• What to do with a child in nature. Outdoor games with children in summer: how we have fun outdoors as a family Outdoor games for children 12 14

    Having picked up fun outdoor games for children, the camp leader should be able to correctly explain the rules so that it is clear to all participants. So, an adult can face the kids (therefore, it is best to place the children in a semicircle). The explanation itself should be clear, concise, understandable to everyone (you do not need to use specific words or terms for this, you need to tell it in a language that is accessible to children). If the rules are very complex, before the start of the game, you can conduct a small rehearsal, which will clearly show and explain to the children all the nuances. Another very important point: Select a driver for entertainment. The main player must be cheerful, active, "infect" others with the game. Therefore, it is good if the driver is active cheerful child. However, it often happens that during the game the drivers change. In this case, in order not to offend anyone, it is best to resort to a counting rhyme. Example:

    One two three four five,
    We go for a walk with you.
    One two Three
    You will be the driver in the game!

    Whoever the counting finger hits at the very end will be the leader at the moment.

    Treasure hunt game

    So, we choose the most exciting outdoor games for children. In the camp, you can organize a game called Treasure Hunt. This is sure to please all the kids, regardless of age. Inventory that will be needed: pointers (signs), you can also stock up on a small shovel (if the treasure is buried). So, if you want to entertain young children with this game, there should be no more than 10 signs, but if the participants are high school or high school students, there can be much more signs. The essence of the event is that the players, divided into teams, need to find a previously hidden treasure (it can be a toy, candy, etc.). And for this you will need to follow the signs and, perhaps, even perform small tasks to find the next pointer. The winning team receives a hidden treasure as a prize.

    Game "Hide and Seek"

    What other outdoor games are there for children? In the camp you can also play hide and seek, why not? So, this game is best played outdoors. It will take one child who will look for everyone. To do this, he closes his eyes and slowly says the following counting rhyme: “I count to five, I can’t count to ten. One, two, three, four, five, I'm going to look. Ready or not, here I come!" While the counting rhyme is being said, the rest of the children must find a secluded place for themselves where the driver will not find them. If the main player finds someone, he must be the first to run to the place where the counting rhyme was said and knock on him. And so on until the last player. Who was found last, he won.

    Game "Sharp eye"

    We look further at fun outdoor games for children. So, the guys can be offered a game called "Vigilant Eye". However, there is a need for an area where children can hide. For example, behind the trees. In this case, the driver becomes in the center of the clearing, other children hide behind the trunks. The essence of entertainment is that you need to get as close as possible to the driver. To do this, you can move unnoticed, running from tree to tree. If the driver noticed the player, he calls him by name. If the name is called correctly, the player joins the driver and helps him keep track of other children, if not, the participant simply will not respond. The person who at the time of the end of the game will be closest to the driver will win.

    Game "Find the cubes" (for kids)

    What other children's games for children are mobile? So, the smallest ones can be entertained with a game called "Find the Cubes". Previously, the counselor must hide about a dozen cubes on the site. Players can be divided into two teams, and each participant can also play for himself. The bottom line: each child must find as many cubes as possible. Whoever has the maximum number of them is the winner.

    Fishing game

    We look further at summer outdoor games for children. So, in the camp you can also play "Fishing". To do this, on the asphalt, you must first draw a small circle with a diameter of five meters, which will indicate the sea. Two people are selected as fishermen, who must hold hands at all times. At the command of the counselor, the fishermen run into the drawn water (drawn circle) and catch fish (other children) - one after another. To do this, the hands of the participants must close around the caught fish. In this case, it goes over to the side of the fishermen, and the network is constantly increasing. The goal of the game is to be the last fish.

    Game "Crocodile"

    There are also mobile educational games for children. One of them is the well-known Crocodile. So, for this you need a leader who will constantly change. The counselor whispers a word in his ear, which he must show as clearly as possible. At the same time, you can’t say anything, you can only show: with gestures, with your hands, with your whole body. Whoever guesses the displayed word first becomes the leader. And so on. This game can be played indefinitely, because. she doesn't get bored. It is suitable for children of middle and high school age.

    Game "Wolf and Hares"

    We choose further outdoor games for children. You can also play "Wolf and Hares" in the camp. To do this, you need to draw a forest along the edge of the site where the hares can hide. The wolf is a kind of leader. He becomes in the center of the site and, at the command of the counselor, begins to catch all the hares that run from one forest to another, located on the opposite side of the site. If the wolf touches the hare, it stops in the same place and becomes the wolf's helper. To do this, he simply spreads his arms and blocks the way for other runaway hares. When most of the hares are already helpers, the leader announces that they have all come to visit the wolf on his birthday. Then the wolf is surrounded by children holding hands, singing songs to him, and the birthday boy is dancing.

    The game "The sea is worried"

    There are also outdoor games for children. However, some of them consist entirely of small quatrains, and some only partially. All can be an example famous game"Ocean is shaking". So, the presenter is selected, who will pronounce the following text: “The sea is worried - once! The sea is worried - two! The sea is worried - three! The marine figure is in place - freeze! At this time, the children are dancing, when the last word of the counting sounded, they should freeze in the form of sea figures. The host must guess all the figures. Whose remained unsolved, he becomes the new leader.

    Game "Owl"

    The maximum number of children can take part in this game. You will also need to choose a driver - an owl. When the counselor says “It's day outside!”, All the kids who portray birds or spider worms jump, dance, have fun. At this time, the owl is sleeping. When the counselor says “The night has come, the owl goes hunting!”, All the children freeze. The owl must find those who move or giggle. She carries these children outside the game, into the so-called nest.

    Sport games

    There are also outdoor games for 2 children. An example would be a variety of entertainment that may require sports equipment. So, it can be badminton, where players have to hit the shuttlecock with rackets. You can also kick the ball, trying to score it into the opponent's goal. As an option - the game "Hot Potato" for two: a couple of guys will simply throw the ball until one of the players drops it.

    Fashion designer game

    For this game, you will need several pairs of participants (boy-girl). So, each couple is given a roll of toilet paper. The essence of the game: from this inventory, come up with and make the best costume for your partner. First, the boys create designer dresses on the girls, then the girls make fashionable tailcoats on the boys. The winner is the couple whose creativity will surpass the rest.

    Game "Witch"

    You can also offer the kids a game called "Witch". However, there is nothing wrong here. For the game, you will need a couple of participants who must run past the set obstacles on a broomstick without hitting a single one. The winner is the one who did not knock down a single obstacle with a broom or knocked down the least number of them. As barriers, you can make small towns of sand or cubes.

    Chauffeur game

    To do this, you will need the following inventory: glasses of water, trucks. Several participants are selected for the game. A rope must be tied to each machine, which will be wound around a stick. A glass of water is placed in the trailer of the truck. The goal of the game is to pull the car towards you as quickly as possible by winding the rope, and at the same time not spill water. The winner is the participant who not only drove the car the fastest, but also who had the maximum amount of water left in the glass.

    Game "Dancing"

    Children, however, like most adults, are very fond of music. Why not host a game based on musical accompaniment? An excellent musical outdoor game for children - "Dancing". To do this, the participants are divided into pairs, best of all - a boy-girl. Under the feet of each of them you need to put a newspaper. When the music turns on, the couple dances on the newspaper without stepping outside of it. After the music stops, you need to fold the newspaper in half. Further, everything, again, is done according to the above scenario. The winner is the couple that can dance on the smallest piece of newspaper without going beyond it. At the same time, it is easy to establish very different rules: you can be allowed to take partners in your arms, you can not be allowed, etc.

    Robot game

    This game is suitable for two participants. One of them will be a robot, the other will be a tester. Previously, the tester in the room (class) must hide the thing that the robot must find. In this case, the tester uses the following words for commands to the robot: “forward”, “backward”, “right”, “left”, etc. The game ends when the robot finds the hidden thing.


    You can also pick up various outdoor games-competitions for children. One of them is Boxing. So, for this you will need two people who will be boxers, as well as two inflatable balls that are awarded to each player. The essence of the game: you need to engage in battle not with your hands, but with balls. The winner is the player who keeps his ball for three rounds: does not burst it, does not let go of it. Another funny and pretty good competition for kids: the team needs to transfer apples from a full basket to an empty one. Whichever team has the most apples wins. The prize for the winners is the same apples.

    Summer is the time of year when younger and older children spend their days outside. When a group of guys more than 2-4 people gathers, they want to compete with each other in developing strength, endurance, agility and other skills. Fun competitions for children, which can be held outside in the summer, are best suited for this.

    Competitions for children outdoors in summer

    For children spending time outdoors in the summer, the following are best suited:

    1. "Forest bast". At a distance of 10 steps from the guys, a predetermined construction of twigs is built. Each participant needs to knock it down with a stick without crossing the drawn line.
    2. "Fishing". At a predetermined distance from the participants, various small objects line up. The first of the players is given a "rod" - a stick about 2 meters long with a rope tied to it and a weight at its end. The task of the guys is to knock down the targets with the help of a "fishing rod", swinging the cable.
    3. "Balloon Battle" To the right ankle of each participant with a rope, the length of which does not exceed 30 cm, is tied to a small balloon. At the same time, the players keep their hands behind their backs, clasped in a lock. Initially, only 2 children compete with each other, who need to burst the opponent's ball with their free foot. The next player joins the one who won the battle. This continues until one participant with a whole projectile remains.

    For children who relax on the beach in the summer, the following competition games are suitable:

    1. "Bear Bear". The participant, who will represent the bear, sits down in the middle of the beach. Around him, all the guys lay out their toys, clothes and other things that can be used for this. At a distance of 5-7 steps from this "composition" with a stick on the sand, you need to draw a line behind which there will be a safe place, or "house". At a certain moment, the host or one of the guys says “The bear woke up!”, After which all the players try to save toys and other items by transferring them to the “house”. The bear, in turn, seeks to catch those participants who have nothing in their hands. The one who ended up in the paws of a bear replaces him at his post. The winner of the competition is the player who managed to save more items and snatch them from the clutches of a predatory beast.
    2. "Short legs". Each participant holds an empty plastic bottle between their knees and tries to run as far as possible. In this case, it is necessary not only to move away, but also to besiege other players so that they return to the beginning of the distance. The child who manages to escape the maximum distance wins.
    3. "Joust". If there is a wide log on the beach, it can be used as a pedestal for the next competition. Two players must stand on a log and have a duel, trying to stay on it. The one who fell is eliminated from the competition, and the next participant joins the winner.

    In the summer, for a fun pastime for children, you can also use comic ones, for example:

    1. "Fire brigade". The participants of each team stand in a line, while each of them receives 2 disposable cups, one of which is empty and the other is full. A bucket is placed in front of the captain. At the signal of the host, the last participant pours water into an empty glass of a neighbor, trying not to spill anything. So, gradually, the liquid reaches the captain, who pours it into a bucket. The team that manages to save the most water wins.
    2. "Coal". Players are divided into 2 teams, and each receives a small pebble. The task of all children is to run to a given place, tossing a pebble as if it were a hot coal, and lay down a “bonfire” faster than the other team.

    Finally, for the children's quest taking place outside in the summer, the following competitions are suitable:

    1. "Turnip". According to the plot of this competition, grandfather forgot where he sowed the turnip. Moving from one fairy tale character to another, the guys perform simple tasks, for which they receive a piece of the map. From the collected fragments, players need to put together a picture, and then find a turnip in a given place.
    2. "In Search of Lost Treasures". This game is similar to the previous one, but in the end, the guys need to find a chest that was buried by an old pirate many years ago.

    An owl is chosen to sleep in the nest. At the word "day" the rest of the bird players fly and have fun. When the host says "night", all the players freeze, and then an owl flies out. She must find a moving little man, then he becomes an owl.

    When going out into the countryside, almost all of the entertainment options listed above are suitable, with the exception of swings and crayons on asphalt.

    What can you play with a school-age child in the summer in nature?

    By and large, almost all games that preschoolers play are applicable here, with slight variations and complications.

    Here are a few outdoor games for a group of people. We like to play them during family vacations or outdoor recreation with company.

    Chains forged

    The players are divided into two teams and stand opposite each other, holding hands.

    1st team: Forged chains, unforge us.

    1st: Key.

    2nd: How?

    The 1st team, after conferring, chooses a person from the opposite. This person, having run up, must break the chain, that is, the enemy team. If this succeeds, he returns to his place and takes one person into his chain. If not, stay with the other team. The game is repeated. The team with the most people left wins.

    kite and chicken

    A kite and a chicken are selected. The rest of the children are chickens. They stand like a train, holding each other by the belt, behind the chicken. The task of the kite is to grab the chicken. The chicken, spreading its arms-wings wide apart, should not allow the kite to bypass itself. Chickens help the hen by moving away from the kite. If the kite grabbed the chicken, then it stands in the "tail", the chicken becomes a kite, and the first chicken becomes a chicken.

    King, get to work

    The king is chosen. The rest of the guys, having previously agreed, come up and say: King, take us to work.

    King: What can you do?

    Children: We will not tell, but we will show.

    Then they begin to show some kind of action, for example, how they dig, paint or dance. All show the same thing. The king names options. As soon as the correct answer is found, the children rush in all directions, the king must catch someone. The one who is caught becomes king.

    Candy wrappers

    The players stand in a circle. In the center is the leader. From among those standing in a circle, secretly from the leader, the ringleader is selected (usually they simply silently point with a finger while the leader has turned away). The leader returns to the circle, and all the players begin to say in chorus: “Santiki-wrappers lim-pom-po”, while marching to their places. At some point, the ringleader begins to show another movement, which the players repeat. The leader's task is to figure out the ringleader. The task of the players is to hide, so you need to try not to look at the ringleader, but at some other player. The “calculated” ringleader becomes the leader.

    Nose and heel

    The players stand in pairs at the back of the head to make two circles, internal and external. On the clap of the leader, the circles begin to move in opposite directions. Then the leader gives a command, for example ear-nose. Pairs must be connected in the indicated parts. Those who did later or incorrectly are eliminated. The remaining pair wins.


    The players become in a circle. The leader circles in the center with closed eyes and outstretched arm. At some point, the leader stops and calls a figure, for example, an elephant. The person he pointed to should put his hand to his nose like a trunk, and his right and left neighbors should fold their hands in a ring and put them to the ears of the “elephant”. If someone was late or did it incorrectly, he becomes the leader.

    Elephant. The central one makes a trunk with his hand, the lateral ones put “ears” to it from hands folded into a ring.

    Palm. The main one stretches his arms up, and from the sides they pull his arms obliquely up in different directions.

    Monkey. One covers his mouth with his palm, the other covers his ears, the third covers his eyes. The most difficult thing is to cover different parts without duplication, and it is impossible to agree in advance.

    Kangaroo. The central one shows ears, like a bunny's, and the side ones make a “bag” on his stomach out of his hands.

    Eagle. The main player shows a beak from the palms put to the face, the second and third go behind his back and depict wings, one is right and the other is left.

    You can think of other animals.

    Atoms and molecules

    The players move randomly until the leader says: “Atoms, unite into molecules along” ... 4, for example. Players must unite in four people, who did not have enough groups or made a mistake in the score, they are eliminated. The game is repeated with a different number.


    The players become pairs, holding hands, one after another. Clasped hands are lifted up, forming a passage. One player enters the tunnel and, walking between the pairs, chooses a player for himself. Together, the new couple reaches the end of the "corridor" and are the last to stand. The released person goes to the beginning and also goes through the tunnel, looking for a new partner. We play until we get bored. The game can be especially successful among adolescents if they are allowed to pair up only with the opposite sex.

    It is simply impossible to list all the games, because new ones appear every day. You just have to try it and I'm sure everyone will like it. My children love to play fresh air, games in nature are at a premium with us.

    Experienced parents admit that it is quite daunting task.

    Firstly, being not constrained by the boundaries of the room, children least of all want to play in an organized way: everyone has their own interesting activity.

    Secondly, mobile birthday contests require certain skills and abilities from their organizer: temperament features, minimal knowledge of child psychology, theatrical abilities, and a loud voice.

    So, if on the eve of your child's name day you are lost in a variety of disparate information presented on the World Wide Web, use the following selection of time-tested games and entertainment that can be successfully spent on a picnic, by the water and so on.

    Birthday in the country - contests

    "Duel with balls": balloons with small strings must be tied to the right leg of the players in the ankle area. Two players participate in one duel. Hands must be clasped behind the back. The task of the children is to burst the opponent's ball with the help of their feet. A new opponent also joins the winner with an ankle ball. The game continues until only one winner remains.

    "Save the Bear" Arrange the toys, pots, cutlery, bags, and other items you brought for the picnic in a circle. Place a child in the center of the circle, who will play the role of a formidable and dangerous bear. At some distance from him, draw a line beyond which he will not be able to go. When the "bear" wakes up, the children should start rescuing their belongings and moving them over the line. The "bear" at this time can grab children who at that moment have nothing in their hands, that is, at the time when the guys return to the dividing line for things. Thus, the child who managed to be caught can become a bear. The winner of the competition is the player who managed to collect the most things and at the same time not fall into the clutches of the insidious "Mikhail Potapych".

    "Easers": divide the guys into teams according to the total number of players. Give the task - to collect leaves, cones and pebbles that will act as coals. The next task: run to the fire with a "coal" in your hands, rhythmically throwing it into the air (because it's hot), and not dropping it. The winner is the team that will be able to put all their coals into the fire faster than others.

    "Extinguish the fire": divide the children into teams, line up and give each player a disposable cup. Give the last child in line a glass filled with water. The task of this player is to carefully pour water into an empty glass of a neighbor, run to the beginning of the line and stand in it as the first number. The next player, who now has a glass of water in his hands, pours it to his neighbor. And so - in a chain. The team with the most water in their glasses at the end of the relay wins.

    "Crocodile in the forest": divide the children into two groups. Choose two volunteers from each team. Their task: with gestures, without words, depict an object that may be within suburban area. The team of each volunteer must guess the name of this thing. The image of an ax, a log, matches, a fire, a rake and the like look funny.

    "Shashlik - mashlik": collect two small piles of leaves in advance. Divide the guys into teams and give each a shammur or a thin but strong twig. Determine your running distance. Explain the task to the children: you turn on the music while it is playing, one player from each team must run to their pile of leaves, take one leaf and string it on a skewer, then return to their own. The winner will be the team that managed to collect more leaves on a skewer during the time of the music than the other.

    Chorus of Animals: Divide the children into groups. One group of guys will be frogs, the second - goats, the third - dogs, the fourth - mice and the like. Voice the task: the "animals" need to perform the song "Happy Birthday to You" in honor of the birthday man, using only the knowledge of how this or that animal "talks".

    Birthday contests in nature

    "Close elevator": divide the children into teams, from each team two players participate in the competition at one time. The guys stand in pairs with their backs to each other, while leaning forward a little. Between the backs of the players (in the free space) put a raw egg. If children are afraid of getting dirty, small tennis or rubber balls can be used to play. Explain the task to the children: you need to carefully lower the egg to the ground without breaking it, and without helping yourself with your hands. The pair of players who manage this difficult task wins. At the end of the game, the number of pairs from each team that managed not to break the testicle is counted. This team is the winner.

    "Compote": two teams are needed for the competition. Give the children a tablespoon and a small apple each. Determine your running distance. The task of the players is to put an apple in a spoon, clamp it with their teeth and bring it to the pan.

    "Scarecrow": Prepare in advance two sticks tied with a cross. Divide the children into teams and give them these sticks. Explain the task: from improvised materials: garbage bags, buckets, cutlery, plastic bottles, sticks, twigs, and the like, make a scarecrow for the garden in a strictly allotted time. The team that manages to create the funniest garden scarecrow wins the competition.

    "Zigzags": between the trees at a small height, pull the rope in zigzags. Divide the children into two teams. The first group of guys plays first. When she finishes, the second one starts the game. The task of the participants in the competition is to carefully, without damaging the ropes, follow the given route to the music and get to its end point. The winner is the team that completes this task faster and better.

    "Jerboas": Divide the children into teams. Explain the task: from the starting point, you need to reach the finish line, holding the ball between your knees. The task is complicated by the fact that each "jerboa" of each team has a mink, into which he will have to carry a certain number of cones, leaves and small pebbles.

    "Birthday Gift" children are divided into teams. Each participant is given scissors and colored paper. The task of the children is to cut out of paper those items that they would like to give to the hero of the occasion. The birthday boy at this time should sit on the sidelines and not look at his friends. Next, he is blindfolded and invited to approach the thread, which is fixed on the branches between two trees. "Gifts" hang on a thread, which the birthday boy must cut with scissors to the approving cries of those present. The "souvenir", which will be the first in the hands of the hero of the occasion, will appear with him in the near future. The winning team is determined by the belonging of the souvenir to a particular team.

    "Name the plant": divide the children into teams. Determine the finish and start. The task of the contestants is to jump on one leg to the finish line, go back and pass the baton to the next member of their team. He, accepting it, must come up with and name the plant for a certain given letter.

    "Tree of Joy" tie ropes identical in length to the trunks of two trees of the same thickness. Divide the children into teams, from each of them choose one participant. Their task is to run around the trees and wind ropes around the trunks. The point is given to the team whose member does it the fastest. And so - to the bitter end. At the end of the competition, the points are calculated and summed up in order to determine the winning team.

    Birthday at the camp site - contests

    "Baba Yaga": children are divided into two groups. Each team is given a bucket and a broom. The task of the contestants is to stand with one foot in the bucket, the other on the ground, take the bucket by the handle with one hand, and hold the broom with the other. Thus, each participant must reach the second member of his team and pass the baton to him. The team that completes the task faster wins.

    "Portrait of an Artist": one contestant stands near the tree with his back to the other players. They, in turn, choose the one who will draw the face of a little man on the back of the player who is standing by the tree. When the nose is completed, the driving player is informed about this, he must immediately turn around and voice any specific task. Then he tries to guess which of the guys drew on his back. If he guesses correctly, the task is performed by the "artist", and if not, then he himself. "Ryaba Hen": the participants of the game sit in a circle. "Grandfather" is chosen. He sits with his back to the other players. The guys are given a rubber ball in their hands - this will be a testicle, it must be passed from hand to hand as quickly as possible. The egg is passed while the music is playing. As soon as she stops, all the "hens" fall into the grass, hiding their hands. The task of the "grandfather" is to guess which chicken has a testicle in his hands. If you guessed right, she changes places with the driver and becomes a "grandfather", if not, the game simply continues.

    "Crazy Doctor" a player is chosen who will be a doctor, tired of all the people and suddenly gone crazy. He should start chasing his own patients. If the doctor touches the patient in the process of running by the leg, now it is impossible to step on it, if by the hand - it can no longer be lifted and waved. Only normal doctors are able to cure patients, who must be able to run to the crippled and at the same time not fall into the hands of their crazed colleague.

    "Balloon": draw a line near which the contestants will need to get on all fours. Before each of them you need to put a balloon. To do this, children get the opportunity only on your command. To make the competition take longer and be more fun and funny, complicate the task a little: reach a certain mark, go around several trees, and so on.

    "Clear cleaners": The time limit for the competition is exactly ten minutes. It is necessary to select no more than five people for participation and blindfold them. Then you need to scatter tennis balls across the clearing. Children are given baskets. The task of the guys is to collect as many balls as possible in their baskets for a while with their eyes closed. The winner, respectively, is the one who at the end got the most balls.

    "Ready to go": divide the children into teams, give each a backpack, a set of dishes and a box of matches. Then line up the children in a row, put a backpack in front of the first participant, fifteen meters from him - dishes and matches. Each player of the team is given a task: one by one, run to the things, take one item, run from their own, put it in a backpack and touch the next competitor with their hand in order to pass the baton. At the end of the game, you need to count the number of things in the backpack, evaluate the speed of the teams running and the accuracy of laying items, for which points are scored. At the end they are counted and the winning team is chosen.

    "Swamp bumps": divide the children into teams, each give out a rubber mat. You can get by with newspapers or bags, but rugs are more comfortable and practical for this game. One player from each team at a time participates, that is, children compete in pairs. At the start, the guys stand on one mat, and hold the second in their hands. The earth is a swamp, you can’t step on it, rugs are swamp bumps. The task of the players is to run to the finish line along the "bumps" - put a rug in front of them, stand on it, put the one they are holding next to them, and stand on it and so in an interesting way reach the designated target. A point is awarded to the team whose member gets to the finish line faster than the opponent. If during the game the child stumbles and stands on the ground, the point is automatically awarded to the opposite team.

    hope permyakova
    Card file of family games in nature

    Dear colleagues, speaking about the role of the family in the life of a child and determining the importance of family education, I would like to present several games for communication between parents and children during family outdoor recreation. Playing with children, your Sunday rest will not turn into just eating barbecue, but will become something more, a real celebration of communication between parents and children, which will certainly be remembered. And you will certainly want to repeat such a vacation.

    1. "Who is faster"

    Members- “father-son”, “mother-daughter”, etc.

    materials- ropes with sticks on each side.

    Participants, at the signal of the leader, must wind the rope together on sticks. The winner is the pair that winds the entire rope faster than the others.

    2. "Mom, dad, me and the ball"

    Members- parents and children

    materials- ball.

    The most exciting, familiar and diverse games can be organized with the help of a ball - everything here depends on the imagination of all family members: volleyball; football; bouncer; catching the ball in a circle (all large and small players stand in a circle and begin to throw the ball in a circle. The pace gradually increases, the one who drops the ball is out of the game. The one who remains last wins).

    3. "Compliment or 3 nice words"

    Members- children and parents

    materials- a lot of candies.

    Participants are invited to take a few candies of their choice, as much as they want. After that, the host announces the rules of the game: everyone who took the candy is obliged to give a compliment to the player sitting next to him, and each candy is worth three nice words. If the participant repeats, then he takes another sweet for himself.

    4. "The most cheerful and active!".

    Members- parents and children

    materials- drawing paper, or sheet A-4, on which it is written main phrase: "We are the most cheerful and active!". Participants must produce this text without using words. How? You need to clap on vowels, stomp on consonants, and show punctuation marks, quotation marks, numbers and spaces like this: sit down and stand up straight again, the graduates clap their hands.

    5. "BOBR"

    Members- children and parents

    materials- sheet A-4, felt-tip pens

    Participants come up with an abbreviation name for themselves that most accurately characterizes them, preferably a funny one. Let's say a BOBR is rebellious, sociable, big, talkative. Names are revealed in turn, and everyone else must offer their own interpretations. The winners are those who came up with the funniest, most original or fun option.

    6. "Name your friends" (who is more)

    Members- children and parents

    Call your friends for a minute without repeating

    List all school supplies without repeating

    Name school lessons without repeating

    7. "Choose a joke definition"

    Members- children and parents

    The host starts, the participants pick up

    * Classroom teacher - classmate, tiger tamer, San Sanovna, etc.

    * Pupils in the lesson - dead Souls,

    * The student's answer is laughter through tears,

    * Loser - the hero of our time,

    * Excellent student - a lonely sail turns white in the fog,

    * Two for a hint - grief from the mind,

    * A student without a cheat sheet is a headless horseman,

    * Student's diary - a book of complaints and suggestions,

    * Academic year - going through the throes,

    8. "Dates and Numbers"

    Members- children and parents

    The facilitator suggests recalling the most significant events in the life of the class and group, which must have been erased from memory by the time the game was held ... Especially dates and other dates.

    What year did you enter first grade?

    What year did you finish elementary school?

    How many steps are in the stairs between the 2nd and 3rd floors?

    How old is our school?

    How many classrooms are in the school?

    How many windows are in the hallway on the 2nd floor?

    Does the door of the director's office open from oneself or towards oneself?

    How many years do you study geography in school?

    What is the number of the principal's office?

    How many steps are on the stairs from the first to the last floor of the school?

    What color are the curtains in the dining room?

    How many clocks hang in the corridors of the school?

    How many steps (on average) from the nearest bus stop to the school?

    How many bus lines stop at the nearest stop?

    What is the size of the school table? boards? window?

    How much does a whole piece of chalk weigh?

    What color are the eyes of the math teacher (full name?

    9. "Know by name"

    Members- children and parents

    materials- an envelope with separate syllables

    Each participant was given an envelope with separate syllables, from which you need to make up the last name, first name and patronymic of the teacher, head teacher or school principal. All have different personalities, but the same total number of syllables. Who is encrypted, the students do not know. The winner is the one who guessed and completed the task the fastest.

    10. "Hero of our time"

    Members- children and parents

    Participants must decide which of their classmates best fits the description (and along the way they will have to remember which of the heroes literary works this description belongs):

    Slow, shy, fearful. Without a brazen look and claims to success. I was not afraid to write a letter to my hero. (Tatyana Larina from A. Pushkin's poem "Eugene Onegin").

    11. "Associations on a school, educational topic, where these numbers are present."

    Members- children and parents

    For example, the number 2: Kaverin's book "Two Captains", the song "Two Merry Geese", Reshetnikov's painting "Again Deuce", etc.

    Associations with the number zero. For example, someone will remember the saying “zero without a stick”, while someone’s fantasy or memory will tell you something completely unexpected.

    By analogy, we recall everything related to the numbers 1 and 6. Let both children and adults fantasize!

    12. "Crossing"

    Members- children and parents

    Participants line up in one line.

    Task: answering the host's questions correctly, take a step forward and get to the other shore.

    Having answered correctly, the participant takes a step forward. Who did not have time (answered later or incorrectly) - remains in place. The one who passes the crossing first wins.

    Who made the table chemical elements? (Mendeleev).

    Who made the discovery when an apple fell on his head? (Archimedes).

    Which pants are equal in all directions? (Pythagorean).

    Which of the great classics wrote the novel in verse? (Pushkin, "Eugene Onegin").

    Which writer wrote a poem in prose? (Gogol, Dead Souls).

    What are the largest mammals on earth? (Whales).

    13. "Mathematics"

    Members- children and parents

    All participants, starting with the leader, call in turn numbers from one to one hundred.

    Condition: all numbers in which the number 2 occurs must be replaced with the phrase "Mom, I'm sorry!", And the number 6 with the exclamation "Wow!".

    Thus, they will be called: one - mom, sorry - three - four - five - wow - seven - eight - nine - ten - eleven - mom, sorry, etc. The main thing is to set a good pace from the very beginning, and when participants will reach the numbers 16, 22, 26, 32, 36, it will be fun and follow the players and participate in the competition.

    Who made a mistake - goes out, the rest continue to count further. The winner is the most attentive and persistent.

    14. “What? Where? When?"

    Members- children and parents

    Sample questions:

    Why not bake bread without it? (Without crust.)

    What is in the middle of the earth? (Letter "m".)

    What is not in cabbage, beets, or turnips, but is there in tomatoes and cucumbers? (Letter "o".)

    How can you carry water in a sieve? (Frozen.)

    Why does a rooster close its eyes when it sings? (Wants to show that he sings from memory.)

    How do day and night end? (Soft sign.)

    More than an hour, less than a minute? (Second)

    What language is spoken silently? (sign language)

    What city are you hiding in? male name and side of the world? (Vladivostok)

    Why do they go often, but rarely go? (On the stairs)

    Which table has no legs? (Dietary)

    15. "Lucky number"

    Members- children and parents

    materials- 10 - 15 balls, sheets of paper 13x18 cm, prize.

    Each sheet has a wish. On one sheet, the number 9 is a lucky number. Numbered sheets are inserted inside the balls. Those who received the balloons make a salute in honor of the prom (pop the balloons, and then read the wishes out loud in turn. Number 9 becomes the owner of the prize.

    16. Bureau of Forecasts

    Members- children and parents

    materials- plastic bottle, leaflets, pens or pencils

    This is a task, as they say, for the future. We distribute paper and pens to the participants, let everyone write down how he sees himself in 15 - 20 years (not enough to achieve something outstanding).

    If one of the parents leaves these letters as a keepsake, in years to come it will be very interesting to read and evaluate whose predictions were closest to the truth.