• How to get organized

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    So, how to become organized in a world of chaos, perpetual rush and disorder? In fact, organized people are not born organized people. They must develop healthy habits, which then help them stay organized. Here are the top ten habits they use to keep their lives in order.

    1. Getting Started to Get Organized – Write It Down

    We all know someone who remembers every birthday and sends postcards for every holiday. It's not magic and they don't use memorization. Trying to remember things won't help you get organized. You must write everything down.

    Pen and paper is our way of remembering things from the outside, and it's much more permanent. You can also use a computer or smartphone. You only make your life more difficult by trying to keep important dates and reminders in your head.

    Write down everything: shopping lists, holiday gifts, home decor, and important dates like appointments and birthdays.

    • As an experiment, try writing down people's names shortly after they meet (when they're not looking). You can bet that you will remember many more names this way.

    2. Set up a schedule and deadlines

    Organized people don't waste time. They recognize that keeping things organized goes hand in hand with staying productive. They create and save day and week schedules. They make deadlines and set goals. And most importantly, they stick to them! Similarly, by living a cluttered lifestyle, you won't have the time or space to make your deadlines or reach your milestones.

    • As an experiment, write down the things you want to achieve this year or in your life. Then write down what you need to do to achieve them.

    3. Don't delay

    The longer you wait to do something, the harder it will be to do it. If you want your life to be less stressful and less demanding, then organize as soon as you can. By putting in the effort to get things done as soon as possible, you take the pressure off of having to do something later.

    • As an experiment, think of one thing that you should organize in your life. Write it down. Then write down when you can do it and what you need to do. If you can do it right now, then do it!

    4. Keep order at home

    Organizing your life means keeping your things in their place. Organized people keep things organized by storing things properly and labeling storage spaces.
    Provide comfy storage spaces for the things you use all the time and don't let your storage areas get cluttered. Be creative in finding places for things. Also, never label storage space as "miscellaneous".

    • As an experiment, choose one place in your home that you can reorganize. If there are scattered items, group them together. Once you've sorted everything, find or make a "home" for similar items, name them all "houses" and place them in the right places. For example, the holder for your pens and pencils should be in an easily accessible place, but infrequently used craft materials can be kept away.

    5. Adjust

    Find time each week to organize. Highly organized people are convinced that they will find time every week or more to organize things. Things don't organize themselves, they need to be reorganized continuously and consistently.

    • As an experiment, review your schedule and find time to organize, then do it.

    6. Keep only what you need

    More stuff means more clutter. People who live organized lives keep only what they need and what they really want. Having fewer things also means that you like certain things more and can make better use of what you have instead of letting half of what you have collect dust.

    Have you ever felt like you don't have a place to keep everything you have? Instead of buying a bigger house, get rid of some things.

    • As an experiment, write down the number of things you think you really need. Then write a list of all the things you have. If the amount of stuff you actually own exceeds your list of ideal needs, then it's time to get rid of the excess.

    7. Get rid of unnecessary things

    Do your best to get rid of everything. Less stuff means less clutter. Donate to humanitarian stores or sell through websites. Find a way and a place to get rid of unnecessary things.

    • As an experiment, choose one spot in your home to clean. Go through the shelves, drawers and boxes. Anything you find that you don't need, set aside. Do a bunch of things that you might save; a bunch that you'll look at later, and a bunch of stuff to get rid of now. Then find a way to get those things out the door immediately.

    8. Stay away from shopping

    You got rid of what you don't need. Will you replace them when you see something for sale? Instead of shopping without planning ahead, write down what you need and only buy those items. Organized people don't give in. More things will produce more clutter.

    • As an experiment, go to the mall without money. Just take a look at all the things that are sold there. If you don't find anything, then you don't need any of it. If you have made a list, save this list somewhere and look at it in a few days. If you still want it, then it's safe to buy.

    9. Delegate Responsibilities

    A truly organized life is not overflowing with duties, appointments, and deadlines. In fact, there are fewer of them because things that create stress have been slowly organized.

    • As an experiment, review your to-do list or make one. Go to the list and find one task that you can remove from your list or pass on to someone else. You will feel that the stress from it disappears.

    10. Work hard

    Put in a little effort. Put in a lot of effort if necessary. After you delegate responsibilities and set a schedule, you can organize what you need to do and when you can do it.

    Staying organized is not easy. It requires you to work hard with the knowledge that as you work harder, you can enjoy your idle home life later.

    • As an experiment, work harder when you feel like giving up today.