• Differences between hare and rabbit. What are the differences between a hare and a rabbit - interesting facts. Who is bigger: a rabbit or a hare

    What is the difference between a hare and a rabbit, not everyone knows. Indeed, these 2 types of animals are similar at first glance. But if you place a hare and a rabbit next to each other, the differences between these animals will immediately become apparent. More than 25 species of wild rabbits and about 30 species of hares live in nature. Most species of wild rabbits live in the territory North America and Africa, they are not in Asia. They were brought to Australia by humans in the mid-19th century. They are distributed on all continents where people live.

    More than 25 species of wild rabbits and about 30 species of hares live in nature.

    Different types of rabbits, like types of hares, differ significantly in size, color and have distinctive features in the structure of the body. But there are general differences between the two types. To understand how a rabbit differs from a hare, you can compare a hare and a European rabbit.

    The first, most obvious difference is that the hare is much larger. The body length of an adult can reach 70 cm, and weight exceed 7 kg. An adult rabbit rarely reaches a length of 45 cm, and does not exceed 2.5 kg in weight. The body of the hare is elongated, slightly compressed from the sides. The body of the rabbit is compact, rounded.

    The color of the hare changes depending on the season. In warm weather, it has an ocher-gray, brown or brown color. The winter color of the hare's coat is slightly lighter than the summer. In the white hare, the motley summer outfit becomes snow-white by winter. All hares have black ear tips at any time of the year. The coloration of wild rabbits does not depend on the season and has a much greater number of color variations. Most of them are dark brown, but often there are black, light gray, white, piebald individuals. Although the tips of the ears of many rabbits are dark in color, this is not a necessary difference.

    If you place a hare and a rabbit next to each other, the differences between these animals will immediately become apparent.

    The characteristic differences between these two species are the length and shape of the ears. The rabbit has wedge-shaped ears. Their length always exceeds the length of the head and can reach 15 cm. And these are not the longest ears. The antelope hare, which lives in Arizona and Mexico, has ears up to 20 cm long. The rabbit's ears are rounded at the ends and are always shorter than the head. Their length does not exceed 7 cm.

    The two animals differ in the shape of the skull. The hare's head is elongated, the eyes are located closer to the top of the head. The head of the rabbit is more rounded, the eyes are lower.

    Noticeable differences in the shape of the limbs. The legs of a hare in proportion to the body are much longer than those of a rabbit. The hind limbs are much longer than the forelimbs. Therefore, the hare runs well uphill, but downhill some of them have to go down somersaults. On its long, strong legs, the hare briefly accelerates to 70 km / h. The speed of the rabbit will barely exceed 25 km / h.

    Gallery: wild hare and rabbit (25 photos)

    Hares and rabbits (video)

    Physiological and ethological differences

    The chromosome set of a hare includes 24 pairs of chromosomes. In a rabbit, it consists of 22 pairs of chromosomes. This proves that these animals are 2 different types, and there can be no offspring between a rabbit and a hare. All artificial attempts to obtain joint offspring from a rabbit and a hare ended in failure. The difference between a hare and a rabbit is clearly expressed in the way of life of these two species.

    Hare habitat is very diverse. They can live in dense forest, and in the steppe, and in the semi-desert. In the mountains, hares are found even in alpine meadows at an altitude of about 2000 m. Rabbits prefer areas with shrubs and soft soils. Their habitat does not extend to a height exceeding 600 m above sea level.

    Hares are territorial animals. The area where they live and feed can cover an area of ​​up to 50 hectares. In search of food, he is able to run tens of kilometers a day. They are characterized by small seasonal migrations. They are most active at dusk. However, in summer, feeding animals can be seen during daylight hours. These are very cautious animals. They never run into the territory of human settlements.

    Rabbits are sedentary animals. The area occupied by their colony ranges from 0.5 to 20 hectares. But they rarely move further than 100 m from their hole. Rabbits willingly settle next to people. However, their activity is significantly affected by the anxiety factor. If they live in a secluded area, they are active mostly during the day. Near human settlements, they switch to a nocturnal lifestyle. In a moment of danger, the hare relies only on its own legs and prefers to run away from the enemy, winding and confusing its tracks. The frightened rabbit runs straight into its hole.

    Hares do not dig holes, but in a moment of danger they can take advantage of someone else's ready. Rabbits are great diggers. They dig deep complex burrows that are used by several generations. Sometimes one burrow can occupy an area of ​​up to 1 ha and have many living chambers and entrances and exits.

    Hares are solitary animals. Very rarely in nature they live in pairs. Rabbits are social animals. In nature, they live in families. A pack lifestyle implies the existence of a hierarchy in relationships. Usually, the largest and strongest male leads in a group of cohabiting rabbits.

    Hares give birth from 1 to 9 cubs no more than three times a year from March to September. In early spring and autumn, a hare's litter does not exceed two hare cubs. In summer, a hare often gives birth to 4-6 rabbits. A hare's pregnancy lasts about 48 days. Hares are born fully pubescent, sighted and able to feed on plant foods on their own. A hare feeds milk to rabbits once a day, and not always. Sometimes the hare may not return to the hares for 2-3 days. In the best case, the hare stays with the hares and feeds them with milk for three weeks. Then she abandons the cubs. But, having found other babies in the forest, the hare is able to feed them. Little bunnies call their mother with quiet sounds in ultrasonic mode. Any newly born hare can come to the call.

    The characteristic differences between these two species are the length and shape of the ears.

    Rabbits give birth to an average of 4 to 8 rabbits. Pregnancy lasts about 4 weeks. Before giving birth, the rabbit builds a nest from her own wool, combing it from her stomach. Babies are born absolutely helpless, naked, blind. A female rabbit can breastfeed her cubs for up to 4 weeks 4-6 times a day. She will not feed stranger rabbits and can kill. Young rabbits become more or less independent at the age of one month. They breed all year round. An adult rabbit is able to bring litter up to 5 times a year. Her annual offspring can exceed 30 rabbits.

    Sexual maturity of hares occurs only the next year after birth. Rabbits born in early spring, by the end of the summer they themselves are able to produce offspring.

    The basis of the diet of both rabbits and hares is plant foods. Both of them are happy to eat juicy greens, soft branches of bushes and trees, and small insects. The difference between animals is that the hare is able to eat and small birds caught in traps.

    The average life expectancy of wild rabbits is 5-6 years. However, in nature, they rarely live more than 3 years. In captivity, they live an average of 6-8 years. But under the condition of good maintenance and a few matings, they quite live up to the age of twelve. Hares live on average 6-7 years. But many of them die much earlier due to predators and hunters.

    What is the difference between hares and rabbits (video)

    Is it possible to tame a hare

    The main differences between rabbits and hares are that the former feel great in captivity, are an excellent object of breeders and laboratory research. Rabbits have been tamed for over 1000 years. To date, there are more than 60 breeds of meat, downy and decorative rabbits. But it was not possible to tame the hares. This freedom-loving animal simply does not live in captivity. All attempts to keep them at home led to the fact that the animals were sick and eventually died.

    Comparison of a hare and a rabbit. Their difference is in appearance and behavior.

    The inquisitive mind of a person often haunts its owner. This ability helps us to know the world, to find general points and distinctive characteristics in the surrounding reality.

    Animals are amazing creatures. Their species diversity fascinates, attracts for detailed study.

    Continuing the topic of identifying differences between similar species of animals and birds, let's talk more about hares and rabbits.

    What is the difference between a wild and domestic rabbit and a hare: comparison, difference, difference, explanation for children

    hare and rabbit with marked external differences

    All domestic rabbit species are descended from the wild hare. The salient features are:

    • Ear and paw size. They are more in hares.
    • Habitat.
      Hares do not dig holes, but live on the surface of the earth. Rabbits, on the contrary, like to hide in tunnels dug with their paws.
    • Weight.
      Hares reach 7 kg, and rabbits - 10. At the same time, the average weight of a hare is 3-5.5 kg, a hare is 4-7 kg, domestic rabbit- up to 10 kg, wild - 1.6-2.5 kg.
    • Sociality.
      Hares prefer the life of hermits, and rabbits live in packs.
    • The running speed is definitely higher in hares.
    • Behavior in the face of danger.
      Hares always run away, and rabbits often freeze in place.
    • A change in coat color is present in hares. In the snowy season they are white, in the rest of the year they are gray. Rabbits after molting remain the same color.
    • Genetics.
      Hares have 24 pairs of chromosomes, rabbits have 22. For this reason, they do not interbreed, since there will be no offspring from such “marriages”.
    • The mating season for rabbits is all year round. Hares, on the other hand, are more conservative, breeding only in certain months, taking into account the climate of residence.
    • newborn offspring.
      Rabbits are immediately ready to survive in this world, they have wool, hearing and vision, as well as the ability to digest adult food as early as 5 days after birth.
      Rabbits need mother's care for 25 days after birth. They have no fur, no vision, no hearing. For the first 4 weeks of life, they eat and digest only mother's milk.
    • duration of pregnancy.
      It is longer in hares. A hare will give birth in 45 days, a rabbit in 32.
    • Parental feelings are stronger in rabbits. They selflessly care only for their offspring. Attempts to put other people's rabbits on them end in failure. The rabbit either beats them up or eats them. The hare calmly leaves newborn babies for a day or more. However, someone else's lactating representative, who happened to be next to them, will easily feed them.

    To make it clear to the child the difference between rabbits and hares, say that the former are able to live with a person, while the latter are not. Rabbits are more social, hares prefer loneliness.

    Who is bigger: a rabbit or a hare?

    hare and rabbit in the picture

    Before answering the question, there are a number of things to consider:

    • larger than the representatives of domestic rabbits by weight
    • according to the height of the paws - hares are in the lead

    Who runs faster: a hare or a rabbit?

    The rabbit runs faster. Its paws are longer than those of a rabbit, which is important for fast running.

    The hare develops a speed of up to 70 km/h, while its counterpart - only up to 25 km/h.

    We examined the main differences between hares and rabbits in the first section of the article. Of the similar characteristics, we note:

    • animal genus
    • body structure
    • food preferences
    • seasonal molt

    Let's add a series of photos of hares and rabbits to remember their visual differences.

    photo of a hare and a rabbit to determine the differences between them, example 1

    drawing of baby hare and rabbit to determine the differences between them, example 2

    photo of the head of a hare and a rabbit to determine the differences between them, example 3

    What order do hares and rabbits belong to?

    They belong to the order of lagomorphs, they are also placental mammals.

    Why is a rabbit a domestic animal and a wild hare: an explanation

    Rabbits live not only at home, but also in wild nature. Man managed to tame them and breed different breeds.

    Rabbits did not make contact with people. All attempts to tame these freedom-loving animals ended in failure.

    So, we examined in detail the differences between hares and domestic and wild rabbits, we saw the external difference in the drawings and photographs.

    Continue your observations of wildlife and pass on knowledge to the younger generation!

    Video: What is the difference between hares and rabbits?

    Igor Nikolaev

    Reading time: 3 minutes

    A A

    Many of us have never even really thought about how a hare differs from a rabbit. Moreover, the vast majority believes that the rabbit is a domestic tamed hare.

    In other words, many people think that wild hares run in the forest, and their domesticated relatives live on farms. Let's just say that this is a very widespread misconception. Although rabbits belong to the order of lagomorphs, there are simply no domestic hares.

    A hare and a rabbit, despite their resemblance, are completely different animals.

    They are not only similar appearance- and they have a similar nutritional diet, they have the same natural enemies, from which they escape in the same way (winding when fleeing and trying to hide as much as possible). However, these are all similarities. As for the differences between these two types, there are many more. So what is the difference between a hare and a rabbit?

    Hares can be found in almost all corners the globe. Mostly around the world, hares spread from the territory of the European continent, traveling with people along the seas and oceans of our planet. However, there is a mainland on which there are simply no hares. This is Australia. But there are a huge number of wild rabbits in this country, and they pose a serious threat to Agriculture and ecology of this green continent.

    The largest population of wild rabbits in the world lives in North America. IN South America there are also quite a lot of these animals, and they were brought by North American colonists. Wild rabbits live in other parts of the world, but they are practically absent in Eurasia. On our continent, they are all domestic, and in the wild, their niche is occupied by hares.

    Differences in lifestyle

    Hares are usually solitary. They never run into herds. Moreover, even in pairs they do not live.

    In addition, the habitat of each hare is quite extensive, since, unlike rabbits, they do not dig holes and live where they have to.

    What distinguishes a rabbit is its settled way of life.

    These animals constantly dig holes for themselves, to which they are strongly attached. In these dwellings, they bring and feed offspring, live in large families and prefer to spend a lot of time in the family circle.

    Rabbits constantly improve, expand and improve their holes, taking their “home” very seriously.

    Differences in appearance

    Since the way of life of these species differs quite significantly, their appearance also has significant differences. The main similarities between rabbits and hares are: long ears, short tail, strong limbs and a specific structure of teeth. However, there are much more differences (although they are not very noticeable for a superficial glance):

    • rabbits are much smaller than hares;
    • the color of rabbits is unchanged throughout their entire life, but hares are able to change their color depending on what season it is in the yard (usually in spring and summer, hares have a gray coat, and in winter time its color changes to white);
    • the length of the ears of rabbits is less than that of hares, since their burrowing lifestyle makes them spend a lot of time in a limited space;
    • the structure of the limbs in these animals is also different; hares have to jump and run a lot and often, so their legs are longer than rabbit ones; but the paws of rabbits are better adapted to digging holes and underground passages.

    Although both hares and rabbits are specialists in the same biological order - lagomorphs, it is impossible to cross them with each other and get offspring.

    In addition, the breeding season for hares is six months (mid-spring - mid-autumn). Rabbits, on the other hand, breed all year round, without taking breaks for the winter.

    The duration of gestation for these eared pseudo-relatives is also different. The rabbit bears cubs for no more than one month, and the hare's pregnancy lasts one and a half (about 45 days).

    The difference between these animals is especially noticeable if you look at the offspring they bring.

    Rabbits are born blind, deaf, completely naked and completely helpless.

    They really need constant care and care from the rabbit, without which they simply die. In addition, the rabbit will never accept other people's cubs for feeding (if this instinct is not stopped by appropriate selection). Some domestic rabbits are able to feed other people's rabbits if they are placed on her at the age of no more than five to seven days. Otherwise, she will simply eat someone else's offspring.

    What is the difference between newborn hares - they are already fully formed. They are already covered with hair at birth, they hear and see perfectly, and almost immediately after birth they can eat food typical of an adult diet.

    Calling a hare a good mother is not even a stretch. Having produced offspring into the world, she almost always leaves them to the mercy of fate. Sometimes the unfortunate mother wakes up maternal feelings, and then she feeds the first ones she comes across, most often strangers, rabbits. Her own cubs are most often fed by outside females.

    The rabbit began to differ from the hare in antiquity.

    It is impossible to tame a hare.

    Most people do not see a significant difference between a rabbit and a hare. In the imagination, they imagine that the hare is a wild animal, while the rabbit is just a domesticated hare. In fact, despite the external similarity and identical taste preferences, there are a lot of differences between animals. So what is the difference between a hare and a rabbit?

    Pay attention to the following external differences:

    1. The size of the hare is much larger than the rabbit. The most large breed the last - the Belgian giant (one of the oldest and most famous in the world). The average weight of such a rabbit is 7 kilograms;
    2. The coat color of a rabbit does not change throughout the year, while in their relative it darkens in summer, and in winter, on the contrary, brightens;
    3. Rabbits have shorter ears. Outwardly, in all proportions, it is smaller;
    4. The hare has longer, stronger and stronger paws. He can travel long distances in a day;
    5. Due to the structural features of the hind legs, the hare is faster and more agile - it runs much faster than the rabbit.

    Despite the fact that the people call a hare oblique, this is not true. The animal's vision is fine. He was so nicknamed by the hunters, due to the fact that the beast, when it runs away, begins to wind. This happens due to the fact that the paws of the animal are asymmetrical. Another reason why hunters have nicknamed this wild animal “oblique” is because it sees well what is happening behind. But at the same time, he does not notice what is happening right under his nose.

    Rabbit nails are stronger and longer, which allows you to quickly dig minks.


    Hares live in all parts of the world except Australia and some isolated islands. Rabbits in the wild can only be found in North or South America.

    Rabbits can build huge underground tunnels, reminiscent of the functionality of an apartment building. They dig out a new room for each newborn cub. The first days of their life, the rabbits are helped by their mother, they are absolutely helpless and do not come out of their mink. The only animals of this subspecies that do not live in minks are the American wild rabbit. Also, rabbit families differ in hierarchy.

    Most wild rabbits live in underground tunnels.

    Hares often live just under a bush, they do not build holes. Wild animals may rest in abandoned burrows, or they dig only temporary “daytime” burrows. Their location depends on the season and weather conditions. In the spring, these are well-warmed places, in the rain the animal looks for a dry and secluded place, and in dry times it prefers to be located in the lowlands. In autumn and winter, they often lie in haystacks.

    Many people are convinced that the hare is an exclusively herbivore, but in fact this is not at all the case. They eat meat (for example, partridges).

    Content at home

    Taming a rabbit is easy and simple. It is not unusual to meet him in Russian apartments.

    People tried to tame hares more than once, but none of the attempts were successful. In captivity, the animal cannot live and, at every opportunity, runs away into the forest.

    Decorative rabbits are very calm and affectionate, they do not need complex home care and bring a lot of positive emotions to their owners. But they are bred not only for Have a good mood but also for profit. Rabbit farming is an industry that breeds animals for meat and fur.

    The life span of both animals does not differ and is about 7 years.

    Predator attack protection

    The difference between a rabbit and a hare when attacked by a predator is huge. In the event of an attack or any other danger, the hare will run away, and the rabbit, on the contrary, will freeze, then warn its relatives and begin to dig a mink. The difference between a rabbit and a wild hare in running is significant: the first one develops a speed of up to 80 km / h, and the second - 20 km / h. But at the same time, the latter have a wide field of vision and a wide view of the space that is above their heads. If he does not have time to hide in a mink, he can give the attacking predator a powerful kick with his hind legs and start biting with his strong and large teeth.

    Reproduction and relation to offspring

    Hares do not have as many offspring as rabbits. A hare bears a maximum of 1-2 cubs. Babies are born already mature and formed: they have fur, eyesight and good hearing. The hare does not take care of the offspring, but leaves them to survive on their own. The gestation period is one and a half months.

    Rabbits are born helpless and undeveloped - they are blind, bald and unable to survive on their own. The mother sits with the rabbit for a month and a half, and carefully cares for and protects until the cubs are formed, feeds them with milk for a whole month.

    Another difference: a hare can shelter and feed someone else's cub, a rabbit will never let someone else's rabbit close to her.

    Behavior and character

    Since ancient times, hares have been hunted for valuable fur and meat, thanks to which they have become hardy and strong, they have a quick reaction, developed vision and hearing. During the day, animals sleep and rest, and at night, on the contrary, they are active. They are not at all cowardly and good-natured, as many believe. They are rather vicious, restless and always on their guard. Defensively, he can even tear an animal apart with his claws.

    How to distinguish a rabbit? In case of danger, he makes loud noises and freezes, and then convulsively digs a hole and hides in it.

    Rabbits, unlike wild relatives, prefer to stick together and live in “their” territory. A solitary hare that has a habit of meeting other members of its species only to mate.

    hybrid of two animals

    Many people ask: Is it possible to cross a hare and a rabbit? Biologists have proven that it is impossible to get a hybrid of these two species. A hare and a rabbit have a different number of chromosomes (the first has 24 pairs, and the second has 22).

    Domestic rabbits are tamed hares. Rabbit breeders from different regions of Asia, Europe, Africa, Australia and America crossed the largest hares caught on their land, the kids grew up already in captivity. So animals began to appear that had greater meat and fur productivity than wild hares. These were the first rabbits.

    Interesting fact! The name "Rabbit" comes from the Polish word "Krolik", which is a diminutive of "Krol" - king. Because of rapid growth, breeding, tasty meat, warm fur and low nutritional needs, the poor in Poland and throughout Europe considered rabbits to be kings among farm animals. And so the name stuck.


    It is difficult for hares to survive in the wild. They need to constantly roam in search of food and shelter from predatory animals, because most of the wild lagomorphs do not have a permanent shelter. Rabbits, on the other hand, do not need to search for food or shelter, since the rabbit breeder provides everything necessary.

    Therefore, rabbits rarely leave their burrows or cages, even after successfully escaping from the hands of a breeder. If the pet runs away, it will most likely die due to lack of food, cold, or animals wanting to eat. delicious meat. But their difference is not only in this.

    gastrointestinal tract

    The digestive system in rabbits and hares is almost identical, with the exception that in "savages" it works much faster due to constant movement. The rabbit spends most of the time in a cage. Such a fast work of the esophagus negatively affects wild animals, because hares do not live more than 2 years. In retaliation for this, hares have received strong immunity and easily tolerate diseases. Which are considered lethal to rabbits.

    Body structure and color

    The paws and ears in rabbits are much smaller and shorter, this change was due to the "uselessness" of the rabbits to run away from large predator or listen to the steps of a predator grazing in the meadow.

    Outwardly, the head of the animals is also different. In hares, the muzzle is more elongated, while the rabbit's head is wide and high. What caused this change is not clear. The field of 2 weeks of a rabbit's life is covered with thick wool of a certain suit, this color will remain with him for life, while the color of the hare's "fur coat" changes regularly depending on the time of the year.

    Hare and rabbit are the fastest maturing warm-blooded animals in the world. They grow and multiply quickly. The difference between them can be seen already after okrol. Rabbits are born "naked" and blind, and at first they can only feed on mother's milk.

    Rabbits are born in fluff and sighted, and after 2-3 days they can eat adult food. The fact is that rabbits are safe after birth, and hares are born already in extreme conditions especially in terms of predators. This caused such an evolutionary difference in the offspring.

    The maternal instinct is also radically different in these animals. The female rabbit regularly feeds and cares for her babies, while the hare may not come to the cubs for 4 days, but if another nursing female finds the bunnies, he will immediately feed the hungry animals. The gestation period of a hare is 45-55 days, the female rabbit gives birth to offspring on the 28-32nd day of pregnancy.

    The note! Research showed that rabbits are able to breed all year round. Hares bring offspring only in favorable period, from late spring to early autumn.

    Gastronomic differences

    If outwardly you can easily distinguish these animals, then how does hare meat differ from rabbit? The difference can be seen even in raw form. The meat of a wild animal is dark red in color and drier. Rabbit fillet of delicate pink color. Due to the biovitamin nutrition under the premix product, rabbit meat has a stronger flavor than rabbit meat.

    The carcass of the wild has a thin layer of fat than that of the domestic one. Therefore, hare is often stewed with pork or rabbit fat. In terms of taste, hare meat is tougher, although many hunters and rabbit breeders claim that properly cooked game is much tastier than rabbit.


    Already now you can understand that no matter how similar outwardly hares and rabbits look, you can find a difference.

    1. Hares do not have permanent housing, constantly being in search of food. Rabbits do not leave their holes.
    2. Appearance. Hares are taller and larger, they change coat color depending on the time of the year (seasonal molt).
    3. The wild animal has larger ears and longer legs than a rabbit.
    4. Attitude towards cubs: female rabbits do not leave their offspring and can even rush to the rabbit breeder when trying to contact the babies. Hares often lose babies in the grass going far from the place of birth.
    5. Rabbits are born hairless and blind, hares feed on their own from the very first day and can even run away from a predator.
    6. The meat of wild rabbits is tougher and darker, but has higher taste qualities. Rabbit meat has a delicate taste and pale pink color, but has a specific aroma.
    7. The gastrointestinal tract of wild eared animals works much faster, increasing the percentage of body wear.

    Explanation! There are three types of lagomorphs, these are hares, rabbits and wild rabbits from Europe. A cross between a hare and a wild rabbit is a modern rabbit. It is impossible to tame a wild purebred hare.

    Now it is clear what is the difference between these animals and the fact that hares and rabbits are the same animals with different habitats and living conditions.