• Obesity in men: causes and consequences. Fat guys. Overweight problem. What causes overweight and how to deal with it Weight men of different ages causes

    Men and women gain weight differently, which means that weight loss occurs according to completely different patterns. Why do men have tummies and how to get rid of them? Does it make sense for men to exhaust themselves with diets and physical activity? Or maybe the stronger sex does not need to lose weight at all? The well-known psychotherapist Alexei Khodorkin told the portal about the specifics of male weight loss.

    Why do men get fat?

    First, let's look at the reasons why men gain weight. It is known that male and female hormones are present in the human body. In men, testosterone predominates, while in women, estrogen and progesterone predominate.

    “Over the past 50 years, both women and men have changed. We have followed the Western path of development, when a woman is given the same rights as a man. Women are able to raise children themselves, achieve good positions, they are elected to the presidency. The stronger sex, meanwhile, has lost some of its strength and power. Men no longer need to be earners, protectors, to win the attention of women. Men have a sharp decreased testosterone levels in the blood, they are becoming more and more like women - narrow shoulders, rounded shapes, - says Alexei Khodorkin. - And the ideals of beauty are changing. Judge for yourself: the actor Leonardo DiCaprio is recognized as a sex symbol, but he is far from a manly figure.

    Changing the hormonal background at the genetic level is far from the only reason. Men can gain weight from unbalanced nutrition. Aleksey Khodorkin says that men who want to maintain their masculinity and good figure You shouldn't eat carbohydrates. If sweets are even recommended for women during menstruation, then men should generally give up sweets and starchy foods.

    Beer is a terrible enemy of the male figure. In the production of a foamy drink, hops are used, which contain phytoestrogens, plant analogues of female sex hormones. They affect the hormonal background of men and are a catalyst for the growth of the "beer belly".

    Our picture of the causes of overweight in men would not be complete without mother lazy. Most men lead a sedentary lifestyle. They lie on the couch at home, drive to work in the car, sit at the computer all day.

    When is it time to sound the alarm?

    Excess weight in women and men also accumulates in different ways. The fair sex is gaining volume in the hips, chest, arms. So nature took care of the childbearing qualities of a woman. But men begin to gain weight from the stomach.

    “Men should be worried when, in addition to the stomach, chest, hips, arms begin to grow. When, roughly speaking, there is no more space in the abdomen, the excess weight begins to be distributed to other parts of the body, - explains Alexei Khodorkin. “Women are the opposite.”

    There is a well-known formula by which the degree of correspondence between body weight and height of a person is calculated - the body mass index. BMI is calculated for adults between 20 and 65 years of age.

    BMI = body weight in kilograms / height in meters squared.

    Check the result with the numbers below.

    6.49 and less - pronounced underweight

    16.5 - 18.49 - insufficient (deficit) body weight

    18.5 - 24.99 - normal

    25 - 29.99 - overweight (preobesity)

    30 - 34.99 - obesity I degree

    35 - 39.99 - II degree obesity

    40 and more - obesity of the III degree (morbid)

    Dr. Khodorkin says that for men, a BMI of 25-30 is still acceptable. At high values, emergency measures should be taken, as obesity can develop with irreversible consequences.

    In losing weight, two factors should be taken into account: age and constitution. It is absurd to believe that at 50 you can regain your 20-year-old figure. By the way, if a person has a broad-shouldered figure with developed muscle tissue, he can afford to have more weight than a narrow-shouldered man of the same height.

    How to deal with excess weight?

    In any case, the main thing is not to overdo it. The same applies to ways to deal with excess weight. Sport helps to keep fit very well, but only with moderate loads. Not a single doctor recommends testing the body for strength with overloads and special preparations.

    Passion for diets can also lead to unpleasant consequences. I know many examples when men gathered all their will into a fist and, with the help of diet and sports, lost 20-30 kilograms. Alas, this effect was short-lived. After a while, the men gained weight again.

    “If you limit yourself to any valuable foods, then you do not get the necessary nutrients. Therefore, when you return to your usual food, the body turns on the accumulation function. A person can gain several times their previous weight. Bad experience weight loss can lead to serious illness and mental disorders. Therefore, I always say that you need to lose weight only with the help of a competent specialist, ”notes Aleksey Khodorkin.

    Men need to eat meat, fish, vegetables. But chocolate, sweets, pies, pasta will have to be abandoned. You should stop drinking alcohol, it is very high in calories and whets the appetite.

    Flour and sweet, as well as beer affect potency. A man should think about his weight not only for aesthetic reasons, because excess weight takes away male strength and health.

    Aleksey Alekseevich Khodorkin, psychotherapist: treatment of alcohol, nicotine, food addiction.

    Reception at the address: Minsk, st. Kulman, 5 (metro station "Yakub Kolas Square").

    Overweight in mentreatmentIn Volgograd.Obesity1, 2, 3 degrees: symptoms, causes, diagnosis, prevention, diet, home treatment. Fatty liver: symptoms, consequences, treatment .

    Begin with yourself. My weight was 115 kilograms. As it turned out, treating obesity is very difficult. The problem is that there are many reasons that led to overweight, but the main one is improper eating behavior, overeating and a sedentary lifestyle. A person consumes more energy than he expends. And I am grateful to my colleague, doctor - Margarita Koroleva, who helped me lose 20 kilograms of excess weight.

    Why you need to lose weight! Potential Health Benefits!

    A 10% weight loss is:

    • reduction in mortality in general by 20-25%
    • decrease in blood pressure by 10 mm Hg. Art.
    • 50% reduction in the risk of developing diabetes
    • 30-50% reduction in fasting blood glucose
    • 10% reduction in total cholesterol
    • 30% reduction in triglycerides

    Where to begin? What is the diagnosis of obesity?

    The volume of diagnostics to identify the causes of overweight is determined by the doctor at the reception and depends on the alleged causes of obesity. One of the quick and inexpensive examination options for overweight is electrosomatography. Body scanning is carried out on the Estek (EIS) device - this is a method for determining the state of the body, a general screening is carried out, as a result of which you can get recommendations on lifestyle, nutrition. The diagnostic program covers all known risk factors and mechanisms of diseases in all body systems and is aimed, first of all, at the early detection of diseases or predispositions to them. The test results are displayed on the screen and handed out in printed form.

    Bioimpedance analysis of body composition - what is it?

    Bioimpedance analysis allows you to measure the electrical resistance of the body. It's no secret that different fabrics human body have different levels of electrical conductivity. Based on such data, you can find out the exact composition of the body, as well as obtain information about the content of adipose tissue in it, the amount muscle mass and water. Typically defined as: lean mass LM, fat mass FM, muscle mass MM, total fluid TWB, intracellular water ImW, extracellular water ExtW, interstitial fluid volume IFV. A prerequisite for the analysis is the refusal to eat and drink liquids one hour before the procedure. The method allows you to obtain objective data necessary to select the optimal weight loss program.

    Body mass index. The famous BMI, which people concerned about losing weight know for sure, can be determined in many ways. BMI is the degree to which body weight matches height. Normal weight is considered at the value of BMI 18,50-24,99 . Below is underweight, above is overweight. Obesity starts at a BMI of 30.

    There are several types of obesity. Doctors divide them into types, depending on the causes of the appearance:

    • obesity 1, 2, 3 degree alimentary constitutional genesis;
    • exogenous obesity of 1, 2, 3 degrees;
    • visceral obesity 1, 2, 3 degrees;
    • obesity 1, 2, 3 degrees gynoid.

    Muscle mass. It's simple: this is the total mass of muscles in the body. With the wrong diet, wrong diet and lifestyle, instead of fat, a person loses muscle mass. IN healthy body muscle mass is 30-40% from the total. With normal weight and lack of muscle tissue, we can talk about relative obesity, since the lack of muscle tissue in this case “compensates” for fat mass, and so on. Moreover, it should be noted that individually, such latent obesity, which occurs against the background of normal weight, is often tolerated by patients as hard (shortness of breath, fatigue, etc.) as with a clear increase in body weight, but with a normal muscle component.

    A simple but important indicator is lean (lean) body mass (LBM). This is the mass obtained by subtracting the weight of the fat mass from the total weight. Lean body mass is often used to calculate the energy content of the diet consumed. BMT decreases as a result of starvation, disease (cachexia), and aging (sarcopenia).

    Basic (basic) exchange rate. This is the number of calories that the body burns at rest per day. These calories are necessary for life, and the body will "eat" them in any case, whether you are physically active or not. For everyone, this number is individual, the higher it is, the faster you spend energy; the lower it is, the more likely it is to gain excess weight even with proper nutrition. A healthy adult male has an average of 1800-2100 kcal / day, and for women - 1300-1500 kcal / day.

    fat mass, that is, the amount of fat in the body. The very thing for which losing weight undergo bioimpedansometry. It would seem that this is the same number of kilograms that you need to throw off. But not all fat is extra. It is needed for metabolic processes, thermal insulation, as stored energy. Optimal fat level for women - 20-29,9% , for men - 10-19,9% from the total weight. The average energy component of one kilogram of body fat is equal to 7 thousand kcal. At the same time, a kilogram of muscle mass is energetically equal to about 1100 kcal. It follows from this that much more time and effort will have to be spent on the breakdown of fat masses. The study of human body fat mass provides useful data on other important features of the body. In particular, increased attention is paid here to the determination of the hormonal background, on which the formation of body fat directly depends. Fat mass located subcutaneously in the limbs and adipose tissue located in the greater and lesser omentum (inside the abdominal cavity) differ in their biochemical effects on the body. The android body type in both men and women is associated with metabolic syndrome. In such people, increases in cortisol, cholesterol, high blood pressure, and insulin resistance are also associated with behavioral and psychosocial risk factors such as physical inactivity, alcohol intake, and depression.

    The amount of fluid in the body. All fluid in the body is mainly divided into extracellular and intracellular; extracellular fluid - into tissue (intercellular) fluid and blood plasma. The indicator of interstitial fluid allows you to find out if there are edema in the body, if fluid is retained. If the amount of interstitial fluid, that is, blood and lymph, is below normal, this indicates a thickening of the blood or that you are not drinking enough, especially if you are exercising at the same time. Normally, the amount of fluid in the body is 45-60% body weight. An increase in the volume of extracellular fluid contributes to an increase in the load on the cardiovascular system. And indicators of the level of interstitial fluid allow you to identify problems in the functioning of the renal system.

    What is fatty liver? What are the symptoms and effects of fatty liver? How to treat fatty liver?

    Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is a hepatic manifestation of the metabolic syndrome, a condition associated with diabetes Type 2, insulin resistance, abdominal obesity, hyperlipidemia and arterial hypertension. Fatty liver is a condition defined by excessive accumulation of fat in the liver in the form of triglycerides. The most important reason for the development of obesity is insulin resistance, which is associated with obesity. In addition, significant concomitant factors are oxidative stress and cytokines, which together lead to steatosis and progressive liver damage. A generally accepted approach in the treatment of fatty liver, which allows to change the course of the disease, is a change in lifestyle and diet. Diet: Aim to reduce weight by 5-10% and reduce calories by 25% of normal diet (up to 2500 calories per day) in accordance with the age and sex of the patient. A moderately calorie-restricted diet with a modified macronutrient profile top scores compared to a very low calorie diet. Attention should be paid to the role of a moderately low-calorie diet and advice should be given on the type of food to be consumed – avoiding fructose and trans fats in soft drinks and fast food, and increasing the diet's omega-3 content. Performance exercise: An aerobic exercise program with moderate exercise three to four times a week should be encouraged to achieve a heart rate of 60-75% of the age maximum. Schemes for the use of drugs for fatty liver depend on the stage of the disease, lasting 12-24 months.

    How to treat obesity?

    First of all, it is necessary to understand: obesity is a chronic disease and its treatment must also be “chronic”. Excess fat accumulated in the body for more than one year. To make a difference, you have to change too. You won’t be able to “diet” and then get off it - you need to permanently change your eating habits and physical activity. And do it in such a way that new look life gave you pleasure. Do not try to lose 15 kg in one month by eating kefir or cucumbers alone. All your life you will not eat kefir anyway, and the quickly dropped kilograms will also quickly return to you, and even in excess. Set a realistic goal to lose 3 kg in 1-2 months. Understand what you want to achieve and why you need it, and start moving towards this goal, changing your life once and for all. You should start worrying already if your body mass index exceeds 25 kg / m2. It is believed that with overweight (BMI no more than 29.9) and the absence of obesity-associated diseases, it is necessary to start treatment with a change in lifestyle, diet, and this is quite possible.

    Non-drug weight loss measures include:

    • moderately hypocaloric diet,
    • teaching patients the right way of life with a change in eating habits,
    • keeping a food diary,
    • physical exercise.

    Why is drug therapy important for obesity? What drugs reduce body weight?

    Drug therapy for obesity is used only in a comprehensive weight loss program to increase the effectiveness of dietary measures, if necessary, more rapid weight loss and is of an auxiliary nature. One of the main tasks in the fight against obesity is to reduce the feeling of hunger in patients in order to reduce the amount of food consumed. This direction of pharmacotherapy is implemented using drugs that suppress appetite (anorexigenic drugs). Another way is the intensification of metabolism and energy consumption in the body with the help of, for example, thermogenic agents. The third way is the influence on the processes of digestion, in particular, the restriction of the absorption of individual food components. In addition, the use of analogues and antagonists of hormones that regulate food intake and satiety is considered to be new and promising areas. The fourth way - low testosterone levels (hypogonadism) is a stimulating factor in the growth of fat cells. Therefore, if it is not possible to reduce body weight while following the recommendations of a doctor, it is necessary to determine the level of testosterone and, in case of a decrease, prescribe therapy with testosterone preparations until the waist circumference is normalized.

    Centrally acting drugs (anorexigenic agents that reduce food intake):

    A drug Goldline (sibutramine) intended for the treatment of centrally acting obesity. It helps to increase the feeling of fullness and reduce the need for food, as well as increase thermal production. Weight loss is accompanied by an increase in serum HDL concentration and a decrease in triglycerides, total cholesterol, LDL and uric acid. Goldline appoint inside 1 time / day. The dose is set individually, depending on tolerability and clinical efficacy. You can take the drug only after consulting a doctor.

    Peripheral drugs.

    Listat tablets
    (orlistat) - inhibitors of gastrointestinal lipases. Interferes with the absorption of fats in the small intestine. Hence the side effect of this Listat is loose, oily stools when rich fatty foods are abused. But this drug has no systemic side effects. Patients with overweight or obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus who take Listata for 6-12 months experience greater weight loss compared to patients receiving only diet therapy.

    How can food habits be changed?

    This is by no means a diet that can then be canceled. This is how every person who wants to be healthy and feel good should eat. You need to eat well, plentifully, tasty, do not starve, but eat at the same time the right products. If you are overweight, choose a “certain diet” for yourself. But we pay special attention to the complete exclusion of mayonnaise and sausages, sausages, sausages - we replace them with whole meat. As Kalinchenko Svetlana Yuryevna says: “A man’s food should be like a hunter’s food - a lot of meat or fish cooked without fat and a light vegetable (and ideally vegetable) side dish.

    The concept of "rational nutrition" includes not only the use of "healthy" and the exclusion of "harmful" foods, a rational diet, the right combination of foods, methods of cooking without fat, but also a certain behavior during each meal.

    Under no circumstances should you go hungry. This is an unacceptable way to treat obesity. During starvation, human tissue cells do not receive glucose - the main source of energy and switch to an alternative source of nutrition - fats. As a result of the breakdown of one's own fat depots, the accumulation of free fatty acids occurs, and their excess breaks down with the formation of ketone bodies.

    To draw up a balanced diet, you need to calculate the number of calories that can be consumed per day, taking into account individual energy costs. And from the calculation daily allowance calories, you can make a menu for the whole day. At the same time, you can use products taking into account the usual addictions, but change the ratio of "harmful" and "useful" products according to the existing recommendations.

    What kind of physical activity for overweight?

    It is very important to increase physical activity, which should be regarded as an important part of the program to reduce body weight. It has been shown that increasing physical activity not only contributes to greater weight loss, but also allows you to maintain the achieved result.

    Before starting classes and choosing the type of exercise, you should consult a doctor. Physical activity and exercise should bring pleasure to the patient and be well tolerated. If, for health reasons, the doctor forbids the patient to do aerobics and shaping, this does not mean that it is impossible to increase physical activity. Easiest but enough effective method increase physical activity is walking. Moreover, it is not the pace of walking that matters, but the distance traveled. For example, one hour of walking burns 400 kcal, and jogging for 20-30 minutes only 250 - 375 kcal. Physical activity can include games, walks, gardening, or sports such as swimming. Try to move as much as possible. Even if you live on the 20th floor, walk up a few flights of stairs. Very helpful! Make a promise to yourself to walk at least three kilometers every day. The main rule is that these loads should bring you pleasure, be regular and fairly frequent (3-4 times a week). If you are not accustomed to physical activity, then you need to increase their duration and intensity gradually. If you already have chronic diseases, then this does not cancel physical activity, but it will require you to coordinate their type and duration with your doctor. In case of diseases of the heart and blood vessels or if you are not used to exercise, it is recommended to start with light exercise, focusing on the heart rate, i.e. on the pulse.

    1. Change your lifestyle, starting with the store. Buy low-calorie foods.
    2. If you buy not sausages or cheese, but fresh vegetables and greens, then your family will only benefit. Buy foods with the lowest fat content. When choosing meat and fish products, try not to buy semi-finished products.
    3. Many people say that they can't afford to eat right. Do not be disingenuous: by limiting the consumption of meat, sausages, you can afford seafood and greens. Cheeses and sausages are no cheaper than fresh or frozen vegetables. Don't buy groceries.
    4. Follow some rules when cooking. Try to use cooking methods without adding fat: not frying, but stewing or baking in the oven. Try to use less salt. Abundant salting of food not only increases appetite, but also increases the risk of developing arterial hypertension.
    5. Use small plates and serve small portions. Get a small bowl or plate. So it will be much easier to limit the portion size and eat it slowly and with pleasure.
    6. Do not eat if you are not hungry or have nothing to do.
    7. If you're visiting, it's best not to advertise your dietary restrictions. Choose the meals that you allow yourself to eat.
    8. Do not starve, eat often and little by little. Complete fasting is not a solution. Try not to get too hungry. Eat often (4-5 times a day) and little by little. Try not to eat at night, let your dinner end no later than 2-3 hours before bedtime. If you feel hungry between meals or before bed, eat something low-calorie - vegetable salad, or an apple, low-fat yogurt.
    9. Do not eat in front of the TV, while reading a book. You can get so carried away that you won't notice if you're full or not, and keep eating. Beware of chips and nuts, popcorn.
    10. Limit your alcohol intake. Alcoholic drinks high in calories and increase appetite.
    11. Try to cook beautiful dishes, and eat them slowly and with pleasure.
    12. For snacks, use low-calorie foods. It is better to eat an orange or an apple, vegetable salad or low fat yogurt than chocolate bar, or a sandwich with cheese.
    13. Don't despair if a breakdown occurs. For example, you ate at night fried potatoes. This is not a reason to give up, but a reason to give yourself additional physical activity. And of course, try to avoid such breakdowns.

    The material was prepared by a urologist-andrologist, therapist Akimov Oleg Viktorovich.

    Often men are proud of their "labor callus" in the form of a rounded belly, not realizing that this "extra load" and health are incompatible things.

    Modern man lives in a very hostile environment. It is slowly being killed by dirty air, poor quality water, smoking, chronic stress and much more. For people, in the 21st century, food has also become deadly. According to statistics, in developed countries up to 60% of the population are overweight, and half of them suffer from severe forms of obesity.

    What's happened " excess weight»?

    Many formulas have been invented to estimate a person’s body weight, but the Body Mass Index (BMI) has gained the most popularity, determined by the formula of Adolf Ketele, which he proposed in 1869.

    As recommended World Organization Health (WHO), the modern view of BMI is as follows: body mass index is defined as body weight in kilograms divided by the square of height in meters. The calculation results are evaluated according to the table.

    16 or less - severe underweight or cachexia (exhaustion);

    16 - 18.5 - slight deficiency of body weight;

    18.5 - 25 - the norm;

    25 - 30 - excess body weight (threat of obesity);

    30 - 35 - obesity I degree;

    35 - 40 - obesity II degree;

    40 and more - obesity of the III degree.

    Estimation of body weight by BMI has many conventions and inaccuracies. For example, in professional athletes, BMI may give falsely high results due to an increased amount of muscle mass. Besides, in Lately the term "abdominal obesity" is used, that is, not only BMI is assessed, but also the amount of fat on the abdomen. The following waist measurements are considered normal:

    • women - up to 80 cm,
    • men - up to 94 cm.

    Even with normal BMI numbers, if a man's waist is more than 94 cm in circumference, then he is obese.

    What are dangerous overweight in men?

    1. Increased risk of cardiovascular disease and hypertension.

    Cardiovascular accidents are the leading cause of death for modern men. Doctors call such a terrible term a heart attack, stroke, rupture of an aortic aneurysm, as well as blockage (thrombosis) of large arterial vessels. Excess weight in men increases the risk of these same catastrophes by 2-3 times. Also, obese people suffer from hypertension in 60% of cases. According to statistics, an increase in blood pressure by 10 points increases the risk of stroke by 2 times from the previous one, that is, the risk of cardiovascular accidents with hypertension increases exponentially.

    2. Insulin resistant diabetes mellitus, also known as type 2 diabetes.

    Here are some very impressive statistics. In obese men, lowering BMI to normal reduces the risk of developing this type of diabetes by 40 times. The combination of overweight, high blood pressure and high blood sugar is called metabolic syndrome. This is not a disease, but a combination of risk factors that can lead to death from a stroke or heart attack. It is the metabolic syndrome that causes the death of 40% of men of working age.

    3. Decreased potency.

    Increased deposition of adipose tissue on the abdomen disrupts the metabolism of the male sex hormone - testosterone, leading to testosterone deficiency. This deficit is manifested by depression, increased fatigue, and most importantly - erectile dysfunction (impotence).

    4. Arthritis.

    Increased stress on the joints in obesity, especially on the knee and hip, leads to the destruction of articular cartilage. As a result of these processes, obese people are 3-4 times more likely to develop arthritis in the joints of the legs, sometimes chaining them to a wheelchair.

    5. Increased risk of cancer.

    Research recent years showed that men with elevated BMI had a 33% increased risk of dying from cancer of the liver, intestines, gallbladder, and pancreas.

    Cuban "dietary" experiment.

    Cuba lost support in 1991 Soviet Union, as a result of which a colossal economic crisis broke out in the country, which lasted a little more than 10 years. The volume of foreign trade decreased by 80%, which caused a shortage of many goods, including food. The shortage of cheap fuel from the USSR led the Cubans to switch from cars to bicycles. The calorie content of the daily diet of citizens decreased by 40%, while the share of carbohydrates increased (mainly due to rice and sugar cane) from 65% to 77%, and the share of animal fats in the diet of Cubans decreased from 15% to 5%.

    As a result, the average body mass index of Cubans decreased from 24.8 to 23.3. The overall prevalence of obesity decreased from 12% in 1991 to 5% in 1995. Physical activity at the same time increased from 30% to 70%. The consequences of the crisis were as follows: mortality from cardiovascular diseases decreased by 35%, mortality from type II diabetes mellitus decreased by 51%, and overall mortality decreased by 18%.

    Impressive reason to go on a diet, isn't it?

    Abdominal obesity in men is not only an aesthetic problem (few people will find a voluminous “beer belly” attractive), but also a medical one. It is estimated that men suffering from this disease are more than 50 times more likely to become victims of a stroke, regularly break records among patients with diabetes, and the risk of developing cancer increases for them 15 times! True, women also have a hard time, but this insidious disease overtakes the beautiful half of humanity much less often. No wonder it is called male-type obesity!
    Excess weight affects health, mood and quality of life

    What is internal fat and why is it dangerous?

    What is the main difference between "male obesity" and female?

    According to the idea of ​​​​nature, excess weight on female body accumulates primarily in the area of ​​​​the hips and legs, giving the figure of a lady a shape resembling a pear. This is the so-called gynoid obesity, which can be both ugly and not very healthy, but does not pose a direct threat to life until excess weight begins to exceed all reasonable limits. By the way, in men, female-type obesity is not so rare - according to rumors, Napoleon himself suffered from it, locked up on St. Helena. But still, such cases are rather an exception to the general rule, since the “strong and courageous” have a different physiology.

    The male body prefers to store its surpluses on the stomach and chest, giving the once toned figure of the owner the shape of an apple. And it would be fine, the fat remained only in unattractive rollers under the skin. No! Gradually growing, it begins to envelop the abdominal and ore cavities, sticking around the liver, lungs, pancreas, kidneys and even the heart. The organs squeezed from all sides can no longer function normally, which is why the owner of the “rich inner world” will soon acquire a whole bunch of various sores. This is abdominal or upper obesity.

    In men, fat is more likely to accumulate around the waist and on the chest.

    By itself, internal (visceral) fat is not a sign of obesity in a man, just like in a woman: we need it to protect organs from accidental injuries. But if normally the weight of this “cushion cushion” does not exceed 3-4 kg, then in an obese patient it reaches 10 kg or more.

    It is difficult to independently determine how neglected the case is; internal fat cannot be measured at home. Here is a simple test to help you. Measure your waist with a tailor's centimeter - for a woman it should not exceed 80 cm; for a man - 94 cm. If you do not fit into the framework indicated by doctors, start sounding the alarm: you are at risk.

    More than 94 cm? Diet Now!

    What threatens the presence of visceral fat?

    The consequences of obesity in men can be very unpleasant:

    • high pressure;
    • increased blood cholesterol levels;
    • vascular atherosclerosis;
    • joint problems;
    • intercostal neuralgia;
    • type 2 diabetes;
    • migraines, chronic fatigue, forgetfulness;
    • cholelithiasis due to unhealthy diet;
    • sleep apnea (short-term pauses in breathing);
    • oppression of sexual function - if overweight women threaten to fail menstrual cycle, then in a man obesity causes a violation of potency and infertility;
    • belly fat triggers the production of cortisol, the "stress hormone" that keeps the body in perpetual tension.

    Being overweight brings with it a lot of problems.

    Last but not least, the psyche suffers: the presence of a large belly and plump breasts greatly affects male self-esteem, and with complexes always come problems in communication, self-confidence and the ability to enjoy life fall.

    Reasons for the appearance

    Where does this attack come from? The causes of obesity in men, as in women, are commonplace:

    • binge eating;
    • insufficient activity;
    • the choice of the wrong products (the dominance of the menu of fatty, sweet, salty);
    • hereditary predisposition;
    • failure of the endocrine system;
    • prolonged exposure to stress or depression.

    Nothing supernatural, right? But measures to combat obesity are not a big mystery. It will be enough for strong and purposeful to normalize nutrition and provide your body with increased activity during the day. A psychotherapist will provide support to the weak and unconfident. A nutritionist with a personal trainer will help meticulous. And in the most extreme cases, an endocrinologist will come to the rescue. The only thing that is required from the patient himself is not to give up in the fight against the disease.

    The specialist knows exactly what to do

    stages of obesity

    How to determine the degree of obesity in a man? To do this, there is such a thing as body mass index.

    Calculate it according to the following formula.

    Take your weight (the number of full kilograms) and divide by your height in meters, previously squared.

    For example, if a person with a height of 176 cm has a weight of 95 kg, the calculations will look like this: 95: (1.76 X 1.76) \u003d 30. Therefore, the BMI (body mass index) of the “experimental” is 30. Is it a lot or a little ? The table of obesity in men will tell.

    Stages 3 and 4 require specialist intervention

    As the table shows, a BMI of 30 indicates obesity of the 1st degree in men (in women, the indicators are slightly different).

    Methods of treatment

    Any treatment begins with an awareness of the problem and a firm decision to get rid of it. Here it is important to understand that not only the personal life and general well-being of a person, but also his health is at risk. For some, to create the right motivation, you may need to contact a psychotherapist, for others, relatives or friends will come to the rescue. In any case, finding a “support group” is very desirable, because it is extremely difficult to break an established lifestyle and habits.

    • 5-6 meals a day;
    • reduction in the total calorie content of the diet and the volume of servings;
    • rejection harmful products And fried foods in favor of healthy food;
    • playing sports, even in the form of simple gymnastics in the morning and regular walks in the fresh air;
    • change of lifestyle to a more active one;
    • 8-hour sleep, without which normal metabolism is impossible;
    • rejection of bad habits.

    Alcohol and smoking do not contribute to harmony!

    Food is everything

    Note: if a man has obesity of 2 degrees or, even better, 1, you can bring yourself back to normal on your own, there would be a desire. But when it comes to stages 3 and 4, it is better not to rely on your own strength.
    A good specialist will not only select the most effective diet in your case and recommend a set of exercises. He can prescribe, for example, a course of physiotherapy procedures (massage, vacuum pressure therapy). Or prescribe a drug for weight control. Or, if the case is complex, “give the go-ahead” for surgical intervention, although without a radical change in lifestyle, there will be little sense from it.

    Video: Male obesity

    A look at the problem of internal fat from the "teledoctor" Elena Malysheva and the channel "Live Healthy":

    Being overweight in men has become a common occurrence in modern life. The accumulation of excess fat in the body of men is slow. The occurrence of obesity in women is more common. The male body requires a lot of energy. The calorie content of the women's table is half that of the men's. The structural features of the muscular frame of the body are also the reason for the rapid burning of excess fat.

    Causes of obesity

    There are many factors that affect the mass of a person. Separate external and internal factors of fat mass increase. External causes of obesity:

    Many diseases can be attributed to internal causes. The most common diseases that cause obesity are:

    1. Disorders of the hormonal system. With a decrease in the production of testosterone in the body of the patient, the hormone-estrogen begins to be actively produced. Estrogen is the female hormone responsible for primary sexual characteristics. Men with impaired testosterone production gain weight in a female phenotype. Roundness appears in the waist, sides and hips. Pathological growth of the mammary glands may appear.
    2. genetic inheritance. In a family whose older generation tends to be overweight, obesity is common. The cause of the disease is a malfunction of mast cells. Treatment in this case does not have a positive effect.
    3. Diseases of cardio-vascular system. Hypertension affects the retention of water and salts in the body. Men suffering from heart disease gain weight in the chest and legs. The deposition of excess fat in the chest region causes shortness of breath.
    4. Diabetic lesions of organs or tissues. Diabetes requires constant hormonal treatment. Hormone therapy affects the metabolic processes in the body of a man, causes the accumulation of water. In the presence of diabetes in a man, excess weight cannot be controlled.
    5. Endocrine pathologies. Violations in the endocrine system leads to a hormonal imbalance. The causes of endocrine obesity are similar to those of diabetics.

    The impact of obesity on patient health

    The accumulation of excess fat mass in the body causes the occurrence of various pathologies of organs and tissues:

    Treatment and prevention of the disease

    There are two types of treatment: medication, physiotherapy. Medicamentous effect on excessive body fat:

    With all types of excess weight, it is necessary to observe proper nutrition certain physical activity. Basic rules to follow:

    cosmetic care

    Modern cosmetology has developed a line of products to combat excess weight. Wide application cosmetical tools found at masseurs. Comprehensive skin care before and after massage helps to quickly remove extra centimeters from the waist and hips, reduce the appearance of cellulite. Massage techniques for weight loss are different, determined by the doctor. For patients suffering from vascular network, massage is contraindicated. Massage should be performed by a professional, because amateurs can do harm.

    Beauty salons offer a medical procedure - acupuncture. Acupuncture came to our medicine from Japan. Nutritionists use special points for setting needles. With a certain temporary impact of needles on a point in the body, metabolic processes are intensified, fat-burning enzymes are activated. Sessions last no more than fifteen minutes and are conducted by an acupuncturist.

    Selection of treatment and prevention

    To select the right treatment and physical activity a number of studies are assigned:

    • A complete history is being taken. To do this, the causes of excess weight are clarified, the time frame for the duration of the disease is identified. The calorie content of the table, the frequency of meals are specified.
    • Conduct a physical examination. The patient is sent for an ultrasound examination of organs, an electrocardiogram, and a magnetic resonance tomogram. A blood sample is taken for a complete laboratory study. An important factor is a blood test for the level of hormones in the blood.
      The genetic picture of the patient is studied. Eliminate the likelihood of obesity, inherited.

    Surgical intervention

    In some cases, a person needs surgical intervention. If compliance with the diet, drug therapy did not give a positive result, the patient is prescribed an operation. The most common operation is a gastric bypass. The walls of the stomach are sutured or a bandage is placed, the volume of food that fits into it decreases. Gastric banding and gastroplasty are widely used. Shunting has proven itself only with positive side. The loss of fat volume in six months can reach 15–20 kg.

    Men who are overweight should immediately contact a nutritionist and decide on treatment. Ignoring the problem leads to aggravation of the patient's condition and possible death. Timely intervention of a doctor will help prolong and improve life, maintain health.