• The fall of the American dollar, a prediction for the near future.

    Comforter, Maitreya, Geser Khan, Kalki Avatar, Saoshyant...) we would like to draw your attention to a report a year ago (26-11-2014) prepared by the AllatRa international public movement and posted on their official website in free access. "Point of View" does not aim to speculate with fear, but rather to warn, because the picture is, to put it mildly, sad, in some places the report looks like a requiem for the outgoing technocratic-consumer era, which is very consonant with the Islamic signs of the coming of the Day of Judgment. " On the problems and consequences of global climate change on Earth. Effective ways to solve these problems"- this is how its full name sounds. You can download and read the full version. Suspicions about the involvement of Rigden Dzhappo in this sensational information are purely logical. We do not think that climate scientists from ALLATRA IPM out of the blue came up with horror stories in the style of Hollywood blockbusters about end of the world In confirmation to those who have read the AllatRa book, it repeatedly points to the approach of global climate change on the planet, in connection with which it is vital to change the vector of development from material, consumer, to spiritual and moral. it’s quite banal, we think, the Bodhisattva cannot but warn humanity about the impending disaster.

    The article is defined in the section "Prophecies" not by chance, it concerns events that, apparently, are predestined to come true. In this warning, we have highlighted four points:

    • The danger of a planetary-scale catastrophe in North America as a result of a tectonic continental fault in the North American lithospheric plate. Awakening of the Yellowstone caldera supervolcano...
    • The danger of a catastrophe of a planetary scale in the area of ​​the Aira caldera (Japan)
    • The disappearance of the American dollar...
    • Ways to overcome possible shocks.

    We will invariably analyze this notorious report later, in the corresponding section "Reports", but for now we will only touch on one prophetic point, the message about the "fall of the world currency", an event that is anxiously expected in the near future. Under the world currency, we hope it is no secret to anyone, we mean the US dollar, it is on it that most of the world economy is tied. If we delve deeper into the essence of the issue, economic experts have long been speaking in extremely minor moods, predicting the greatest financial and economic catastrophe - much worse than in 1929 and 2008, which does not prevent the rest of the majority of consumers from calmly hoping that the threats are ordinary fiction. People remain people, unfortunately, until the thunder breaks out - the peasant does not cross himself, blogger R. Voskresensky wrote in his article a year ago.

    We cannot ignore Mr. LaRouche's recent emergency statement to the American nation on the eve of the New Year 2016. Who does not know English, we advise you to turn on subtitles, a rectangular button to the left of the "settings". Judging by everything, passions are already literally heated to the limit.

    It is no longer a secret that soon THE WORLD CURRENCY "SUDDENLY" WILL CEASE ITS EXISTENCE AND BECOME CHEAPER THAN PAPER on which it is printed. No matter how they hide this fact, but still today it has already become public. It will happen suddenly, however, as always (the handwriting of world screenwriters is recognizable), and hundreds of millions of people not only in this leading country, but also in other countries of the world become poor overnight. One can understand how difficult their position will be in the conditions of a consumer society... The collapse of the world currency will have an impact on a serious economic crisis throughout the world. This will especially affect the population of those countries that were not prepared for it. Considering inevitable global natural disasters on the North American continent in the coming decades, we are already talking about hundreds of millions of climate refugees ...

    Report "On the problems and consequences of global climate change on Earth. Effective ways to solve these problems."

    So, what a brief conclusion can be drawn on the basis of the noted:

    • a sudden drop in the dollar in the near future is very likely (the media has been trumpeting this for a long time);
    • dire consequences for the entire world economy;
    • extreme shocks to people in developing countries;
    • inevitable global natural disasters in North America, the eruption of the Yellowstone supervolcano is possible (which will lead to irreversible disastrous consequences for the flora and fauna of the Earth, as well as the death of a huge number of people);
    • a possible global crisis of human relations, which may entail, perhaps, the most monstrous and sad - the war for survival.

    As a result of the accumulation of negativity, “discomfort” associated with changes in living conditions and violation of “comfort” zones and personal space, patterns of egoism are triggered and quarrels and scandals occur. Why? Because the whole system, from the micro to the macro level, works to separate people. In society as a whole, there is no mutual understanding and philanthropy. Personal egoism, fed by the consumer system, builds a model of a personal empire, they say, “everything revolves around me”, “these are your problems, why should I suffer”, and so on. That is, people begin to experience aggression and hatred towards each other, instead of mutual respect and understanding of the situation, the realization that global problems are not resolved in a short time. And here, without a stable spiritual and moral position, without sincere philanthropy, without tolerance, patience and mutual assistance, it will be extremely difficult for people to overcome such a situation.

    (said in the Report "On the problems and consequences of global climate change on Earth")

    Frankly speaking, it is difficult to imagine how the society can react to the fall of the single world currency, one thing is obvious, for the vast majority, who today have chosen life values ​​and priorities based purely on the consumer way of thinking, this will be a major shock and the deepest stress. Just imagine for a moment that money disappeared and supermarkets closed. Unimaginable, right? But it's quite likely, you see. We consider it our duty to state publicly that the final part of the report talks about ways to overcome the possible consequences of catastrophes on a planetary scale, about solving food security issues and about maintaining moral standards in conditions of practical survival. We suspect that society is already somewhat skeptical of such statements, which is due to numerous speculations in the media about the end of the world. However, let's stay relevant and be aware. We won't be able to survive if we don't change the ideology of the world society from the consumer format of thinking to the spiritually creative one. We can't survive if we don't promote social affirmation priorities of mutual assistance, friendship, spiritual and moral relationships between people. Therefore, firstly, let's always remember that we are all people temporarily staying on Earth as guests. Secondly, we all "walk under the same God." And thirdly, if the lines from the ALLATRA MOU Climate Report really turn out to be prophetic, only a well-known saying will help us survive:


    Let's make it happen!

    * - commandment given by Jesus Christ

    Prepared by: Dato Gomarteli (Ukraine-Georgia)