• Signs and superstitions: what not to do at night

    The dark time of the day used to be considered something mystical and mysterious. After sunset, people abandoned all their affairs, otherwise it was possible to bring trouble on themselves.

    Our ancestors had a complete list of what not to do at night. It must be said that some of this list will be observed to this day.

    Can't take out the trash at night

    This superstition is connected with the meaning of the night itself in folk beliefs. It used to be believed that evil spirits awaken at night, and if you take out the garbage after sunset, this can negatively affect the material well-being of the whole family.

    You can not leave a knife on the table at night - a bad omen

    Leave a knife on the table overnight - to trouble and illness. This popular superstition meant that the same evil spirit could use the edge of a knife.

    Can't clean up after sunset

    If you start cleaning at night, you can bring bad luck and financial loss to the house. Our ancestors believed that if you wash the floors in the evening, you can wash good luck, love and prosperity out of the house.

    Can't cut and shave

    It is believed that if a man shaves after sunset, then he will have problems in his intimate life. Also, girls were forbidden to cut their hair and nails at night looking. This could lead to failure in his personal life.

    It is forbidden to lend or borrow money after sunset

    According to a popular money sign, the transfer of money in the evening promises great financial losses. It is believed that if you lend money after sunset, you can lose money luck. If, on the contrary, you borrow money, you can remain in debt for a long time.

    Do not leave dirty dishes overnight

    Unwashed dishes, according to folk signs and superstitions, promise monetary losses. Leave dirty dishes - show disrespect for the brownie. He can get offended and cause trouble.

    You can't look in the mirror at night

    The mirror in folk signs appears very often. Since ancient times, it has been endowed with magical powers. It is believed that at night it becomes a door to the other world, and if you look into it, you can attract guests from the other world. Also, young girls were forbidden to look in the mirror - this promised premature old age. In the dark, the mirror distorts the reflection, and it can “remember” the girl in a not the best way.

    All these signs and superstitions have a long history. Believe in them or not, decide for yourself. But remember that only those signs that a person sacredly honors come true. So believe only good superstitions. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

    15.05.2014 09:25

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