• Clinical pathopsychology guide for physicians and clinical psychologists

    Doctor of Medical Sciences, Honored Doctor of Ukraine, Honorary Member scientific society psychiatrists in Bulgaria, laureate of the Prize. Academician V.P. Protopopov. Head of the laboratory clinical psychology Kyiv Research Institute of General and Forensic Psychiatry. Author of over 150 published scientific works on psychiatry, psychotherapy, medical psychology, including several monographs, manuals, textbooks, reference books, terminological dictionaries.

    Kruk Inna Vadimovna

    Candidate of Medical Sciences. Assistant of the Department of Psychiatry, Kyiv Medical University. Reads a course of pathopsychology at the Department of Psychology of the Kyiv University. T.G. Shevchenko. Laureate of the Prize. Academician V.P. Protopopov. Author of 40 published works on psychiatry, psychotherapy, medical psychology, including a monograph on cerebrosthenic conditions in children.


    The current century is distinguished by a high differentiation of medical sciences, each of which has developed its own rather complex conceptual apparatus. The volume of the latter is largely affected by the introduction into a particular area of ​​medicine of the terms and concepts of related sciences, as well as those of important general medical, theoretical and methodological or practical, applied significance. Without mastering both the general medical and the narrowly professional vocabulary, not a single medical specialist can be a full-fledged worker: he will not be able to either assimilate the knowledge accumulated by science, or to present his observations and thoughts in an informative way.

    All of the above applies to psychiatry, as well as to other medical sciences. In domestic psychiatry in the field of terminology there is a significant gap. Previously published terminological dictionaries Ya.P. Frumkin (1939) and V.S. Guskov (1965) are outdated to a certain extent. Behind last years Psychiatric science has been enriched with many new terms. Not all articles in specified dictionaries quite informative. Published in 1980 and 1984 dictionaries V.M. Bleicher are constructed according to the eponymic principle, which greatly limits the possibility of their application. In the three-volume encyclopedic dictionary of medical terms (1982-1984), psychiatric terms are given among others, and it is difficult to navigate in it, especially for a reader who does not have relevant experience. In addition, the very large volume of this edition has led to excessive laconism in the presentation of individual terms.

    It should be noted that psychiatric science in a number of countries does not suffer from such gaps. So, in the USA the dictionary of R.I. Campbell (5th ed., 1981); German-speaking psychiatrists have a dictionary by W.H. Peters (2nd ed., 1977) and edited by Chr. Müller's Lexicon of Psychiatry; in Poland, the Encyclopedic Dictionary of a Psychiatrist was published (3rd edition, 1988). Finally, it is impossible not to mention the extensive “Psychiatric Clinical Dictionary of a Psychiatrist” published in Bulgaria in 1988 by Y. Stoimenov and I. Rachev. The listed dictionaries, each in itself, are very valuable, but their translation into Russian does not seem appropriate. Each of them reflects the features of psychiatry, on the basis of which it was created, not all articles correspond to our ideas.

    These circumstances prompted the authors of this dictionary to undertake the work of compiling it. We recognize that this dictionary cannot be perfect. This is primarily prevented by the movement of time and the development of science. Nor can he pretend to search for the ultimate truth, for real science is always distinguished by pluralism. New times will come, new dictionaries will appear. The authors of the publication offered to the attention of readers had the goal of creating a dictionary that could be optimally used for a not too short period of time.

    « Dictionary psychiatric terms” is based on the interpretation of terms and concepts of interest to psychiatrists. At the same time, the authors constantly strived, while maintaining a certain conciseness, to give as much as possible Full description each term, concept; the articles reflect references to fundamental and contemporary research in their respective fields. Each article is provided with a brief etymological reference explaining the meaning of compound words and roots. As a rule, knowledge of this information greatly facilitates the assimilation of terminology and reduces the amount of material presented. As eponymous, only those terms are given that are used only in this way or mainly in this way in practice. A number of terms and concepts (usually consisting of two words with difficult selection keyword or often used synonymously) appear twice in the text of the dictionary, but in one place it is only a reference, and in another it is already a description (for example, "Ribot's law. See Ribot's law").

    In some cases, a description of the term is given in several aspects, while the reason for such a discrepancy is usually indicated, for example: “in psychiatry”, “in psychology”, “in psychoanalysis”, etc.

    Some terms are given in the description in groups, nests based on the main one: for example, types of delirium, depression, dementia, hallucinations.

    In most articles, the authors tried, if possible, to indicate the names of the researchers who first introduced this or that particular term or concept into use, and indicate the date of publication of the corresponding work. Surnames of foreign authors are given in the original transcription.

    At the end of the dictionary, in the list of references, are the names of the main works of a reference nature (dictionaries, reference books, encyclopedias) and the main manuals on psychiatry and related disciplines used in the work on the dictionary.

    List of abbreviations

    BP - blood pressure

    anat. – anatomical

    English - English

    Arabic - Arabic

    centuries – centuries

    GNI - higher nervous activity

    WHO - World Organization health care

    VTEK - medical and labor expert commission

    g - gram

    gg. – years

    goll. – Dutch

    deg. – degree(s)

    Greek – Greek

    others - other, others

    Hebrew - Hebrew

    ED - unit of action

    ital. – Italian

    lat. – latin

    Malay – Malay

    MDP - manic-depressive psychosis

    min - minute

    AD - our era

    German - German

    Novolat. - New Latin

    Late Lat. – Late Latin

    etc. - other, other

    PEG - pneumoencephalography

    s - second

    syn. - synonym

    abbr. - abbreviated

    cf. - compare

    etc. - the like

    TAT - thematic apperception test

    thousand - thousand

    obsolete - obsolete

    fr. - French

    CNS - central nervous system

    ECG - electrocardiography, electrocardiogram

    ECT - electroconvulsive therapy

    EEG - electroencephalography, electroencephalogram

    Abadi symptom. Insensitivity of the calcaneal tendon to pressure. It is observed in the symptom complex of locomotor ataxia with dorsal tabes, and also quite often with progressive paralysis.

    Abasia(Greek a - without-, not-, basis - step). Loss of the ability to stand and walk, although in the supine position the patient finds the ability to move in sufficient strength and volume. Often combined with astasia (astasia-abasia). characteristic of hysteria. It is also observed in states of disturbed balance and in movement disorders. lower extremities(hyperkinesis, muscle spasms).


    psychological and social



    V. M. Bleikher, and. V. Kruk, p. N. Bokov

    Clinical pathopsychology

    Guide for doctorsand clinical psychologists

    Russian Academy of Education for use

    as a teaching aid

    Moscow - Voronezh 2002

    UDC 159.9.01Chief Editor

    BBC 88.4D. I. Feldshtein

    Deputy Chief Editor

    S. K. Bondyreva

    Members of the editorial board:

    A. A. Asmolov I. V. Dubrovina N. D. Nikandrov

    V. A. Bolotov L. P. Kezina V. A. Polyakov G. A. Bordovsky M. I. Kondakov V. V. Rubtsov V. P. Borisenkov V. G. Kostomarov E. V. Saiko

    A. A. Derkach O. E. Kutafin V. A. Slastenin

    A. I. Dontsov N. N. Malofeev I. I. Khaleeva

    Reviewers: Professor, Doctor of Pediatric Sciences, Corresponding Member APN of Ukraine L. F. Burlachuk, MD Professor G. K. Dzyub

    Bleikher V. M., Kruk I. V., Bokov S. N.B68 Clinical pathopsychology: A Guide for Physicians and Clinical Psychologists. - M.: Publishing house of the Moscow Psychological and Social Institute; Voronezh: NPO MODEK Publishing House, 2002.- 512 p. (Series "Psychologist's Library").

    The manual outlines the basic principles, methods and methodological foundations of pathopsychology. Information is provided on the most commonly used methods for studying attention, memory, sensorimotor skills, the level and characteristics of the course of thought processes, and personal properties. In the sections devoted to the issues of pathopsychological semiotics, a description is given of the data obtained during the examination of patients with schizophrenia, manic-depressive psychosis, epilepsy, oligophrenia, senile dementia, presenile psychoses (dementia), cerebral atherosclerosis, alcoholism, with consequences of traumatic brain injury, borderline neuropsychiatric disorders, mental illnesses of childhood and adolescence. Questions of the validity of pathopsychological methods in nosological psychiatric diagnostics are discussed.

    For doctors: psychiatrists, neuropathologists, narcologists; medical (clinical) and special psychologists, lawyers, as well as for a wider range of readers interested in psychiatry and psychology. Can serve study guide for students medical universities, psychological faculties (departments) of universities and higher pedagogical educational institutions.

    Isbn 5-89502-314-2 (MPSI)

    Isbn 5-89395-375-4 (NPO Modek)

    © Moscow Psychological and Social Institute, 2002 © NPO MODEK Publishing House Design, 2002


    This guide is a continuation and development of books previously published by the authors on the problems of pathopsychology. All of them for a relatively short period of time fell into the category of bibliographic rarities, some of them are even absent from large libraries.

    Pathopsychology is a relatively young science, represented by a few manuals and manuals by B. V. Zeigarnik and S. Ya. Rubinshtein, as well as by the above. The need for them is extremely great. Psychiatrists, clinical (medical) psychologists, defectologists, teachers, lawyers and other specialists need them. They are necessary for medical students, students of psychological faculties and departments of universities and pedagogical universities. Especially importance acquire knowledge in the field of pathopsychology for specialists conducting expert work - forensic psychiatric, forensic psychological, military, labor. At the same time, in recent years, books have appeared that claim to be guides to experimental psychology, in which, quite thoughtlessly and without any system, a wide variety of tests are collected, sometimes even borrowed from newspapers and popular magazines, often devoid of any theoretical substantiation, without checking their validity and reliability.

    The purpose of this guide is to acquaint professional readers with the methodology of pathopsychological research, the main methods of its conduct and pathopsychological semiotics, that is, the reflection of the clinical picture of mental illness in the results of psychological research. This corresponds to the structure of our guide.

    1 Bleikher V. M. Experimental psychological study of the mentally ill. - Tashkent, 1971; Bleikher V. M. Clinical pathopsychology. - Tashkent, 1976; Bleikher V. M., Kruk I. V. Pathopsychological diagnostics. - Kyiv, 1986; Bleikher V. M., Kruk I. V., Bokov S. N. Practical pathopsychology. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 1996.

    The authors do not pretend to be an absolutely complete, exhaustively detailed presentation of individual techniques. In the psychological literature, instructions for the use of many of them are presented as independent multi-page manuals, for example, according to the methods of Wexler, Raven, Luscher, Rosenzweig, SMIL (MMPI), etc. Our main task was to familiarize the reader with the methods the way they are used, a critical assessment of the methods described in the manual, training in tactics and strategies for conducting psychological research. Of course, it is very valuable when the researcher knows as many methods as possible, but it is even more important when he understands their meaning and the possibility of obtaining

    with their help, the results necessary for a clinician, psychotherapist, rehabilitator. The pathopsychologist must not only provide the psychiatrist with data of diagnostic value, but also present the psychological structure of the changes in mental activity that he has discovered, with which the occurrence of pathopsychological symptoms is associated.

    We are far from the tendency to use only one group of methods - either the type of functional tests in the understanding of B. V. Zeigarnik, or only questionnaires, tests, projective methods. One should reasonably complement the other. It is impossible to build a study of a patient only on the results of data obtained with the help of questionnaires and psychodiagnostic tests. Our experience in clinical pathopsychology shows that the main importance should be given to functional tests that give a clear structural picture of mental disorders. These methods were developed by the Moscow school of pathopsychologists B. V. Zeigarnik and S. Ya. Rubinshtein, to whose students and followers the authors of this book also refer. But such a study is well supplemented and refined by data obtained using some questionnaires and tests.

    Of course, we cannot claim to describe the entire wide range of psychological techniques and limit ourselves to describing the known to us own experience and the indisputable literature that appears to us.

    Bleikher Vadim Moiseevich
    Doctor of Medical Sciences, Honored Doctor of Ukraine, Honorary Member of the Scientific Society of Psychiatrists in Bulgaria, Laureate of the Prize. Academician V.P. Protopopov. Head of the Laboratory of Clinical Psychology of the Kyiv Research Institute of General and Forensic Psychiatry. Author of over 150 published scientific papers on psychiatry, psychotherapy, medical psychology, including several monographs, manuals, textbooks, reference books, terminological dictionaries.

    Kruk Inna Vadimovna
    Candidate of Medical Sciences. Assistant of the Department of Psychiatry, Kyiv Medical University. Reads a course of pathopsychology at the Department of Psychology of the Kyiv University. T.G. Shevchenko. Laureate of the Prize. Academician V.P. Protopopov. Author of 40 published works on psychiatry, psychotherapy, medical psychology, including a monograph on cerebrosthenic conditions in children.

    Books (2)

    Psychiatric diagnosis

    Methodological principles of diagnostics are stated mental illness, features of examination of the mentally ill, issues of deontology in psychiatry.

    Separate types of disorders of mental activity are described, as well as the main psychopathological syndromes. An important place is occupied by differential diagnostic aspects of mental pathology.

    Explanatory Dictionary of Psychiatric Terms

    The dictionary contains interpretations of the main terms and concepts most frequently used in modern psychiatric literature, as well as in related sciences and fields of knowledge (psychotherapy, neurology, psychology, philosophy, physiology, etc.). A laconic but rather complete semantic meaning of each term is given, links are given to the authors of fundamental studies in the relevant field. Each article contains an etymological reference explaining the origin of the keyword. The dictionary is intended for doctors and scientists - psychiatrists, neuropathologists, psychologists, speech pathologists, philosophers, lawyers, and other specialists who are interested in psychiatry.

    Name: Clinical pathopsychology.
    Bleikher V.M., Kruk I.V., Bokov S.N.
    The year of publishing: 2002
    Size: 7.16 MB
    Format: pdf
    Language: Russian

    The presented clinical guide for physicians and clinical psychologists "Clinical pathopsychology" presents a general part, which highlights pathopsychology and medical psychology, their features and objectives, methods of experimental pathopsychology, functional tests and pathopsychological syndromes, the second part of the book examines in detail the methods of pathopsychological research (methods studies of attention, memory, sensorimotor reactions, the level of thought processes, methods of studying personality and intelligence Pathopsychological semiotics considers such pathologies as schizophrenia, epilepsy, manic-depressive psychosis, senile and presenile dementia, cerebral atherosclerosis, mental retardation, alcoholism, borderline neuropsychiatric disorders, child and adolescent psychiatry, consequences of closed traumatic brain injury.

    Name: Disorders of the psychosomatic spectrum. Pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment
    Storozhakov G.I., Shamrey V.K.
    The year of publishing: 2014
    Size: 1.38 MB
    Format: pdf
    Language: Russian
    Description: In the practical guide "Disorders of the psychosomatic spectrum. Pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment", edited by Storozhakov G.I., et al., the issues of the anatomical and physiological foundations of psycho... Download the book for free

    Name: Psychiatry. Scientific and practical reference book
    Tiganov A.S.
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    Size: 50.5 MB
    Format: pdf
    Language: Russian
    Description: Reference guide "Psychiatry. Scientific and practical guide" edited by Tiganov A.S., considers the entire spectrum of psychiatric pathology, which is a practical guide for practitioners... Download the book for free

    Name: Clinical Guide to Mental Disorders. 3rd edition.
    Barlow D., Eidemiller E.G.
    The year of publishing: 2008
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    Format: pdf
    Language: Russian
    Description: The Clinical Manual of Mental Disorders, as a modern clinical manual for psychiatry, addresses the practical issues of the discipline, which reflects panic disorder and ... Download the book for free

    Name: Handbook of Psychiatry.
    Zharikov N.M., Khritinin D.F., Lebedev M.A.
    The year of publishing: 2014
    Size: 1.06 MB
    Format: pdf
    Language: Russian
    Description: Theoretical and practical issues of psychiatry in the Handbook of Psychiatry give the most complete picture of this section medical science. The handbook discusses the diagnosis of... Download the book for free

    Name: Borderline neuropsychiatric disorders in children.
    Fesenko Yu.A.
    The year of publishing: 2010
    Size: 5.88 MB
    Format: pdf
    Language: Russian
    Description: The presented book "Borderline neuropsychiatric disorders in children" deals with a rather urgent problem of child psychiatry - borderline disorders. The publication describes the diagnostic... Download the book for free

    Name: General psychopathology
    Marilov V.V.
    The year of publishing: 2002
    Size: 4.06 MB
    Format: djvu
    Language: Russian
    Description: The book "General Psychopathology", edited by VV Marilov, considers general issues of studying psychiatric disorders. Pathological states of perception, thinking disorders are presented... Download the book for free

    Name: Practical guidance on the application of the ICD-10 in psychiatry and narcology
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    Size: 31.03 MB
    Format: pdf
    Language: Russian
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    Name: Analytical psychopathology. 3rd edition
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    Language: Russian
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