• New Bishop. The meaning of the name nikanor, character and fate How are relations with secular authorities


    Bishop Nicanor(in the world Nikolai Nikolaevich Anfilatov, genus. February 23 ; Belovo, Kemerovo region) - Bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church, Bishop of the Yenisei and Lesosibirsk.


    Born into a working family.

    In 1977-1987. studied at school number 23 in Belovo. In 1987 he entered the Novosibirsk Agricultural Institute. In 1988-1989 served in the army. Since 1989 he continued his studies at the Novosibirsk Agricultural Institute.

    In 1992 he moved to Izhevsk. On April 7, 1992, he was ordained a deacon by Bishop Pallady of Izhevsk and Udmurtia. From June 22, 1993 - full-time deacon of the St. George's Church in Glazov.

    On December 5, 1993, Archbishop Nikolai of Izhevsk and Udmurtia was tonsured a monk with the name Nicanor in honor of the apostle from the 70s. On December 7, he was ordained a hieromonk.

    On January 5, 1994, he was appointed a full-time priest of the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral in Izhevsk. On September 15, 1994, he was appointed rector of the Peter and Paul Church with. Tylavyl-Pelga. From October 26, 1994 - Rector of the Church of Sts. Constantine and Helena s. Selts of the Udmurt Republic.

    By the feast of Holy Easter 2009, he was elevated to the rank of abbot.

    On June 30, 2010 he was appointed rector of the Uspensky cathedral and deans of the Yenisei deanery with the preservation of vicegerent duties.


    On June 5, 2014, at the Liturgy in the John the Baptist Church in Krasnoyarsk, Metropolitan Panteleimon of Krasnoyarsk and Achinsk was elevated to the rank of archimandrite.

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    An excerpt characterizing Nikanor (Anfilatov)

    The princess let go.
    - And you!
    Anna Mikhailovna did not listen to him.
    - Let go, I'm telling you. I take over everything. I will go and ask him. I... that's enough for you.
    - Mais, mon prince, [But, prince,] - said Anna Mikhailovna, - after such a great sacrament, give him a moment of peace. Here, Pierre, tell me your opinion, ”she turned to the young man, who, going up to them, looked in surprise at the embittered face of the princess, which had lost all decency, and at the jumping cheeks of Prince Vasily.
    “Remember that you will be responsible for all the consequences,” Prince Vasily said sternly, “you don’t know what you are doing.
    - Nasty woman! cried the princess, suddenly throwing herself at Anna Mikhailovna and snatching her briefcase.
    Prince Vasily lowered his head and spread his arms.
    At that moment, the door, that terrible door that Pierre had been looking at for so long and which had been opening so quietly, quickly, with a noise, leaned back, banging against the wall, and the middle princess ran out of there and clasped her hands.
    - What are you doing! she said desperately. - II s "en va et vous me laissez seule. [He dies, and you leave me alone.]
    The eldest princess dropped her briefcase. Anna Mikhailovna quickly bent down and, picking up the controversial thing, ran into the bedroom. The eldest princess and Prince Vasily, having come to their senses, followed her. A few minutes later the eldest princess came out first with a pale and dry face and a bitten lower lip. At the sight of Pierre, her face expressed irrepressible anger.
    “Yes, rejoice now,” she said, “you have been waiting for this.
    Sobbing, she covered her face with a handkerchief and ran out of the room.
    Prince Vasily followed the princess. He staggered to the sofa on which Pierre was sitting, and fell on him, covering his eyes with his hand. Pierre noticed that he was pale and that lower jaw jumped and trembled as if in a feverish tremor.
    - Ah, my friend! he said, taking Pierre by the elbow; and there was a sincerity and weakness in his voice, which Pierre had never before noticed in him. – How much do we sin, how much do we deceive, and all for what? I'm in my sixties, my friend... After all, I... Everything will end in death, everything. Death is terrible. - He cried.
    Anna Mikhailovna was the last to leave. She approached Pierre with quiet, slow steps.
    “Pierre!…” she said.
    Pierre looked at her questioningly. She kissed the young man's forehead, wetting him with her tears. She paused.
    - II n "est plus ... [He was gone ...]
    Pierre looked at her through his glasses.
    - Allons, je vous reconduirai. Tachez de pleurer. Rien ne soulage, comme les larmes. [Come, I will accompany you. Try to cry: nothing relieves like tears.]
    She led him into a dark living room and Pierre was glad that no one there saw his face. Anna Mikhaylovna left him, and when she returned, he put his hand under his head and slept soundly.
    The next morning Anna Mikhailovna said to Pierre:
    - Oui, mon cher, c "est une grande perte pour nous tous. Je ne parle pas de vous. Mais Dieu vous soutndra, vous etes jeune et vous voila a la tete d" une immense fortune, je l "espere. Le testament n "a pas ete encore ouvert. Je vous connais assez pour savoir que cela ne vous tourienera pas la tete, mais cela vous impose des devoirs, et il faut etre homme. [Yes, my friend, this is a great loss for all of us, not to mention you. But God will support you, you are young, and now you are, I hope, the owner of great wealth. The will has not yet been opened. I know you well enough and I'm sure it won't turn your head; but it imposes obligations on you; and you have to be a man.]
    Pierre was silent.
    - Peut etre plus tard je vous dirai, mon cher, que si je n "avais pas ete la, Dieu sait ce qui serait arrive. Vous savez, mon oncle avant hier encore me promettait de ne pas oublier Boris. Mais il n" a pas eu le temps. J "espere, mon cher ami, que vous remplirez le desir de votre pere. [Afterwards, I may tell you that if I had not been there, God knows what would have happened. You know that uncle of the third day promised me not to forget Boris, but I didn’t have time. I hope, my friend, you will fulfill your father’s wish.]
    Pierre, not understanding anything and silently, blushing shyly, looked at Princess Anna Mikhailovna. After talking with Pierre, Anna Mikhailovna went to the Rostovs and went to bed. Waking up in the morning, she told the Rostovs and everyone she knew the details of the death of Count Bezukhy. She said that the count died the way she would have wished to die, that his end was not only touching, but also instructive; the last meeting between father and son was so touching that she could not remember it without tears, and that she did not know who behaved better in these terrible moments: whether the father, who remembered everything and everyone in such a way in the last minutes and such he said touching words to his son, or Pierre, whom it was a pity to look at how he was killed and how, despite this, he tried to hide his sadness so as not to upset his dying father. "C" est penible, mais cela fait du bien; ca eleve l "ame de voir des hommes, comme le vieux comte et son digne fils", [It's hard, but it's saving; the soul rises when one sees such people as the old earl and his worthy son,] she said. She also spoke about the actions of the princess and Prince Vasily, not approving them, but under great secrecy and whispering.

    On August 19, the belfries of the temples of the Yenisei diocese simultaneously announced with a festive chime the beginning of the festival of ringing art "Yenisei Chimes - 2017", which is held in Yeniseisk under the patronage of the Yenisei diocese for the second time.

    The feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord is not accidentally chosen as the time of the Festival "Yenisei Chime".

    This is the main holiday for the Yenisei diocese. After all, it was from the monastery that the revival of Orthodoxy began on the Yenisei land, and the monastery became a kind of forge. Many and many priests came out of its walls, who now serve in all corners of the Yenisei diocese, spread over a million square kilometers.

    Therefore, the patronal feast of the monastery became the spiritual unifying principle of all the churches of the diocese. From this came the revival of Orthodoxy. It was the first revived temple after many years of theomachy power, the first revived monastery in our region.

    His Grace Nikanor, Bishop of the Yenisei and Lesosibirsk celebrated the Divine Liturgy at the Transfiguration Cathedral of the Spassky monastery the city of Yeniseisk. The monks of the monastery, pilgrims from the cities of Krasnoyarsk, Lesosibirsk and Kansk, organizers and participants of the II Festival of the Ringing Art prayed at the service "Yenisei chime", parishioners.

    At the end of the Liturgy Bishop Nikanor led the procession around the temple, consecrated the fruits of the new harvest, and also addressed the people with an archpastoral word, in which he spoke about the meaning and significance of the feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord for an Orthodox person.

    In your word Bishop Nicanor emphasized that today's holiday is designed to show people the skill of bell ringers and groups, inspire participants to strengthen Orthodox traditions and give people a great mood.

    In memory of the patronal celebration, all pilgrims were given icons of the Transfiguration of the Lord with the archpastoral blessing.

    At the end of the divine services, the opening of the 2nd festival of ringing art took place on the monastery square. "Yenisei chime".

    The festival was attended by bell ringers of temples and monasteries of the Yenisei diocese, creative and musical groups of cultural institutions of cities Yeniseisk and Lesosibirsk. And the festival is held with the support of the Public Relations Department of the Governor Krasnoyarsk Territory and the Center for Spiritual Culture "Krasnoyarsk Resurrection".

    Welcoming words on the occasion of the opening of the festival were addressed to those present Bishop Nikanor of Yenisei and Lesosibirsk and Igor Antipov, head of Yeniseisk.

    Congratulating the audience, the head of the city of Yeniseisk Igor Antipov said: “The Yenisei chime is a very significant and significant event for our city. Today, great attention is paid to the revival of Yeniseisk, not only in material terms, but also in spiritual, historical and cultural terms. And what we have today Diocese of Yenisei and Lesosibirsk, and what our Lord is is also a true and correct path to the revival of Yeniseisk.

    It is difficult to overestimate the importance of such events held under the auspices of the Russian Orthodox Church. Thanks to the Russian Orthodox Church, Cossacks appeared on this land, our people appeared. And this was the beginning of the development of new lands of the Russian state. And the very history of the founding of Yeniseisk should probably be considered not from 1619, but from the moment when, back in 1575, he settled here Monk Timofei Ivanov. His faith, his word of God went to the people, preparing good ground for the reunification of peoples and the expansion of the borders of the Russian state.

    So today Orthodox Church takes on the mission of a messenger of goodwill, so that people of all faiths, all political views lived in peace and harmony, worked for the benefit of our great Motherland.

    Speaking about the festival, Vladyka Nikanor, Bishop of the Yenisei and Lesosibirsk, noted: “Holding it on our land is not accidental. After all, it was from Yeniseisk that the history of the Yenisei province began. It is he who is rightfully considered the cradle of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. And the ringing of its bells gives rise to the ringing of all the temples of Krasnoyarsk. This is historical memory. From here the development of Siberia began: from south to north, from west to east.

    Reviving the festival, we gather here all the ringers of the temples of the Yenisei diocese. Today, our smallest bell ringers, pupils of the Sunday schools of the diocese, will also demonstrate their skills. And it's so wonderful that the art of ringing does not die, that it takes on a new life.

    The ringing of bells, after all, so pacifies the soul, gives a feeling of God's grace. Even walking down the street, a person, having heard the bell ringing, involuntarily listens, thinks about his life, about spiritual values. Bell ringing is our voice, which we bring to the whole world by preaching the word of God.

    To date, there are 84 functioning, restored and newly built churches in the Yenisei diocese. There are about twenty ringers. Unfortunately, not all churches being restored yet have bells, there are bell towers. And this is because not every temple has the opportunity to purchase bells. But there is still more to come."

    Congratulatory address from the Governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Victor Tolokonsky announced the consultant of the Public Relations Department of the Governor of the Territory Sergei Shcheglov.

    He also presented letters of thanks from the Public Relations Department of the Governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory for his great contribution to the development of spiritual culture and the preservation of international peace and harmony.

    A master class on bell ringing was held by the senior deacon of the Exaltation of the Cross Cathedral in Lesosibirsk Rostislav Matyunin. He mastered the skill of a bell ringer in Moscow.

    Rostislav Matyunin opened the class short story about the existence of bell ringing in Russia, an explanation of the meaning and procedure for working on bells. Next, the methods and techniques of various schools of ringing were demonstrated.

    It is worth noting that in Yenisei Orthodox Gymnasium young ringers also go through a good school of ringing art. As said Vladyka Nikanor, one who is well acquainted with the skill of the bell ringer can immediately distinguish who is standing on the bell tower - a young man or a girl. In girls, according to him, the bells sing somehow in a special way, warmly and gently.

    Festival participant Korneva Evgenia- bell ringer of the Assumption Cathedral in Yeniseisk, Khalevina Natalia- bell ringer of Iversky convent Yeniseisk, Ivlyutin Pavel, Galimov Pavel, Krupin Leonty- the ringers of the Exaltation of the Cross Cathedral in Lesosibirsk presented their ringing skills to the audience.

    By the way, everyone could try to ring the bells that day. And the fact that ringing is not an easy task and is done only with prayer, each participant of the master class understood.

    Within the framework of the festival, a round table was held on the topic “Orthodox chimes of the Yenisei Siberia”.

    The real surprise for the audience was that the round table was held within the walls of the Yenisei Museum of Local Lore, which reopened after restoration work.

    The attention of the audience was offered an exhibition on the history of Orthodoxy, which was superbly held by Lysakovskaya Marina Albertovna. Icons that received a second life after restoration, rare books, the Gospel in a gilded dress, elements of the decoration of churches preserved in the storerooms of the museum - all this is a small fraction of what local history museums are rich in and were presented to the astonished eyes of the audience.

    During the discussion, the participants round table discussed the revival of the traditions of the Yenisei school of bell ringing. There was a serious discussion about the need to strengthen and expand the exchange of experience in bell ringing art between parishes.

    The masters of bell ringing noted that the festival "Yenisei chime" not only revives ancient traditions, but also opens up new pages in the history of Siberian bells.

    A bright continuation of the festival was the concert program, which was attended by the Exemplary Ensemble "Surprise" of the Children's Art School, the Ensemble of the Children's Music School "Tropinka", Anastasia Rusakova and students of the Center for Additional Education, Grigory Krotov and many others.

    The second bell-ringing festival on the Yenisei land is over. But everyone who witnessed it that day will long remember the incomparable bell ringing, penetrating into the very heart, as hundreds of years ago floating over the city, which became the first capital of the Yenisei province.

    Belogur N.

    Photo by Pochekutova N.,Davydova A.


    The name Nicanor is of Greek origin. It comes from the Greek word "Νικάνωρ", which translates as "seeing victory." It is considered a biblical name, because it belonged to the apostle from the seventy. According to legend, the Holy Apostle Nicanor performed numerous charitable deeds...

    The male name Nikanor has an excellent, very strong and bright energy, and promises pretty good compatibility with Russians. female names. But despite the fact that it was once popular in the USSR, today it is not very common and is extremely rare.

    Popularity: Today, the name Nikanor is already among the names that have sunk into history and, according to statistics, falls on only 2-3 boys out of 10 thousand newborns.

    Conversational options: Nika, Nikosha

    Modern English counterparts: Not available

    The meaning and interpretation of the name

    The meaning of the name Nikanor is as simply interpreted as the story of its origin. Experts are sure that the energy of the name Nikanor promises carriers a lot good performance, among which are self-confidence, determination, diligence, moderation, patience, integrity, cheerfulness, calmness, poise and tact. True, all of the above does not appear immediately, but gradually, in the course of growing up and depending on the sign of the zodiac ...

    And it is also common for all Nikanors, without exception, to achieve their goals in all possible ways, even if they have to go ahead ...

    Advantages and positive features: the most important advantage of all Nikanors is their ability to overcome any obstacles in pursuit of the target. These men never give up and always go to the end, no matter what it costs them. Moreover, they achieve their goals only in honest ways.

    Nikanor treats badly people prone to betrayal, self-interest, deceit and injustice. And the bearers of this male name hate women who are trying to be the heads of relationships ...

    The name Nicanor is Orthodox name, and its derivative version is listed in Catholic names by Saints.

    The nature of the name Nikanor

    The character of a man named Nikanor cannot be completely predicted, however, based on the opinion of experts, we can assume that it is most likely that Nikanor will be a purposeful, obligatory, hardworking, reasonable, patient, responsible and rather good-natured person.

    Nikanor does not like noisy companies and generally lets only a few people into his life, so he usually has very few friends, but they are reliable and trusted people. Often such friendship lasts from childhood. Nikanor will always come to the aid of his friends and will never betray them first. His friendship is based on trust, common interests and goals, as well as mutual assistance.

    Nikanor is a conflict-free person who always goes to meet. It cannot be said that he is self-serving, because he loves to help people disinterestedly, just like that. However, it is assumed that he is a prudent man, calculating his actions in advance so that the planned actions bring him benefit and benefit, and not harm him.

    Early childhood

    In early childhood, the meaning of a beautiful name for boys Nikanor promises calmness, good breeding, perseverance, delicacy, eloquence, compliance, obedience and purposefulness.

    This child is not capricious, does not “shake rights”, does not disobey, listens to his parents and does not reread them. For a good pastime, he does not have to be rowdy or indulge, and he does not need friends - just one, but a true friend, the one whose goals will coincide with his, is enough. He respects the opinion of mom and dad - he obeys, acts according to his conscience, is not lazy and is always busy with something. Usually this is a role model - other people's parents will often cite him as an example.

    Well, his main advantage is the ability to go no matter what to the goal - yes, he goes towards it slowly, but confidently, is not afraid of obstacles and will definitely achieve what he has planned.


    As a teenager, this boy will face difficulties only in terms of communication - isolation, secrecy, silence, uncommunicativeness, and unwillingness to contact children will lead to many troubles, especially at school and other educational institutions. Most likely, the fault for this lies with the influence of the satellite, the patron planet.

    But in studies, he is simply perfect - he copes with any subject with a bang, is not lazy, and is even ready to devote due time and attention to science that does not sympathize. He treats adults, including teachers, with respect - he will never be rude, and he will also not allow himself to express his opinion to an adult in a rude form.

    Generally speaking, this is good man, sociable, uncommunicative, but ready to support any topic of conversation, if required. Non-conflict and unscrupulousness are its important virtues. This one will never get into a fight, will not start to quarrel, will not be rude, even if there is a reason.

    grown man

    But the adult Nikanor is already a completely different person, and all thanks to the noble effect of the stone-talisman of the name. Although, depending on the belonging to the year Chinese horoscope, a lot can change. Otherwise, it will be a person with a character endowed with such traits as prudence, responsibility, diligence, commitment, eloquence, purposefulness, patience, assertiveness, prudence and good nature.

    He will be a valuable member both in society and in the family. Everyone around him will always listen to his opinion. Well, everyone without exception will believe his word, because everyone will know that he will never break his promise. The only problem with adult Nikanor is his inability to listen to people and just trust them. He does not trust anyone and is always looking for a catch in communicating with people.

    The interaction of the character of Nikanor with the seasons

    Spring - a boy born under the auspices of the meaning of Spring, and at the same time named after Nikanor, this is a closed, silent, secretive and notorious man by origin of soul and nature, but having a predisposition to change. It is easy to re-educate, educate, easily adapts to the world around him. Its minus is a complex and unpredictable character.

    Summer - three months of this season are usually endowed with such traits as independence, love of freedom, poise, tact, conflict-free, tranquility, goodwill, prudence and responsibility. On the one hand, he may seem gloomy and harsh, but on the other hand, he is quite impressionable and receptive, sensitive, and takes everything too close to his heart.

    Autumn - the autumn season is able to endow the boy named in this way with tact, delicacy, eloquence, talkativeness, a sense of responsibility and justice. But in addition to everything, emotionality is usually also granted - this one can suddenly flare up for no particular reason, be rude and even offend. True, an apology also does not have to wait long. Also cheerful and optimistic.

    Winter - three months harsh winter they usually give rise to a pragmatic, judicious, intelligent, diversified developed boy with excellent intuition. The only problem is the unwillingness to be guided in their own actions by logic - they rely on intuition and emotional mood in everything. The mood is changeable - it changes dramatically and goes from extreme to extreme.

    The fate of the name Nikanor

    The fate of the name Nikanor love relationships with the beautiful half of humanity and in marriage, it does not immediately develop successfully and smoothly. It's all about his shyness and some isolation, in his youth he simply does not strive for close communication with girls and does not dream of first love. Yes, and girls are not very eager to communicate with such an aloof guy.

    However, as Nicanor grows older, the character of Nikanor changes somewhat and becomes a rather responsible and successful young man with an attractive appearance and serious intentions. He is not aimed at love adventures, but at creating a family with a deeply beloved woman.

    IN family life Nikanor continues to be a little withdrawn, so he cannot fully show the strength of his feelings. However, this does not prevent him from building a fairly strong and truly happy family in which spouses respect and value each other. Ultimately, Nikanor always becomes an excellent spouse and a truly caring father.

    Love and marriage

    Nikanor is a responsible and serious person, reliable man, who does not chase bright and spectacular women, does not try to pass for a ladies' man, but simply wants to create a strong and reliable family. He builds an image perfect woman with inflated demands, but will fall in love with a simple, loving, pretty and calm woman. The only thing that his chosen one should be able to do is to instill in him faith in himself, which he usually lacks.

    Nikanor, as a rule, becomes a real family man. He marries only for great and mutual love, although he does not always skillfully demonstrate his love to his wife. He is always ready to make concessions in relations with his beloved wife. However, in order for the relationship to become even more harmonious, he should more openly show his feelings and emotions.

    Nikanor behaves like an economic and caring husband. He not only provides for his wife and children quite well, but also always performs household tasks related to male power. He will perfectly fix the faucet, and clean the pipe, and hang the shelf, without using the services of specialists and craftsmen. For him, the main thing is to feel the care, love and support of his wife, then he will feel strong, able to protect loved ones from any troubles. However, depending on the season, the character of Nicanor may be different. Winter Nikanor, for example, will never agree to equality in the family and will put pressure on his wife with his authority.

    Nicanor as Father

    Nikanor is an extremely responsible person, so there is no doubt about the seriousness of his attitude to fatherhood. He is very happy about the appearance of a child in the family, from this his feelings for his wife become even more vivid and strong. Considering his tendency to isolation, the baby can stir him up a little. First, a daughter is usually born to him, who may be very similar to her father, but later a son may also appear in the family.

    Nikanor knows the measure of strictness and exactingness in relations with children, he sincerely respects them and loves them very much. Nikanor will be actively involved in the educational process of children. He will take care of his daughter, and he will try to raise his son as a strong man, he can offer him a military profession. It is important for him that the children receive all the knowledge on their own and can skillfully apply it in life.

    He spends a lot of time with children, especially he likes to tell them interesting stories from books, instills in them a love of reading and art. He also takes sports seriously, so he will certainly offer his wife to take the children to sports sections, and on the weekends he will not mind playing football or basketball with them, for example.

    Horoscope named after Nikanor


    Aries - a boy named Nikanor, born under the auspices of the meaning of this zodiac sign, is a closed and notorious personality, a weak-willed and insecure person who needs support and complements. Unsociable, loner, hardly makes contact, especially with women.


    Taurus is cheerful and positive, open, easily in contact with people, does not seek to stand out from the crowd, prefers to be in the shadows, in neutrality. He has many friends, but he himself hardly communicates with them, because he is demanding of people and equalizes everyone under the ruler of his own criteria.


    Gemini - this bearer of the name Nikanor is so unpredictable by the origin of the soul and nature that it scares. His mood is difficult to guess, it can change several times in a minute, while being guided solely by emotions, and also touchy and capricious, albeit in moderation.


    Cancer is emotional, sensitive, receptive, takes everything to heart, remembers any offense for a long time, but is not vindictive and will never offend anyone in return. Does not understand people, often takes for friends those from whom you need to stay away. Superficial in assessing the surrounding people.

    a lion

    Lion - here, the man who received the name Nikanor will be in adult life sociable and sociable, but too receptive. He loves to exaggerate everything, while he himself does not notice it. All people for him are divided into good and bad. There is no middle ground for him. But fair and honest.


    Virgo is independent and fair, freedom-loving, she values ​​her freedom like no other, cherishes it. He cannot stand boredom - he is constantly in search of adventure and fun, cannot live without friends and communication. Being alone is depressing. Compatibility is good only with cheerful and optimistic ladies ...


    Libra - a boy named Nicanor, and born at the time of the reign of this zodiac sign, this is a tactful and balanced type of man. Not a brawler, conflict-free, unprincipled, easily finds mutual language with people of all types. By nature a diplomat and seducer.


    Scorpio is a pessimist, by the origin of the soul a negative and sad person, always dissatisfied with everything and looking for a catch in everything. Plus, he is demanding, both to people and in relation to himself. But on the other hand, a responsible and hardworking one can quickly reach the top of the career ladder.


    Sagittarius - here, who received the name Nikanor, most often turns out to be a sensitive and emotional person, a person who listens only to moods. It is difficult to get along with such a person, although he is sociable and sociable - he is simply too superficial and unplanned, and commits a bunch of rash acts.


    Capricorn is a pragmatist, a careerist, a workaholic and just a responsible representative of the male half of humanity. You won’t have fun with him, you won’t rejoice, you won’t indulge, this is a fact. But on the other hand, his companion will be behind him like behind a stone wall - she will become an exemplary father, an exemplary family man.


    Aquarius is smart, versatile, has a good imagination, dreamy and talkative. This will support any topic of conversation and will always fit well into the company. The only negative is self-interest - it can easily and without a twinge of conscience take advantage of other people's weaknesses in order to achieve their own goals.


    Pisces is a person with excellent intuition, who is excellent at liking people, sincere and kind, good-natured and benevolent, always acting according to his conscience. From this you should not expect betrayal or lies. But his compatibility is only with decisive and courageous ladies.

    Compatibility with female names

    The issue of compatibility has always been one of the most difficult, and all because of the low probability of a forecast matching reality. And yet, astrologers do not stop, and they have expressed the opinion that the most suitable compatibility the name Nikanor with such female name forms as Natalya, Sonya, Evdokia, Karolina, Ekaterina, Elizabeth, Karina, and Ulyana. According to the main version, it is with the women named so that it will be possible to build a really strong and happy marriage, the so-called "exemplary relationship."

    Margarita, Yana, Kaleria, Aurora, Victoria, Angelica and Oksana - with women who name one of these variations, it can also be possible to build a good relationship. There will be everything, and mutual understanding, and passion, and love, and fidelity, and affection with care, but there is also a “but” - all of the above may turn out to be fleeting and short-lived, because the predisposition of the characters of both halves leads to this. Strengthening the relationship in this case is quite difficult.

    Agatha, Efrosinya, Kapitolina, Henrietta, Angelina, Tatyana, Miroslava and Lyudmila - here absolute incompatibility reigns. Here even the symbolism that patronizes names has no inclination to contact. However, all the information provided is only theoretical, it is worth remembering this ...

    Born on February 23, 1970 in Belovo, Kemerovo Region. in a working family.

    In 1977-1987. studied at school number 23 in Belovo. In 1987 he entered the Novosibirsk Agricultural Institute. In 1988-1989 served in the army. Since 1989 he continued his studies at the Novosibirsk Agricultural Institute.

    In 1992 he moved to Izhevsk. On April 7, 1992, he was ordained a deacon by Bishop Pallady (Shiman) of Izhevsk and Udmurtia. Since June 22, 1993 - a full-time deacon of the St. George Church in the city of Glazov, the Udmurt Republic.

    On December 5, 1993, Archbishop Nikolai of Izhevsk and Udmurtia was tonsured a monk with the name Nikanor in honor of the apostle from 70.

    On January 5, 1994, he was appointed a full-time priest of the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral in Izhevsk. On September 15, 1994, he was appointed rector of the Peter and Paul Church with. Tylavyl-Pelga. From October 26, 1994 - Rector of the Church of Sts. Constantine and Helena s. Selts of the Udmurt Republic.

    On June 15, 1995, he was admitted to the clergy of the Yuzhno-Sakhalin diocese, and was appointed the second priest of the Resurrection Cathedral in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk.

    On August 16, 1996, he was appointed rector of the Panteleimon parish in the village of Sinegorye, retaining his former place of service. On May 2, 1997, he was appointed rector of the church of St. Innokenty in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. On August 11, 1997, he was appointed rector of the Resurrection Cathedral in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk.

    On March 19, 2001, he was admitted to the clergy of the Krasnoyarsk diocese. On March 27, 2001, he was appointed rector of the church of St. Evdokia s. Sizaya.

    In 2003-2008 studied at the correspondence sector of the Moscow Theological Seminary.

    In 2008-2012 studied at the correspondence sector of the Kyiv Theological Academy.

    By the decision of the Holy Synod of October 6, 2008 (magazine No. 88) he was appointed vicar of the Transfiguration Monastery of the Savior in the city of Yeniseisk.

    By the feast of Holy Easter 2009, he was elevated to the rank of abbot.

    On June 30, 2010, he was appointed Rector of the Assumption Cathedral and Dean of the Yenisei Deanery, retaining his viceroy duties.

    By the decision of the Holy Synod of May 30, 2014 (magazine No. 37), he was elected Bishop of the Yenisei and Lesosibirsk.

    On June 5, 2014, at the Liturgy in the John the Baptist Church in Krasnoyarsk, Metropolitan Panteleimon of Krasnoyarsk and Achinsk was elevated to the rank of archimandrite.

    He was named bishop on June 7, 2014 in the Throne Hall of the Patriarchal Chambers of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. Hirotonisan June 22 for Divine Liturgy in the Sophia-Assumption Cathedral of the Tobolsk Kremlin. The services were led by His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus'.