• Do witches go to church. How to recognize a witch, a sorcerer, a demon-possessed person, a child in a church, an Orthodox church? Signs of a sorcerer in a man, a witch in a woman, a possessed person, a child. How to protect yourself from witches and sorcerers, a possessed person, p

    Many believers who attend church do not know that even here witches and sorcerers can bring damage to a person. How to protect yourself from this, I will give the advice of the village healer Semyon Prokudin.

    * Witches and sorcerers try to cross their fingers or hands themselves so that the left hand lies on the right hand.

    * When they kneel, they try to cross their legs behind in this position. These minions of evil begin to cross themselves very quickly with their left hand, that is, they make a cross: first they baptize the stomach, then the left shoulder, then the right and, finally, the forehead.

    * Witches and sorcerers can be baptized with their right hand, but when, completing the sign of the cross, they put their fingers to the stomach, then with a sharp movement of the right hand to the side and back, they seem to throw off the cross.

    * In church, they try to stand in such a way that their backs are constantly covered from the altar. And they strive to leave the church, if possible, with their backs and, as it were, backing away. This is due to the fact that there are many nerve endings in the spinal cord, and the rays emanating from the icons and the altar strongly burn the backs of witches and sorcerers.

    * When you put a candle for health in front of the icon of some saint and start to pray, then do not allow outsiders to rearrange your candle, make sure that it burns to the end.

    * Make sure that your candle is not extinguished, that another candle is not placed on your candle - in this way, damage is brought on you.

    * Many people who are newly baptized or rarely go to church do not know where to put a lit candle. A witch or a sorcerer with advice always tries to approach such a person. They say to a person: "Put a candle and leave the church behind the house." If a person does this, then he will damage himself.

    * There is another situation. You have a lighted candle in your hands, and you are asked to light your candle from yours. It is better to politely refuse, let them light a candle from burning candles standing on a candlestick, because, in this way, damage can also be induced.

    *Not often, but it does happen. It stands under the candlestick, which has large nests designed for thick candles, and you are holding a thin candle in your hands. As a rule, a “kind” uncle will immediately turn up and tell you to put your candle in the nest where one or two candles are already burning. Do not do that.

    * If a man or a woman is standing with a burning candle and the candle is not held vertically, but horizontally, then they are causing damage to someone.

    * Be sure to cross your mouth before taking communion.

    * Witches and sorcerers can be seen on the day of the Nativity of Christ, when they close entrance doors in church. At this moment, they try to hold the lock with their hands in order to recharge their batteries.

    The needle will ward off the sorcerers

    It is possible to protect a house or apartment from the action of dark forces (sorcerers who inflict damage, energy vampires and other evil spirits) by sticking needles in all openings of the room - doors, windows. It is better to do this in the upper part of the frames and jambs, and you need to stick the needles with an eye, and not with a point. In this case, you need to read a conspiracy from evil spirits.

    « From the Holy Spirit, a communicant of Christ, the hand of the Savior, the castle of the Mother of God, my angel, my savior! Save my soul, fix my heart. Enemy Satan, get away from me! I have three sheets, everything is written Mark and Nikita the Great Martyr: to torture my soul for sins, to pray to God for me».

    Having finished this ritual, it is necessary to go around the house (apartment) counterclockwise with a church candle. You need to start from the threshold and in no case do not miss a single wall, not a single corner. Where the flame will crack or smoke, you should hold the candle flame longer.

    IN last years in Orthodox churches frequent ... psychics and sorcerers. Some parishioners, at the sight of the indecent behavior of this public, experience bewilderment and confusion. What are His enemies doing in the House of God, and how can the Orthodox protect themselves from them?

    The heresy of energyism

    The grace of God cannot be stolen, said Father Zotik. - It is given to those who pray, not those who charge ...

    Archpriest Father Zotik (Yakimchuk)

    And the fact that psychics in the temple feel and see something, the priest explains with a play of the imagination. They are likened to figures who lie on the bones, believing that the dignity of the deceased passes into them. Give free rein to psychics and sorcerers, they would lie on icons, but they would not receive grace at the same time. In order for it to descend upon a person, he must work for God, do works of mercy, and not steal someone else's energy.

    - However, we are also attached to the icons, striving to receive grace?

    Yes, we apply, but we don’t lie down! - Father Zotik replied. - And you can receive grace without touching the icon. You just need to pray fervently before her.

    Batiushka explained that grace is not exactly what is meant by the scientific term "energy", or rather, not at all. Grace comes from God, and energy can also be received from Satan. And if a person does not serve God, then grace will not descend on him, no matter how hard he tries to "charge" it in the temple. And in order to receive energy from demons, it is not at all necessary to go to church: there are even more of them on the street.

    - But psychics believe that they are "charged with positive energy"?

    This is called the heresy of energyism: people worship the idol of energy, which supposedly will help them solve their problems without difficulty - instead of working for God. And if they feel better, then this is due to self-hypnosis. They cannot acquire the grace that brings real healing.

    Years of experience working with parishioners convinced Father Zotik that treatment with "energy" by psychics and sorcerers is a self-deception: after a temporary improvement in well-being, an even greater deterioration occurs. Such a game of imagination leads, first of all, to a mental disorder. In recent years, when the so-called "bioenergetics" came out of hiding, quite a few people got mentally ill after their "healing sessions". And some clients from such "charging with energy" lost their last health and died from incomprehensible diseases. Well, the idol of energy requires sacrifice.

    I asked the priest about how we can protect ourselves from psychics, sorcerers and real Satanists, who can now be found even in the temple. He explained that we should not be afraid of demons and their servants, but of our sins, which make us vulnerable to this evil spirit. Repent of your sins, ask God for help - and you will not be afraid of the "weak insolence" of demons and their henchmen. God-haters can only kill your body. But by accepting martyrdom you will be worthy of eternal life...

    Here some sorcerer can object to me that he himself commands the demons, they serve him, and not he them. Yes, they serve - in this world, and after the death of the body everything will be the other way around.

    Frankly, about thirty years ago, I, a naive correspondent, talked with famous psychics and sorcerers, wrote informative materials about them for newspapers and magazines. But then he began to notice with horror that misfortunes happened every now and then in their lives, one more terrible than the other. And the worst thing is that troubles also fell on their fans, as if idols dragged them into a certain field of suffering and sorrow. It was then that my little son Alyosha, who did not live to be one and a half years old, died of cancer in my arms. After painful reflection and searching, I realized that I myself was the cause of his death, because I contacted the servants of the enemy of the human race. Since then, I repent of my sin and urge others not to make my terrible mistake.


    But I truly feel sorry for some psychics who don't know who they really serve. They consider themselves good healers, white magicians. And even among the conscious servants of Satan there are those whose soul has not become dead, they waver in their convictions, are ready to repent and serve people, and not their eternal enemy.

    Hundreds of years ago, such a feat was accomplished by the sorcerer Cyprian, who was amazed that his powerful spells did not work on the Orthodox girl Justinia, and wished to accept her faith, which makes a person invulnerable to witchcraft. The former sorcerer later became an Orthodox bishop and, together with his young mentor, went to martyrdom for Christ. Since then, Hieromartyr Cyprian and Martyr Justinia have been praying for protection from witchcraft.

    But it turns out that in our time, some psychics and sorcerers repent of their mortal sin, accept the Orthodox faith and receive hope for eternal life. I sincerely wish this to all the other servants of the evil one. Let them take their cue from a man who not so long ago escaped from the nets of Satan. You can read about him in the note posted on the Internet "How the sorcerer became a Christian."

    An old priest, Father Nikolai, testifies of an incident he witnessed in Chernigov. Together with his spiritual children, he came to this city to good friends and went with them to one of Orthodox churches. There, in front of everyone's eyes, a man who entered the temple suddenly began to shout aloud and confess his faith:

    "I want to be a Christian, I was a sorcerer! I believed in God with all my soul, with all my being that He is! And those who believe in Him are the smartest, happiest, most professional people. These are people of light, truth, truth, warmth and beauty "But not all. And those who fulfill the requirements of Holy Baptism are blessed. Being a sorcerer, I checked that there are not true ones among believers, they simply accepted baptism for the sake of fashion or necessity and forgot everything, they live like unbaptized. These all I he freely took, spoiled and did what he wanted, but those who have the fear of God, love the Lord God and fulfill all the prescriptions of Orthodoxy, and especially those who, getting out of bed, pray and after their rules are in the habit of taking holy water with prosphora, - could not! Someone guards and protects them! For this reason, I want to be protected and saved. I give up all my tricks and witchcraft, white and black magic, I burn books and I want to be a conscious Christian, and, moreover, Orthodox. And you, father, baptize me immediately.

    Hearing this, those gathered in the temple rejoiced that the philanthropic God saves the lost for eternal life. “Let it be instructive for everyone,” Father Nikolai concludes, “that it is very sacred and salutary to take holy water and prosphora - a piece every day after prayer, on an empty stomach. Whoever does not want to be the prey of sorcerers, let him take the antidote for salvation.”

    But, as the repentant sorcerer said, God guards and protects those who "fulfill all the prescriptions of Orthodoxy." Their whole way of life is an "antidote to salvation." It is this antidote to sorcery that I wish my readers to work out in myself.

    In the Middle Ages, people who could recognize witches were in great demand. They underwent special training at the church and later hunted magicians. Author of the Critical History Spanish Inquisition” in his book gives a description of the standard sorceress. This is a woman of 45 years and older, who leads a secluded life. Unmarried or widowed, she is characterized by quarrelsomeness and immoral behavior. How to identify a witch in society:

    1. The presence of the seal of the devil - a small spot on the body, in this place she does not feel pain.
    2. Eyes of a rare color - this list includes green, black or blue eyes that are not found in ordinary people. They have a "bad" look, it can become bad from it.
    3. Witches lead a nocturnal lifestyle, induce damage, sicken livestock, spoil crops. Entering into connection with the devil, they can disappear for several days.

    Modern sorcerers have learned to live less conspicuously and not only are not afraid of the influence of the church, but also conduct their secret rituals there. In this article, we will give you a number of signs that will help you identify a witch in a church and protect yourself from her influence.

    Witch Doctor Alexander Aksenov

    Many believers, attending church, do not know that here witches and sorcerers can bring damage to a person. But witches and sorcerers can be recognized.

    Witches and sorcerers try to cross their fingers or hands themselves so that the left hand rests on the right hand.

    When they kneel, they try to cross their legs behind in this position.

    They begin to cross themselves very quickly with their left hand, that is, they make a cross, first they baptize the stomach, then the left shoulder, then the right and, finally, the forehead.

    Witches and sorcerers can also be baptized with their right hand, but when, completing the cross, they put their fingers to the stomach, then with a sharp movement of the right hand back to the side, they seem to throw off the cross.

    In the church, they try to stand in such a way that the back is constantly covered from the altar. And they try to leave the church, if possible, with their backs and, as it were, backing away. This is due to the fact that there are many nerve endings on the spinal cord, and the rays from the icons and the altar strongly burn the backs of witches and sorcerers.

    The eyes of witches and sorcerers, as a rule, are prickly, running around, they try not to look people in the eyes, and if they look, they immediately try to turn away.

    In church, they can walk around you counterclockwise and poke you with their hand, then stand behind you and suck the energy out of you. If this happens, then immediately, without hesitation, hit the witch or sorcerer with your left hand so that the damage goes back. The second time a witch or sorcerer will not do anything like this to you.

    Some people know or have heard that candles can be damaged, and they try to keep a lit candle in their hands. Pay attention to this moment: you lit a candle, stood in some place in the church, and the candle suddenly smoked. Do not be lazy and look at your feet. This is due to the fact that you may have a needle under your feet.

    When you put a candle “for health” in front of the icon of some saint and start praying, then do not allow outsiders to rearrange your candle, make sure that it burns out to the end.

    Make sure that your candle is not extinguished, that another candle is not placed on your candle and that your burning candle is not stuck in the candlestick, that is, in this way they damage you.

    Many beginners do not know where to put a lit candle. A witch or sorcerer will definitely try to approach such a person with advice. They say to a person: "Put a candle and leave the church backwards." If a person does this, then he will damage himself.

    There is such a situation. You have a lighted candle in your hands, and you are asked to light your candle from yours. It is better to politely refuse, let them light their candle from burning candles standing on a candlestick.

    Not often, but it does happen. There is a candlestick, which has large sockets designed for thick candles, and you have a thin candle in your hands. As a rule, a “good uncle” will immediately turn up and tell you to put your candle in the nest where one or two candles are already burning. Do not do that.

    Be sure to cross your mouth before taking communion.

    Witches and sorcerers can be seen on the day of the Nativity of Christ, when the entrance doors to the church are closed. At this moment, witches and sorcerers try to hold on to the lock with their hands in order to gain energy for themselves.

    If a man or a woman stands with a burning candle, and holds the candle not vertically, but horizontally, they cause damage.

    Wrote about witches famous writer Gogol, and often expressed the opinion that they are frequent guests of holy places, unfortunately, enough time has passed, but their love for churches and the imposition of damage has not subsided a bit.

    Reasons Why Witches Come to Holy Places

    1. During the rituals, they accumulate a lot of dark energy and spend their health, in order to recover they need to get light energy and health somewhere, the easiest way to visit the temple, where a person will not follow oddities, since he came to God. Entering the temple, she can be exhausted, and after tactile contact, she becomes cheerful and cheerful, giving the negative to the person.

    2. Energize strong energy, which is in holy places. They try to gain strength by pulling the priest's cassock, as there is a great power in it that helps any person become stronger and healthier.

    3. Spoil. Since a person is involved in the service, he does not notice the actions of the witch, and therefore she can perform rituals, after which she shifts the damage to the first weak person she comes across. During the ritual, they can throw a variety of objects at the feet of the laity.

    Most often, outwardly, witches look innocent, and try to help everyone around with advice and deed.

    IN Lately"healers" began to appear, who began to actively master church life.
    The “healer” who “winds up the biomass” outwardly seems to have a church life: every Sunday she attends the service, takes communion once every two weeks, goes to confession, performs all fasts ... But she does not have and cannot have a deep relationship with the Lord, she does not know the very life of the Church by its content. And turning to one or another Church Sacrament, she (in her inner conviction) resorts to them as auxiliary means. She believes that she receives "certain energies" or a cleansing power from the Lord, given to her in the Sacraments, which "energetically provide" her, refine her ability to heal. It turns out that Communion, Confession and all Church Sacraments, including touching the shrines, become a means to, having received some sanctification and purification, then more fully surrender oneself into the hands of assisting forces for the "healing" of the sick.
    But the power that promotes such healing and the power of Communion are polar opposites. Communion with such an attitude of "healers" becomes an additional means or a necessary condition, while the emphasis is placed mainly on the forces that assist in the treatment. All this looks like a desecration of Communion, of the Church Sacraments.
    Moreover, we will see that many psychics and similar healers are constantly sending people to church. “I will not treat you until you are baptized,” or “I will fly you now, I will perform five seances, after that you will definitely take communion, then five more seances, take more communion, at the end take the third Communion,” or “Take forty candles, put them on," or "Buy crosses, give them to the children." Much such advice is offered to the person who is desiring treatment. Why is this?
    The "healer" himself most often does not realize this. He often believes that he is doing something useful and necessary for the Church. Usually a "healer" feels like a person who is quite moral, sincerely disposed towards people, and with jealousy, even with selflessness, helps people in illness. Among them there are also perfect unmercenaries, they do not take anything for healing. At the same time, when they send people to church, they assume that they are doing a very good deed, bringing people to God, introducing them to holy things, because without holiness, they think, healing is impossible. Another does not even suspect what power advised him to send all the sick to church.
    It is particularly easy and convenient for the demonic forces that make up that assisting force, control these forces, direct them to assist the "healer", in our time it becomes especially easy and convenient to abuse the shrine through such people. The moment of an unrighteous appeal to a shrine is a fact of abuse. The wrong meaning given to church shrines is, in fact, a desecration of it. Moreover, having accepted the Sacrament: Baptism or Communion, the person returns to the healer and gives everything taken under the abuse of contributing forces. Such blasphemy, possibly involuntarily committed by people, amuses and amuses the demonic forces and at the same time greatly damages the people themselves, because every person who is treated by psychics and who, at their instigation, comes to church, fulfilling their tasks, actually sins. Sins twice. The first time, instead of turning to God and seeking His help, he goes to a "healer" who is led by forces opposed to God. And the second - at the instigation of these same forces, he comes to church, having absolutely no idea Who he is going to, why he is going, and in what relationship with the Lord he should be in the Sacrament of Communion or the Sacrament of Confession. And thus, without realizing anything, he outrages the very shrine. Demons just want it. And this is imputed to a person as a grave sin, for which one sometimes has to pay for the whole life.

    What to do with neighbors who conjure, wish evil, often throw things into the garden? It is impossible to live in peace with them. How to pray when they despise, undeservedly, innocently offend?

    When a person goes to a resort, a sanatorium to improve his health, he takes all the procedures prescribed for him, including mud baths. He even pays money for it and thanks the doctors when they smear him all over with black mud. They will smear it - it is black and walks. But for some reason, we do not thank those people who pour dirt on us for free. After all, slander, gossip, contemptuous words - this is the dirt that heals our soul. It must be accepted with joy, knowing that our soul is being cleansed.

    The Lord said, "By patience save your souls; he who endures to the end will be saved." And how to acquire patience, if it is not? The Lord gives such a person lessons of patience and humility. For example, neighbors get angry, make noise, scold, slander. If we do not blame our neighbors for anything, if we thank God and consider that our neighbors have been sent to us to develop patience, then our soul will quickly become healthy, And in a healthy soul there is neither resentment nor irritation. It contains compassion for those who have fallen in evil, it contains love and mercy, it contains God Himself.

    Or a serious illness has befallen a person - cancer. This is a great opportunity to correct everything that was wrong in life, confess sins, repent and take communion. A person can embark on the right path, even one month, a week before his death. The Lord also accepts "at the eleventh hour", and gives the same reward to all who turn to Him - salvation. The main thing is how we will move to the other world. WITH good deeds, with humility and a pure soul, or with unrepentant sins. This is the most terrible state when the soul is burdened with sins.

    Yes, evil spirits pester us, but only by God's permission. The Lord knows better than we ourselves what is good for our soul and, wishing to purify it, like a loving Father gives us a bitter medicine, and when we need to regret, He will console and encourage.

    Without the will of the Lord, no one has power over us: no grandmother, no grandfather, no sorcerer. If God does not allow, no one can harm us. When a person constantly goes to church, he is under the special care of God, and the Lord protects him from all witchcraft. You just need to be faithful to the Lord until death. If a person suddenly happens to forget about his Heavenly Father, betray Him, stop praying to Him, the Father will still not forget him. On the contrary, he will try to bring his lost son back to Himself. And for this, he can remind himself of troubles, illnesses and sorrows. And you can get rid of resentment against those who harm and slander in this way. Set yourself up in advance that those people who harm us are the instruments of the will of God. Pray to the Lord: "Lord, help me to endure all this!" We're proud, sick, spoiled. Why is the person offended? Why, when they say a word to him in order to correct him in some way, he explodes: "How is it: they tell me? Don't you know who I am?" This is a disease of the soul. No matter where you touch her, everywhere that soul hurts. And in the Kingdom of Heaven we need healthy people strong in spirit.

    Our grandmother is unbaptized and unbelieving, she goes to the sessions of one sorcerer (he somehow helped her to cure her legs). We go to church, we are churched. Grandmother curses us: "How did you start going to church, because of you my life went awry". How can we protect ourselves from this?

    Don't be afraid and don't worry. The Bible says that an undeserved curse is not accepted by God. And the fact that the grandmother was cured, you know: the devil has his parishioners. He also helps them - for a while. Just to get away from God.

    If such grandmothers do not turn to God for help, they go to healers, to sorcerers, to the servants of the devil, they die in terrible agony and voluntarily commit themselves to hell for eternal torment.

    You look, they say on television: "I am a witch of the fourth or fifth generation. I am flying from fear, from the evil eye, from drinking wine, I will heal from all diseases, I will give good luck in love and business." These "doctors" do not treat with the help of God, they do not advise going to confession, confessing sins. But it is precisely at confession that the Lord forgives repentant sinners and gives grace-filled strength to fight sin, heals.

    The purpose of these "healers" is to tear people away from faith in God. Maybe they do not want people to harm, but still serve the Devil. They themselves fell into his net, and the demons constantly torment them, force them to "treat". And if the sorcerer does not fulfill the will of his masters - evil spirits, he suffers greatly. Such is the "work" of sorcerers, because they voluntarily gave their souls to the demon.

    For people who turn to such a sorcerer, the demon seems to help. The demon himself does not have life in God, he is not able to do good. There is a temporary "improvement" - the soul of the sufferer is captured, and then the disease returns with even greater force. Your grandmother does not curse in vain: and her demons were taken into circulation, began to torment, forced to do their will. And the Lord keeps you for prayers and faithfulness to Him, protects you from curses.

    It is known that not only Orthodox, but also psychics, and even sorcerers go to the temple. I know that some parishioners are embarrassed. They are afraid: suddenly the sorcerer during the service will conjure something or the psychic will work. How to calm such people?

    If sorcerers, magicians, sorcerers of the whole world gather and conjure against you and God does not allow them to harm you, they will not be able to do anything! Without the will of God, not a single leaf will fall from a tree, not a single hair from a human head. Sorcerers have no power over Orthodox believers! Remember it all. Who do they have power over? Anyone who does not go to church, does not pray to God, does not know prayers, is not protected by anything. But even such sorcerers will not be able to harm, if God does not allow it. And He can allow it in order to awaken unbelief from hibernation, to draw the Father into His arms. He reminds a person that without the faith of Christ, the abyss awaits him. And calls him to repentance and correction.

    "Do not be afraid of anyone but God alone!" And people believe more in sorcerers than in God. A man stands in the temple before God, asking Him for protection and patronage. And what? Is God really going to let someone spoil you right here? No. And the sorcerer will not take grace after communion, it will be taken away by our evil will and sinful habits, our passions. We will be rude to our neighbor, we will condemn him, and then we are looking for the guilty - the sorcerer. "The blasphemous will not inherit the Kingdom of God," says the Holy Scripture. Only kind, humble, bright souls enter there.

    All your strength must be concentrated on the thought: "I am zero, I am nothing without God. The living God in me is everything. And I must try to be pure so that He lives in me with His grace!" When we get used to this thought, humble ourselves, and this will be a constant state of our soul, then the Lord will perform miracles through us, will reveal His power. It is said in Holy Scripture: "In the weakness of man the power of God is made perfect."

    The gypsies took my photograph and now they are sending an unclean spirit at me. What to do? Will the Antichrist be able to stamp my photo?

    There is no indication in Holy Scripture that they will put a seal on the image of a person, on his photograph. It says that they will put on the forehead and on right hand. So there is no need to be afraid.

    And the gypsies can't hurt you in any way. All Orthodox Christians must remember: let all the sorcerers, magicians and sorcerers gather to harm and conjure, if God does not allow, they will not be able to do anything.

    If you are spiritually unhappy, I advise you to think not "what are the gypsies doing to me?" But "what have I done wrong in my life?" There is no need to blame anyone: neither gypsies nor sorcerers. We must remember: "What are my sins?" Perhaps there are grave, mortal, unrepentant sins. Maybe you did not repent of these sins at confession, were you ashamed? And they are the stumbling block between God and your soul.

    The Lord allows sorcerers to harm us with a good purpose: so that we look back at our unrighteous lives, repent and begin to live holy. And then not a single sorcerer will harm us - the grace of God will cover and protect us.

    A possessed man was brought to St. Anthony the Great and asked: "Drive the demon out of him!" The monk began to read a prayer and said: "Demon, come out of him!" And he asks: "Where should I go?" Antony replies: "Come into me." - "I'm afraid of you, the Holy Spirit is in you! There is no place for me there!"

    In temples one can often see and hear demon-possessed people. People, seeing them, begin to close their mouths, fearing that the demon will enter them through the mouth. There was such a case. A demon cried out in one woman: “Why did you close your mouth? I won’t enter you, my friend is in you, the demon of fornication sits!” There "hut" is already occupied. When the Holy Spirit is in a person, places evil spirits there isn't.