• Not eating after six is ​​an effective way to lose weight. How much can you lose weight if you do not eat after six If you eat after 5 pm

    There are many diets, some of them are reasonable and based on the principles of healthy and rational nutrition, while others offer outright nonsense. But most food systems, one way or another, touch upon the question of dinner: is it needed, what should it consist of and is it possible to lose weight if you do not eat after six evenings.

    The concept of “not eating after six in the evening” has long been known, this principle is used in many diets and, under certain conditions, can be very effective.

    Returning home from work in the evening, a person relaxes after a hard and stressful day, metabolism and other processes in the body slow down, one wants to lie down and have a hearty meal. This is where the main danger lies, appetite in the evening is good, and the body's ability to digest food and expend energy is minimal, which leads to fat deposition and accumulation excess weight. A dense and plentiful dinner is always accompanied by heaviness in the stomach, bloating and other unpleasant consequences. Therefore, to maintain weight after six, you can eat a low-calorie meal, while losing weight should refrain from eating at all.

    Who is the principle of not eating after six in the evening?

    Each of us has his own rhythm of life and a unique organism. Refusal of food after six in the evening will suit the so-called "larks", people who are used to getting up early and not staying up late in the evenings. With this mode, the peak of activity falls on the first half of the day, so the larks eat tightly in the morning and at lunchtime, and the food is intensively digested and transformed into energy. In the evening, there is a decline in energy, you want to relax and go to bed as soon as possible. It is easier for such people to refuse late meals, because during the day they fully ate and received all the necessary nutrients.

    If you are a “night owl” and drink only a cup of coffee for breakfast, and the highest activity and performance is in the evening, then the “do not eat after six” diet is not suitable for you. There will be regular breakdowns, evening congestion and excess weight.

    A person who decides to lose weight and not eat after six should have the opportunity and desire to fully and properly eat throughout the day. Otherwise, there will only be harm to the body and metabolic disorders.

    How many kilograms can you lose weight if you do not eat anything after six?

    Refusal to eat in the evening will not bring rapid loss of excess weight, the process of losing weight will take place gradually and without harm to the body. On average, kilograms leave at a rate of 0.5 - 1.0 kg per month. Slow weight loss is preferable to express diets, which significantly reduce the metabolic rate and lead to even more weight gain in the future.

    The rate of weight loss can be increased to 2.5 - 4.0 kg per month by adjusting your daily diet and reducing calories consumed. But, do not get carried away, a lack of calories during the day can lead to evening and night breakdowns.

    If you need a quick result (more than 4.0 kg per month), then the system is not suitable. Also, it is not suitable for people with pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, pregnant women, adolescents and children.

    We have already considered in detail the express methods of losing weight - and even talked about how. And the conclusion of our editorial office coincides with the opinion of most nutritionists - fast diets are a huge stress for all body systems, and the result of gradual weight loss lasts much longer!

    What benefits will the body bring to the rejection of a late and heavy dinner?

    Let's dedicate a little time to motivation, which is very important when losing weight, and list the positive aspects of evening fasting. Freeing your stomach from work at night, sleep becomes deeper and more complete, and morning awakening is easier and more cheerful. Breakfast will be eaten with appetite, in the morning you can afford a small amount of sweets and even chocolate. And in the evening, instead of food, energy will appear and free time for other activities, including sports.

    Answering the question in the affirmative, is it possible to lose weight if you do not eat after 6, it's time to move on to practice and begin your difficult journey in finding the desired figure. Many are unable to drastically and drastically change their habits and not eat anything in the evening, so the transition to new system nutrition should be gradual, taking into account some features:

    • In the first weeks of the diet, you can not reduce the calorie content of breakfast and lunch, they should be familiar to the body and nutritious.
    • Be sure to find the opportunity to eat at 16.30 - 17.00 hours. This will help to avoid severe hunger in the late evening hours and eliminate breakdowns.
    • It is advisable at first to simply postpone your usual dinner to an earlier time (before six in the evening), then reduce the portions consumed and the composition of the dishes, if necessary.
    • Think over your evening, it is better to go for a walk outside or to visit, so that hunger does not take you by surprise and does not force you to look for high-calorie and high-calorie foods in the refrigerator. harmful products.
    • Be patient and don't expect quick results, eating nothing after six in the evening is an effective, but rather slow method of losing weight.
    • Adjust your order of sleep and wakefulness, it is desirable to be in bed around 22.00 hours. If you stay up late, then falling asleep on an empty stomach will be much more difficult, and getting up early will not bring joy.
    • Not eating at night is a very correct and useful habit, having achieved the desired results and having lost weight to the desired mark, do not forget it, otherwise the resumption of weight problems cannot be avoided.

    What should be dinner before six in the evening?

    What and how much you need to eat for dinner, so as not to suffer from hungry cramps after six in the evening.

    Here is a list of products that are strictly prohibited for consumption in the evening. These are high-calorie foods that are easily digestible and are more suitable for breakfast:

    • Flour and confectionery products, sweet pastries
    • Chocolate, cakes and other sweets
    • Butter, mayonnaise, high-calorie sauces
    • Meat, poultry and fish cooked using the fried method

    The ideal dinner should consist of easily digestible foods with medium and low calorie content. Also keep an eye on the portion size, regular overeating of even healthy foods does not contribute to weight loss and can lead to weight gain.

    The first option for a proper dinner is a combination of a low-fat meat or fish dish and vegetables. Meat should be taken with a low fat content (beef, veal, chicken breast) and brought to readiness in a double boiler or baked in the oven. Meat and fish can be stewed in a small amount vegetable oil or on the water. Fish for dinner is preferable to meat, it is easier to digest with an equivalent amount of protein. We recommend using low-fat varieties of fish: cod, pollock, hake, pike, flounder, sometimes you can treat yourself to pink salmon boiled or baked in foil, chum salmon, trout. Of particular value for losing weight are Marine life(squid, mussels, shrimp, octopus), they are a complete protein food, while having a minimum calorie content

    Vegetables should preferably be consumed raw. last resort, boil or stew in water. Vegetables are rich in dietary fiber, which saturates the body faster and for a longer time. Green vegetables have the smallest calorie content (15-50 calories per 100g), they are quick to cook, vegetable dishes go well with baked meat or fish. Spinach, broccoli, green beans, white cabbage and Brussels sprouts - these vegetables can make excellent and healthy salad. Use soy sauce, low-fat yogurt, or low-fat sour cream as dressing for salads.

    Tomatoes, bell pepper and carrots are also suitable for preparing dinner, but beets should not be abused, they contain a lot of sugar.

    The second dinner option is a combination of low-fat dairy products (cottage cheese, yogurt) with unsweetened fruit. The minimum amount of sugar contains avocado, grapefruit, green apple, pears.

    In the first weeks, hunger after six in the evening can be very strong and painful, you should not endure it. It is recommended to pre-prepare foods that are allowed to be eaten later in the evening.

    What is allowed to eat after six in the evening?

    Losing weight, after six, the whole range of teas is available, but without sugar. If there are no problems with the heart and with sleep, you can drink a cup of coffee.

    Unsweetened fruits, low fat dairy products, fat free cottage cheese also suitable for a late dinner.

    If you really want sweets - eat a spoonful of honey, in extreme cases, a few candied fruits.

    At first, it will be difficult to give up the desire to eat your usual dinner and replace it with a more healthy and low-calorie one. After a week of dieting, it will become much easier, the stomach will get used to consuming smaller amounts of food in the evening. A little willpower, patience and everything will definitely work out.

    The food system that excludes eating after six in the evening is sparing and is not designed for rapid weight loss. Its main advantage lies in good nutrition and maintaining a high working capacity of a person throughout the working day.

    The rate of weight loss when you refuse a late dinner depends on many factors, we list the main ones:

    • The initial weight of losing weight. People with a lot extra pounds in the first weeks they lose weight at a faster rate (3.5 - 4.0 kg per month) than people with slight obesity.
    • The presence of physical activity and its intensity will allow you to quickly bring yourself into shape. If you perform simple exercises daily for 30 minutes, you can lose weight by 2.0-3.0 kg per month.
    • Weight loss is also influenced by the metabolic rate and age of the person.

    So is it possible to lose weight if you do not eat after six in the evening? In most cases, the answer to this question will be yes. By following these recommendations, you can quickly lose extra pounds and gain a slender body.

    Did you know that if you do not eat after 6 pm, you can lose weight in a short time? No wonder nutritionists in unison advise to refrain from eating in the evening. After all, going to bed on an empty stomach, you protect your body from many diseases. Dietetics experts will tell fitonies who monitor their diet how to limit the amount of food in the evening, and what can be eaten safely for the figure.

    Benefits of evening fasting

    You can get your body in shape without giving up food. What to eat in the evening to lose weight and how to organize a diet correctly? Nutritionists recommend not eating after 6 pm, as they know that metabolism is slowed down at this time.

    Everything that you eat during this period will be deposited in fat cells and “strategic” reserves. By controlling the body from the intake of excess calories in the evening, you will steadily part with 1.5 - 2 kilograms of excess weight in a week.

    The benefits of evening fasting are:

    • stabilization of the hormonal background;
    • improvement of the nervous system;
    • normalization of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • elimination of excess calories.

    The well-known dogma that breakfast should be hearty, and it is better to refuse dinner altogether, is based on biorhythms human body. Metabolic processes slow down after 6 pm, so everything that is eaten can harm the figure.

    If after breakfast you go to work, workout, walk, then after dinner in most cases they just go to bed. In addition, it has been proven that effective weight loss occurs at night. Help your own body by not overloading it with food at night.

    Cons of evening fasting

    If you are not used to eating in the morning, then a complete refusal to eat can result in gastrointestinal diseases. You can completely exclude food after 18 hours only with a clear diet. Fractional meals are distributed until 6 pm at intervals of 2-3 hours. Then you can drink purified water. Contraindications for evening fasting are:

    • anorexia, exhaustion;
    • depressive state;
    • violations of the thyroid gland;
    • pregnancy, lactation;
    • hepatic failure, renal failure.

    This weight loss method is not suitable for diabetics. If you increase the intervals between meals, this will lead to sharp decline glucose. Patients with a tendency to constipation are also not suitable for such a diet.

    Fitonies who lead an active lifestyle and train almost every day should not completely refuse dinner. Since intensive training depletes glycogen levels, the liver can suffer. If the supply is not replenished, there is a danger of receiving fatty hepatosis. You can learn about the features of a diet for weight loss and understand whether it is worth eating after six by watching the video.

    Is it really not to eat after 6: what you can eat in the evening to lose weight

    The main rule that will help you easily cope with hunger on the eve of sleep is the diet. A gradual transition to the correct mode will allow you to abandon fatty and high-calorie foods. Your "friends" will be pepper, cabbage, lettuce, kefir and yogurt. Over time, you should reduce portions and reduce the calorie content of what you eat.

    Bad habits like having tea in the kitchen in the evening or sitting at the computer with a plate of delicious food are dangerous trends. You imperceptibly absorb a huge amount of food and stop only when you feel heaviness in the stomach. An interesting activity and a warm bath will distract you from thinking about food. Take a walk in the fresh air, and if the feeling of hunger is completely unbearable, eat a spoonful of honey.

    Safe snacking options that won't lead to weight gain:

    • dairy products;
    • bran;
    • non-starchy vegetables;
    • greenery;
    • berries.

    Add bran to kefir and eat. Such a useful combination of ingredients will not harm even half an hour before bedtime. Fitonies who return from evening training should definitely recuperate.

    The ideal choice is protein omelet, seafood, lean fish. Products are quickly digested, do not cause heaviness in the stomach and speed up metabolic processes. How to protect yourself from the night "zhor" and choose the right products for dinner, you will learn in this video.

    The effectiveness of the evening diet

    If you do not eat after 6 pm, you can lose weight pretty quickly. The main thing is to follow the recommendations of leading nutritionists who have compiled a special list for phytons. The main requirements are:

    1. Refusal of high-calorie foods is not a temporary measure.
    2. A sharp transition from normal mode to strict fasting usually ends in failure.
    3. Without cutting portion sizes, you will not achieve results.
    4. If you forgo dinner, you should restock before evening by spreading out your meals.
    5. Fans of parties and night mode will have to adjust to a different rhythm.

    Change your evening menu to keep in perfect shape. In the trend - cereals, vegetables and fruit salads, dairy products. Heavy food - meat, flour, sweets - can not be completely excluded. Just try to eat high-calorie treats before 12 noon.

    Tea, coffee, alcohol awaken the appetite and make you want to "snack". Therefore, exclude these drinks from the evening diet. The farther you are from the place of food storage, the safer for your figure. Don't go to the kitchen again. Walk on fresh air will tire and relax, and thoughts about food will disappear on their own.

    Why Dinner Gains Weight

    You can gain weight quite quickly if you eat high-calorie foods and sweets. To achieve leanness or maintain a stable body weight, avoid the following items on your menu:

    • fatty sausages, sausage;
    • sauces, mayonnaise, sour cream;
    • sandwiches;
    • raw vegetables in large quantities;
    • sweets, cakes;
    • soda, sweet compote;
    • fruits high in sugar.

    We exclude foods that are difficult to digest, foods that can cause stomach fermentation. If you decide not to eat after 1800, this means that you must go to bed no later than 2200. Otherwise, you will definitely get hungry and break loose.

    If you find it very difficult to go without food for a long time, break your dinner into several meals. Eat the next portion in half an hour. So you do not clog the stomach and support the feeling of satiety.

    How much weight can you lose if you don't eat after 6?

    Based on the reviews of fitonies who have experienced the method of losing weight, the result can be seen after a month. Of course, it all depends on individual characteristics. Age plays a significant role in weight loss.

    The older the person, the more difficult it is to get rid of excess weight. In a week, you can approximately lose up to 6 kilograms, and within a few months - up to 20 kilograms. Along with weight loss, heaviness in the stomach will disappear, vivacity will appear.

    Do not overdo it with excess liquid, trying to "fill" the hunger. Otherwise, puffiness will appear, and excess fluid can be dangerous in the presence of certain diseases. Purified water can be replaced green tea sugarless. By skipping late meals, you help cleanse your body and boost your metabolism.

    Otherwise, rotting, fermentation will begin, and food will lie with a heavy “burden” in the stomach until the morning. As a result, you wake up with in gray face, and many hours of sleep will not restore. Falling asleep on an empty stomach, you will notice with pleasure not only slim stomach in a mirror image, but also a blush on the face. Even more tips on how not to eat after 6 pm to lose weight in the video.

    Don't forget that combining physical activity And proper nutrition you will reach perfection. You can be perfect and healthy if you start the path to harmony immediately!

    “The most common mistake is a calorie deficit for a long time. The body slows down metabolic processes, including the "energy-saving" mode, and in the future, any deviations from the "system" will cause swelling and weight gain. The tougher the restrictions, the tougher the breakdown, and if you do not change your attitude to nutrition, the consequences can be the most deplorable, up to bulimia.

    radical detox

    The next common misconception is the use of detox programs for other purposes: not in order to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, but for the fastest possible weight loss. In the slang of nutritionists, this is called a “food swing”: from detoxes to kilograms of food. This leads to ED (eating disorder), namely overeating followed by guilt.

    Wrong schedule

    Everyone has heard about “not eating after six”, but in fact, you need to wrap up after 16-00, even if you eat very healthy food. For example, such varieties of fish as salmon, trout, salmon are rich in healthy fats and are essential for our body, but they are high in calories. The same goes for vegetable fats such as nuts and oils. All this can and should be eaten, but in the morning. On the second, it is better to leave vegetables and low-calorie protein foods.

    Bust with fruit

    Many consider fruit a low-calorie evening snack. Fruits contain fructose, which is a healthy natural sugar, so they should be included in the diet in the morning. Do not forget that avocado is also a fruit.

    Too complex carbohydrates

    Many people know that simple carbohydrates- this is harmful, but complex ones are good. This is partly true, because complex carbohydrates are a source of energy that the body needs during the day. But their use is not suitable for an evening meal, since all unused energy is transformed into body fat.


    The misconception that eliminating animal foods helps you lose weight is nothing more than a myth. To provide the body with all the necessary substances, proteins, fats and carbohydrates, a vegetarian will have to eat not less, but more!

    It has long been established that in the late afternoon, metabolic processes in the body slow down, which means that food is poorly absorbed and replenishes our fat reserves. This is why many experts and nutritionists recommend not eating after 6pm. Many people ask the question: if you don’t eat after 6, how much can you lose weight?

    An experiment was conducted at one California institute: they divided a group of obese people into 2 halves - one was forbidden to eat after six, and the other was completely removed from dinner, that is, they limited their calorie intake. In the first group, the participants lost little weight - 2-4 kg (since they could have a plentiful dinner even at 17.30), but those who were forbidden to have dinner at all lost significantly in weight - 10-12 kg.

    The situation is that in the second group there was a restriction in calories per day, and, as you know, their lack leads to significant weight loss.

    Expert opinion:

    But psychologists are categorically opposed to refusing to eat after 18.00. By depriving yourself of dinner, you lose the positive emotions in the family circle or the pleasure of eating. Our body is designed in such a way that long breaks between meals affect our well-being and health. Yes, you are thinner, but at the same time, flabbiness of the skin, wrinkles, brittle nails appear, hair begins to fall out, and gastric juice, in the absence of food, begins to eat the walls of the body, which causes gastritis, and then peptic ulcer.

    So, ladies, don't mess with hunger. Who said you can't eat in the evening? Nutritionists say: "you need" - just do not overeat and eat light food.

    What can you eat after 18.00 to lose weight?

    Without harm to the body and the consequences of body fat can be eaten:

    • raw and boiled vegetables (carrots, beets, artichokes, zucchini, celery, peppers, onions, radishes, any kind of cabbage, green beans);
    • fruits (tangerine, orange, pineapple, strawberries and raspberries, lemons, melon, peach and apple) and fruit salads (mix of different fruits);
    • stewed mushrooms in a small amount (only not pickled);
    • low-fat protein foods (for example, boiled chicken breast, baked fish).

    Eliminate fatty and cereal products for dinner. Do not eat porridge, cottage cheese and hard cheese pork, lamb, duck fried in a large amount of oil. Bananas and grapes are prohibited. Sweet and starchy foods are taboo.

    If you still intend to test the refusal of food after 6 pm, we recommend that you be patient and resort to our advice.

    How to cope with hunger in the evening?

    Follow these rules:

    • you should not limit yourself in fluid intake, but busting can cause swelling (listen to your physiological need);
    • breakfast must be hearty, otherwise your body will not stand it;
    • do something interesting and exciting (this will help distract from the urge to eat);
    • if you are about to break loose, you need to brush your teeth (this technique will surely work);
    • Green tea or warm water will help to overcome hunger.

    Most fat ones have heard enough about - do not eat after 6 pm. Allegedly, this way you can lose weight by as much as 20, or even 30 kg. Whether this is really so and whether to believe the experts - no one knows for sure. You can often hear the statement that if you do not eat after 6, then you can lose weight in a month by several kg at once. However, this theory is regularly attacked by experts - nutritionists argue that such weight loss will not lead to positive results. Why?

    The version that refusing to eat after six in the evening leads to weight loss did not arise by chance. When forming the presented diet, the authors were guided by human biorhythms - the human body is arranged in such a way that most of the food is better absorbed during the day. Therefore, during the day you can afford excesses in the form of fatty or fried foods, but after six in the evening you should forget about food. Is it possible to lose weight, adhering to the presented version? It is necessary to understand in detail the sensational issue and consider the advantages and disadvantages of such weight loss.

    Based on human biorhythms, the theory of not eating after 18-00 turns out to be somewhat unfinished. Here there are reviews of nutritionists who prohibit the practice of this in principle.

    Experts give several reasons:

    • Firstly, the biorhythms of the body are set up in such a way that they still digest the consumed foods after six in the evening, and do not turn them into fat cells. Therefore, you should not limit yourself to eating in the evening - just give up flour products, sweets, and fatty foods.
    • Secondly, prolonged fasting contributes to the "delay" of fat cells - the body is in a stressful state and does not want to part with accumulations. As a result, it won't work.

    The authors of the fasting diet in the evening claim that you can lose up to 3 kg of excess weight in a week, and as much as 10 kg in a month - some unscrupulous ones claim a possible loss of up to 30 kg. But nutritionists refute the presented kind of results - you can lose weight, but only with a large amount of excess fat, namely at 2 and 3 degrees. Moreover, after 1-2 weeks of fasting in the evenings, the body will get used to this regime, and the process of losing weight will stop.

    Advantages and disadvantages of fasting in the evenings

    Having dealt with the question of how much you can lose weight in a month, if you don’t eat after six in the evening, you should analyze the advantages and disadvantages of losing weight - this will help you decide exactly on the decision to lose weight in this way.


    Among the positive aspects are the following features:

    • Simplicity - now you do not have to spend a lot of money to purchase any exotic products. It is enough to eat moderately during the day, and after 6 refuse to eat.
    • If you do not have dinner after six in the evening, you can improve your sleep - the body does not have to digest the complex and harmful foods consumed the day before, so you can quickly relax and help you fall asleep.
    • After falling asleep, you do not have to fight the feeling of hunger that occurs during the day.

    The “no eating after 6 pm” diet is only for those who go to bed no later than 10 pm. Otherwise, the start time of the hunger strike is postponed, but not more than an hour.


    How to lose weight if you do not eat after 18 hours.

    Mistake number 1 - If you do not eat after 18 hours, you can quickly lose weight.

    Most of us are sure that for weight loss it is enough just to refuse food after 18 hours. But it's not. It is also important to balance your daily diet, reduce the number of portions, include only healthy low-calorie foods in the menu, and regularly maintain muscle tone through sports. Thus, you will get rid of excess weight, and the merit of this will be not just skipping dinner .

    In addition, the number 18 is rather doubtful. Nutritionists have proven that food eaten some time before bedtime (it can be several hours) is completely digested, respectively, without being deposited in body fat. Therefore, if you go to bed at midnight, your dinner should be no later than 10 p.m., the exact time for it you choose yourself, and it doesn’t matter if it’s 6 p.m. or 10 p.m. - be guided by your own needs.

    Mistake #2 - After 6 p.m. you can only eat fruit.

    Is it possible to eat after 18 hours and what can you eat after 6 pm? The opinion that fruits do not negatively affect the body, bringing it exceptional benefits, is quite common. In this regard, many believe that fruits are allowed after 18 hours, since this will not affect the figure in any way. This is a mistake so tempting to many. Fruits are different in composition, and are not always safe for weight loss.

    For example, many people ask the question: is it possible to eat cherries after 18 hours? The answer of the supporters of the theory “Do not eat after 6”: no, you can’t. Because many fruits, including cherries, have excessive sugar content due to fructose, which is comparable in calories to sugar. and if you deny yourself sweet tea and coffee, but diligently lean on fruits, in particular bananas, cherries, cherries and grapes, most likely your efforts to lose weight will not be successful.

    Fructose gives a feeling of satiety. Therefore, fruits are perfect for snacks and dessert in addition to dinner, but in the evening it is still better to refuse them.

    Mistake #3 - Dinner should be low in calories.

    When making plans for dinner, most people who are losing weight tend to make it lighter and lower in calories. And this is not the right solution.

    It is absolutely not necessary to give up a hearty dinner if you allowed yourself modest snacks during the day. This is understandable, since there is a daily calorie intake, and if you did not have time to eat them during the day, you do not need to give up additional strength and energy in the evening. The main thing is not to overdo it, because at night the digestive processes become slower, so before sleep it is important for the stomach to digest everything that you have eaten.

    Mistake #4 - You can only eat cold food for dinner.

    The next misconception is the opinion that hot food eaten for dinner leads to the formation of excess weight, and on the contrary, a regular sandwich or salad does not do any harm.

    The main criterion when choosing dishes should be their calorie content, but by no means temperature. In addition, it is important to remember about the volume of servings, try to reduce them to a reasonable limit. In fact, it is better to eat stewed vegetables or boiled chicken breast for dinner than a sausage sandwich or salad dressed with mayonnaise.

    Mistake number 5 - If you do not eat after 6 pm, not only physical fitness improves, but also emotional and psychological well-being.

    Most people who have managed to give up late dinners and snacks claim that their well-being has improved both physically and psychologically. But in order to be in harmony with your body and thoughts, it is important to change your lifestyle in order to avoid the stress associated with the evening refusal of food.

    Refusal to eat after 6 p.m. may be hindered by psychological dependence, sometimes tormenting a person at night. As a result, in the morning he will definitely pounce on food in order to make up for the calories lost in the evening. Against this background, weight loss can not be expected, on the contrary, weight may increase.

    Thus, before choosing a way to lose weight for yourself, think about all the pros and cons that exist in each nutrition system, and also determine whether the desired result is worth those efforts.

    Choosing a food system or a "harmless" diet. many of us do not take into account the personal rhythm of life, the characteristics of our own organism, and so on. Do not overeat, avoid stress and lead a healthy lifestyle, and only in this case, excess weight will bypass you. And also remember that in pursuit of a beautiful figure, you need to remember your health, which is easy to lose and extremely difficult to restore later.

    And now let's watch a video from which we learn what the supporters of the theory "Do not eat after six" offer:

    More information

    If you ask girls how easy it is to lose weight, then most, no doubt, will advise not to eat anything after six in the evening. But is this method really effective? Is it really possible to lose weight by simply closing your mouth in time and not limiting yourself in anything throughout the day? If you think about it, this popular statement begins to seem not so true. So maybe it's a myth?

    Diet Principle

    The assumption that by refusing food after 6 pm, you can lose weight, did not arise from scratch, but is based on the doctrine of human biorhythms. It is believed that the human body is designed in such a way that food is more actively absorbed in the morning. There is an opinion that high-calorie food eaten during the day will not affect the figure in any way, although the veracity of this assumption is not confirmed by anything.

    If you want to eat in the afternoon, you can cook yourself a light vegetable salad or even boiled meat, the main thing is not to eat too fatty and sweet foods.

    Not everyone is able to follow the rules

    In addition, we all know that food is a source of energy. If there are too many calories, they will begin to be stored as fat. If we use them in the first half of the day, then we will have time to squander them in a day. But the energy received in the evening will not be easy to spend, since a person will soon go to sleep, and in a dream he does not move and does not waste energy. If you refuse food in the second half of the day, then the body will not only not build up new reserves, but at night it will begin to spend old ones, so the person will lose weight.

    Benefits of evening fasting

    One of the main advantages of such a diet is simplicity and accessibility.. Most of the girls who dream of losing weight are faced with a situation where the diet includes a lot of varied and expensive products, and in order to lose weight, you have to spend a lot of money, go shopping, and even stand in the kitchen. It is much easier not to eat in the evenings.

    Avoid hamburgers and hot dogs

    Another undoubted plus is that many people get better sleep during such a diet.. If you stop eating in the evening, by the time you go into the arms of Morpheus, the stomach will be almost empty, the body will not have to waste energy on digesting food, and rest will be more complete. After all, everyone knows that a hearty dinner before bed often prevents you from falling asleep and causes discomfort in the stomach at night.

    And we sleep at night, so hunger will be much easier to endure than during the day, when you have to work and communicate with people.

    Weaknesses of the diet

    At first glance, refusing food after 6 pm seems to be the best diet option, because it does not require giving up the usual diet, you just need to stop and stop eating in time. But during the day you can pamper yourself with any goodies and not particularly worry. Moreover, some girls claim that after six they limited only food, not liquid, drank tea, coffee, juices, and even beer and wine.

    What about the cons? Firstly, beer, wine and sweet juices after six will definitely not allow you to lose weight, unless the person has eaten nothing before that time.

    Many are afraid that if you do not have dinner in the evening, then hunger will greatly annoy you in the morning, but this is not so - refusing dinner often leads to a decrease in appetite in the morning.

    Secondly, giving up food in the evenings is not as easy as it might seem.. The forbidden fruit is sweet, and it is often just before bedtime that a feeling of hunger appears, which makes it difficult to fall asleep and makes you go to the refrigerator. In addition, many people do not have the opportunity to have a snack at 5 o'clock or at half past five, since at this time they are still at work or just on their way home, so this diet is definitely not suitable for them.

    For the sake of losing weight, many are ready to go to radical methods.

    Thirdly, there are studies proving that if there are long breaks between meals, the human body begins to experience stress and try even more to accumulate reserves. And refusing food after six in the evening just implies such a long break.

    And another weak side of the diet is related to our lifestyle. Often it is in the evenings that we meet with friends, and in most cases such meetings take place at the table. In such a situation, it will be very difficult to refrain from eating.

    Is it really possible not to eat after six?

    If after the description weaknesses it seemed to you that it was impossible to follow this diet, then you simply did not try. In fact, you just need to organize it correctly. For example, you need to get used to such a diet gradually: you can first refuse to eat at night, and then postpone dinner for more and more early time. In addition, you need to improve the dinner itself, replacing all easily digestible high-calorie foods with low-calorie ones that would be digested for a long time and give satiety, such as vegetables or low-fat dairy products.

    So that you don’t feel like eating in the evening, you can brush your teeth - for many this helps reduce appetite.

    So that the refusal of food in the evening was not so difficult, you must try to reduce the amount of food eaten throughout the day and its calorie content. You can leave a hearty breakfast, but the rest of the meals should be lighter than usual. In the evening, you should not drink coffee, tea, juices or alcohol, as all these products can stimulate the appetite. After 18:00 it is better not to go into the kitchen at all, but instead go to get some air. After the walk, you can take a bath and do self-massage. This will help take your mind off intrusive thoughts about food.

    Not everyone is on a diet

    What to do if all these tricks do not help and you still want to eat? You can drink water or green tea sugarless. If all else fails, you can afford a little low-fat kefir or raw cabbage..

    The wording “do not eat after six” has become simply an axiom for many, but where does such a link to a number come from? The fact is that there is a group of nutritionists who say that you should not eat less than 4 hours before bedtime. The number 6 came about due to the fact that the average person is recommended to go to bed no later than 22:00 in order to have time to sleep the recommended 8 hours. But after all, not everyone does this, so the recommendation not to eat after 6 cannot be considered universal.

    What happens if a person who goes to bed at 2 am stops eating at 6 pm? Most likely, nothing good: in addition to the obligatory feeling of hunger, pain in the stomach and a significantly reduced efficiency can be added. And given that such a person will sleep until late, he will have a maximum of 1-2 meals per day. It is fraught with lack useful substances, digestive disorders and diseases of the digestive tract.

    Therefore, it will be correct to close your mouth not after 6, but four hours before bedtime. It is this diet that will allow you to feel normal and at the same time lose weight.

    To eat or not to eat?

    Is there any scientific evidence for the usefulness of the diet "do not eat after six"? Unfortunately, there have been no serious medical studies on this topic, so it is not easy to give an unambiguous assessment of its correctness and effectiveness. Today, almost all conclusions are based on the reviews of people who have tried such a diet. But they say different things about her: it helped someone, someone didn’t. Where is the truth?

    Night trip to the fridge

    And the truth is that any restriction of the energy value of food leads to weight loss. If a person tries to eat right, following the recommendations of nutritionists, and at the same time refuses to eat in the evenings, replacing meals with a walk, then, naturally, he will lose weight. But you can achieve such a result without completely giving up dinner, but, for example, by replacing more high-calorie foods with less high-calorie ones.

    If a person absorbs fast food and sweets from the very morning all day and stops after 18:00, losing weight, of course, will not work. What are the numerous reviews of those who have lost weight based on? It's very simple: if a person with a lot of excess weight even slightly reduces the calorie content of his diet, his weight will decrease slightly, but weight loss usually ends there. And to really achieve good result it is necessary to completely change eating habits and lifestyle - one refusal from a late dinner will definitely not solve the problem.