marinating time in a cool place is about 1 hour.
    6. Pickled wings are salted - just before frying them.

    Additions for all recipes:

    • In each recipe, it is desirable to add a tablespoon of any vegetable oil, which will provide the ultimate juiciness to the barbecue.
    • If it was not possible to acquire kefir of the required fat content, then the situation can be easily corrected. To do this, low-fat kefir simply needs to be mixed with homemade mayonnaise.

    It is quite obvious that any marinade for kefir chicken skewers absolutely does not contain acutely deficient components. All such recipes are easily repeated at home and, as a rule, give chicken skewers a unique exquisite taste with a guarantee.

    Chicken in kefir marinated for at least two hours, and then baked in the oven for about 1 hour. Can you tell me how long? But you are doing other things at this time!

    The cooking process does not require your constant supervision or direct participation. And then you eat a ruddy juicy chicken with pleasure. A minimum of effort (products, by the way, in addition to the chicken itself, is also a minimum) and an excellent result!

    Need to:

    • Chicken (you can buy a whole chicken and cut it into pieces, you can buy any parts: legs, legs, thighs - this time we had breasts in the form of a fillet) - about 1.5 kilograms (of course, you can change the quantity, make half a portion or a quarter, not forgetting to reduce the amount of kefir and other ingredients accordingly)
    • Kefir (fat content at your discretion, we had 1%) - 0.9-1 liter
    • Salt
    • Ground black pepper
    • Spices (we had a seasoning for chicken, which includes salt, sweet red pepper, white mustard, garlic, coriander, turmeric, fenugreek, hot red pepper, ginger, cinnamon, zira, cloves, nutmeg) - 3-4 teaspoons spoons
    • Onion - 1 small onion (optional)
    • Fresh garlic - 2-3 cloves (optional)
    • Greens (dill, cilantro) - 40-50 grams (optional)


    The chicken or its parts must be washed and cut into portions. Salt and pepper the chicken pieces on both sides, sprinkle with spices (chicken seasoning), if desired, lightly rubbing it all into the chicken meat. It is difficult to specify the amount of salt and pepper, we lightly sprinkle ( check out our video recipe! ), literally shaking the salt shaker 2-3 times and spinning the mill with pepper the same number of times.

    Put the chicken pieces in a container suitable for marinating, for example, in a sufficiently large pot with a lid, enameled or stainless steel is suitable. If you want to add onions, garlic or greens (we did not add this time when we photographed and filmed a video for this article), then you need to add at this stage of cooking. Onions and garlic should be peeled and finely chopped (garlic can be passed through a special “crusher”), the greens should be washed, dried and also finely chopped. Putting chicken pieces in a saucepan, sprinkle layers of chicken with chopped onions, garlic, herbs.

    Pour kefir over the chicken in a saucepan so that it covers the entire chicken. We also recommend mixing so that the kefir can be guaranteed to penetrate between the heavy pieces of chicken. We close the pan with a lid and put it in the refrigerator to marinate for at least two hours, or more, you can marinate in the evening, leave it overnight, and cook the next day for dinner (we usually do this, that is, our chicken is marinated in kefir sometimes for 15 hours). 16, we remind you, IN THE REFRIGERATOR).

    About an hour or so before the expected serving of the chicken to the table, turn on the oven, let it warm up for 10-15 minutes. We spread our chicken along with kefir marinade in a baking dish (the form can not be lubricated, kefir is enough).

    We put the form with chicken in the oven on a baking sheet or on a wire rack to a medium height. We bake at a temperature of 190-200 degrees (this is the average level of heating if your oven does not have a thermometer) for about 1 hour. ATTENTION! We have already written warnings about the correct use of glass heat-resistant molds many times, you can read this, for example, or

    Chicken meat can be cooked different ways. Its taste is good both boiled, fried, stewed, and baked. The only drawback is that sometimes it comes out a bit dry. Chicken in kefir is the perfect solution to this issue. Meat marinated in this way always turns out juicy and tender. In addition, it can be baked, stewed or simply fried at home in a pan, even outdoors on the grill.

    Chicken in kefir in the oven

    The whole carcass or individual parts are very often baked in the oven. Dishes come out more healthy and tasty than fried in a pan in a large amount of oil. Many people like to use mayonnaise as a marinade, but oven-baked chicken in kefir comes out even more interesting in taste.


    • chicken legs - 1.5 kg;
    • ground black pepper;
    • seasoning;
    • onion turnip - 1 pc.;
    • fresh herbs - 50 g.


    1. The legs are thawed naturally, without using a microwave, cut into several parts, rubbed well with salt and seasoning, put in an enameled container, pour in finely chopped dill, onion chopped in half rings, pour in the kefir product and stir well.
    2. The container is closed with a lid and put in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours. If time permits, you can leave it overnight.
    3. Then the marinated legs are folded into the prepared form and at 200 degrees the chicken baked in kefir will be ready in 1 hour.

    Chicken in kefir in the oven with potatoes

    Chicken marinated in kefir and baked with potatoes is a great option for a quick dinner or lunch. It is convenient that 2 dishes are being prepared at the same time - both a side dish and meat. The thighs are obtained with an appetizing crust, and the potatoes, soaked in marinade and juice that the thighs secrete during baking, come out soft and tasty.


    • potato tubers - 500 g;
    • hips - 4 pcs.;
    • cherry tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
    • fermented milk product - 400 ml;
    • salt;
    • ground black pepper.


    1. First, a kefir marinade for chicken is prepared: pepper is put in the base for the marinade, salted to your liking and stirred well.
    2. Peeled potatoes are cut into slices, placed in a baking dish, salted, seasoned with black pepper.
    3. Cherry tomatoes are cut into 4 parts and also laid out on top. Next, marinated thighs are placed, poured with the rest of the sauce and baked chicken in kefir with vegetables for 40 minutes at 200 degrees.

    Chicken in kefir in a pan

    Chicken in kefir, in a pan, the recipe of which is presented below, is soft and juicy. From the first time you will not understand that this is a breast, because often it turns out to be rather dry. The amount of ingredients indicated in the recipe will make 2 servings.


    • breast - 1 pc.;
    • large onion - 1 pc.;
    • dried herbs - 1 teaspoon.


    1. Skin and bones are cut from the breast. Wipe the flesh with paper towels and cut into cubes.
    2. In a deep bowl, mix the liquid base for the marinade with seasonings, salt to taste.
    3. The fillet is lowered into the resulting sauce and left for 2 hours.
    4. The onion is finely chopped.
    5. Heat the oil, add the onion and fry it until golden brown. Then it is pushed aside, the marinated fillet is laid out and fried until almost all the liquid has evaporated.
    6. The fire is reduced, the remaining sauce is poured, covered with a lid and the chicken is stewed in kefir for about half an hour over low heat.

    Chicken fillet in kefir

    Before frying, chops are dipped in batter and breaded, then they turn out to be more juicy, and the crust will come out appetizing when frying.


    • fillet - 600 g;
    • fermented milk drink - 500 ml;
    • wheat flour - 150 g;
    • eggs - 3 pcs.;
    • seasonings.


    1. The fillet is cut across the fibers into slices up to 7 mm thick, carefully beaten off, salted to taste.
    2. After that, a batter is prepared on kefir for chicken: the eggs are beaten with a whisk with the addition of spices and salt. Pour in the liquid base, slowly introduce the sifted flour and stir thoroughly so that there are no lumps.
    3. The blanks are lowered into the resulting mixture, and then fried for 5 minutes on each side.
    4. Ready chops can be laid out on napkins to get rid of excess fat.

    Chicken in kefir with garlic

    Chicken stewed in kefir, the recipe of which is presented below, is striking in its simplicity. When using the minimum amount available products and, without spending a lot of time, you can get an appetizing, but also low-calorie dish.



    1. A sour-milk drink is poured into a deep bowl (fat content can be any, the main thing is not to use a low-fat product), salt, pepper, add chopped dill and garlic. Chicken is placed in the resulting marinade, stirred and kept for half an hour.
    2. They are placed in a cauldron, poured with sauce, covered with a lid and stewed over low heat. After half an hour, the chicken in kefir will be completely ready for serving.

    Chicken in kefir in a slow cooker

    Chicken in kefir, the recipe of which is placed below, is cooked in a slow cooker. With its help, you can get interesting dishes without following the cooking process itself. If there is no time at all, you can put the shins in the bowl of the device, set the timer for 30-60 minutes and leave. This time is enough for the product to marinate, and only then the baking process itself begins.


    • shins - 6 pcs.;
    • fermented milk drink - 200 ml;
    • large onion - 1 pc.;
    • spices.


    1. Washed and dried drumsticks are rubbed with salt and spices, onion rings are added, poured with a fermented milk base and left to marinate.
    2. The drumsticks are placed in a multi-cooker bowl, the “Baking” mode is set. In half an hour the chicken in kefir will be ready.

    Chicken stewed in kefir

    Chicken stewed in kefir in a slow cooker is an excellent meal that is suitable even for baby food. The stew comes out not dry, but very juicy, and thanks to spices, it is also tasty and fragrant.


    • breast - 1 pc.;
    • fermented milk drink - 200 ml;
    • seasonings.


    1. The breast is cut into pieces and placed in a bowl, salted and peppered. Pour in the fermented milk product and mix thoroughly. Leave for at least half an hour.
    2. Then the whole mass is placed in a multi-cooker pan and cooked in the “Extinguishing” mode for 40 minutes.

    Chicken shashlik in kefir

    Kefir chicken skewers, the recipe of which is waiting for you below, will amaze those who do not like to use chicken for charcoal grilling. They believe that it is not suitable for this because of the dryness. In this case, the kebab will turn out tender and juicy, thanks to the preliminary soaking of the chicken.


    • fresh fillet - 1 kg;
    • fermented milk drink - 500 ml;
    • onion - 400 g;
    • garlic cloves - 5 pcs.;
    • dried dill and parsley;
    • natural seasonings.


    1. The pre-washed and dried meat is cut into pieces that will then be convenient to put on a skewer.
    2. The onion is chopped into thick rings.
    3. Garlic cloves are peeled and passed through a press.
    4. Chicken is mixed with onions, garlic and spices. Pour in the liquid base for the marinade, pour in the dried herbs (you can also use fresh) and stir well. Leave for 12 hours in a cold place so that the chicken is well marinated.
    5. Then strung on a skewer and fried over hot coals until tender.