• "Inland Waters of North America". Presentation "internal waters of Russia" Establish causal relationships

    Geography lesson in 8th grade




    Water is a wonderful gift of nature. It is all around us, in raindrops, in snowdrifts, in rivers, lakes.

    Water, you have no taste, no smell, you cannot be described, you are enjoyed without knowing what you are. You cannot say that you are necessary for life. You are life itself.

    Antoine de Saint-Exupery

    1. A constant stream of water flowing in the depression he has carved

    2. Beginning of the river

    3. The place where the river flows into the sea, lake, another river

    4. The main river with all its tributaries

    5. The excess of the source above the mouth in meters

    Working with terms on the topic "Rivers"

    6. The amount of water passing through the riverbed in a certain period of time

    7. The lowest water level in the river

    8. Sudden, short-term rise in the water level in the river

    9. Flooding of vast areas of land with water as a result of rising water levels in the river

    10. The expected natural rise in the water level in the river as a result of the melting of snow and ice in spring or summer








    Study Plan

    • The blue eyes of Russia are lakes.
    • Swamps are a treasure trove.
    • Cover and mountain glaciers - a strategic reserve fresh water our country.
    • Groundwater is the country's most important natural resource.
    • Permafrost.


    • Excessively wet areas of land with special vegetation, wildlife and a layer of peat.
    • A constant stream of water flowing in a depression he has carved.
    • A natural depression filled with water and not connected to the sea.
    • Perennial masses natural ice arising from the accumulation and transformation of snow.
    • Waters hidden from the eyes, coming to the surface with keys, springs.

    10 largest lakes in the world


    lake name


    Caspian Sea



    North America

    (thousand km 2 )

    North America

    Aral Sea

    North America


    Big Bear

    North America

    Caspian sea-lake - the largest area in the world

    Lake Baikal - the deepest lake in the world

    Classification of lakes by origin









    Tectonic lakes

    • Tectonic lakes are formed in the faults of the earth's crust.
    • Such lakes are oblong: narrow and long.
    • A prominent representative is Baikal.

    Glacial lakes

    • Glacial lakes formed in troughs earth's surface which are deepened under the weight of an ancient glacier.
    • Located in the north-west of the Russian Plain (Ladoga, Onega, Seliger)

    Volcanic lakes

    • Volcanic lakes form in the craters of volcanoes.
    • In Russia, they are located mainly on the Kuril Islands and on the Kamchatka Peninsula (Kronotskoye, Kurilskoye)

    Thermokarst lakes

    • They are located on the territory with permafrost.
    • In summer, the permafrost thaws, the soils subside, and shallow depressions filled with melt water form.
    • There are many such lakes in Yakutia, the most famous is Nedzheli.

    Dam (dammed) lakes

    • Dam lakes are formed as a result of a collapse or landslide, when the river bed is blocked by rock fragments.
    • Such lakes are formed in mountainous areas (Lake Sarez in the Caucasus, Lake Teletskoye in Altai).

    Residual lakes

    • Residual lakes formed from the remains of ancient oceans and seas (Caspian Sea-Lake)


    Staritsy are sections of the former riverbed, which changed its direction in this section.


    Estuaries were formed by cutting off part of the seas (the shores of the Azov and Black Seas)

    Artificial lakes (reservoirs)

    Artificial lakes or reservoirs are created by dams across the river valley (on large rivers: Volga, Kama, Yenisei) - Rybinsk, Kama, Krasnoyarsk

    Lake classification by water inflow and outflow

    Flow-through Drainless Deaf


    Lake classification by water salinity



    Less than 1% salts


    1- 47% salts


    More than 47% salts.

    Elton, Baskunchak, Chany

    Salt lakes Baskunchak and Elton

    Location of lakes on the territory countries unevenly.

    Depends on:

    The meaning of the lakes

    • Influence the microclimate of the coast.
    • Contribute to raising the level of groundwater.
    • Salt lakes accumulate salts.
    • Influence the relief of the coast.
    • They are means of transport.
    • They are a recreation area.



    What are the major rivers that flow through North America?

    The largest river system ....


    (from the Indian "misi sepe" - a great river)

    with the Missouri tributary

    (named after the Indian tribe that lived on its shores).

    The river has a large basin, collects water from the Rocky Mountains, the Appalachians, from the Central and Great Plains. The Mississippi is full of water all year round, flooding in the spring due to snowmelt and summer rains. In the lower reaches, it winds, forms many islands in the channel.

    Task: compare the rivers of North America with the rivers

    other continents, draw a conclusion.

    Table " Major rivers peace."


    Length, km

    pool area,

    (with Kagera)


    (with Missouri)


    (with Maranion)

    (with Irtysh)

    (with Argun)


    To which oceans do the rivers of North America carry their waters?

    Which ocean basin is larger? What are the main sources of food for rivers?

    (working with atlas maps, fill in the block diagram)

    Rivers of the North




    examples of rivers:

    examples of rivers:


    examples of rivers:



    Characteristics of the rivers of the North

    Rivers of the North




    Pacific Ocean


    North Arctic

    R. St. Lawrence

    R. Colorado, Yukon

    Stormy, high water,

    short rapids,

    R. Mackenzie

    short, rich

    rich in energy

    hydropower, valleys

    snow food,

    having a constant flow

    freeze for a long time

    stock differences

    deep (Grand Canyon)

    Types of inland waters Rivers Rivers Rivers Lakes Lakes Lakes Swamps Swamps Swamps Glaciers Glaciers Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Groundwater Permafrost Permafrost Permafrost Permafrost Water resources Water resources Water resources Water resources

    Slope and fall of the river The fall of the river is the excess of the source over the mouth. Expressed in meters. The fall of the river is the excess of the source over the mouth. Expressed in meters. The slope of a river is the ratio of the fall of a river to its length. Expressed in cm/km. The slope of a river is the ratio of the fall of a river to its length. Expressed in cm/km.

    Lakes Lakes are closed basins filled with water. Lakes are closed basins filled with water. Lakes are fresh and salty, Lakes are fresh and salty, wastewater and drainless. waste and non-drainage. Lakes are distinguished by origin: Lakes are distinguished by origin: tectonic glacial-tectonic moraine volcanic thermokarst reservoirs

    Thermokarst lakes are located on the territory with permafrost. They are located on the territory with permafrost. In summer, the permafrost thaws, the soils subside, and shallow depressions filled with melt water form. In summer, the permafrost thaws, the soils subside, and shallow depressions filled with melt water form. There are many such lakes in Yakutia, the most famous is Nedzheli. There are many such lakes in Yakutia, the most famous is Nedzheli.

    Glacial-tectonic lake Tectonic lakes that are deepened under the weight of an ancient glacier. Tectonic lakes that are deepened under the weight of an ancient glacier. Located in the northwest of the Russian Plain. Located in the northwest of the Russian Plain.

    Tectonic lake Tectonic lakes are formed in the faults of the earth's crust. Tectonic lakes are formed in the faults of the earth's crust. Such lakes are oblong: narrow and long. Such lakes are oblong: narrow and long. A prominent representative is Baikal. A prominent representative is Baikal.

    Volcanic lakes Volcanic lakes are formed in the craters of volcanoes (when the lake erupts, they boil away). Volcanic lakes are formed in the craters of volcanoes (the lakes boil away during an eruption). In Russia, they are located mainly on the Kuril Islands and on the Kamchatka Peninsula In Russia, they are located mainly on the Kuril Islands and on the Kamchatka Peninsula

    Permafrost Permafrost is an underground glaciation upper layer the earth's crust, having all year round freezing temperatures and ice that remains in the ground for hundreds of years. this is underground glaciation, the upper layer of the earth's crust, which has negative temperatures all year round and ice remains in the ground for hundreds of years.

    Water resources Water resources are surface and ground waters that are used in everyday life, industry and agriculture. Water resources Drinking and household products Waterways River, tide and tide energy Industry and Agriculture

    Water Resources Assessment The Water Cadastre is a systematized collection of information about the country's water resources. The water cadastre is a systematized collection of information about the country's water resources. It summarizes the materials of hydrological observations and studies, collects data for scientific and economic organizations. It summarizes the materials of hydrological observations and studies, collects data for scientific and economic organizations.

    Human influence on water resources. Water use Water use Water use 1.Fishing industry 1.Fishing industry 2.Hydropower (HPP) 2.Hydropower (HPP) 3.Bathing in the river 3.Bathing in the river 4.Fishing on the shore with a fishing rod 4.Fishing on the shore with a fishing rod Water users pollute water, degrade its quality. Water consumption. Water consumption. 1.Industry 1.Industry 2.Agriculture 2.Agriculture 3.Communal services (water in the apartment, watering the streets). 3. Communal services (water in the apartment, watering the streets) As a result of consumption, the quantity and quality of water decreases.

    Used sites and literature II Barinova Recommendations for lesson planning. M.: Bustard. II Barinova Recommendations for lesson planning. M.: Bustard. Modern lesson of geography.- M.: School press, 2002 Modern lesson of geography.- M.: School press, 2002 E.A.Zhizhina. Pourochnye developments in geography. M.: E.A.Zhizhina. Pourochnye developments in geography. M.: I.I.Barinova., V.Yarom Geography of Russia. Toolkit. M.: Bustard, I.I.Barinova., V.Yarom Geography of Russia. Toolkit. M.: Bustard, 1998.